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Messages - Maybellique

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Current Talk '05 II / Re: 2005 DS Fest "The Stars" Collage
« on: August 16, 2005, 01:36:02 AM »
I thought you did an awesome job, myself. Do you want/need anymore fest pix for collage making? ~DJ

Current Talk '05 II / Re: kls in "gatsby"
« on: August 16, 2005, 01:28:19 AM »
"The Great Gatsby"... wasn't that with Natalie Wood? It WAS, wasn't it? Robert Redford was in this one, too, huh? Shoot. Coincidentally, just last night I was trying to think of which movie NW and RR had been in together. I guess it was Gatsby,
right? I thought it was "Gypsy" for some reason. Oh, well. I guess I'll have to get that one, too. I'm a HUGE Natalie Wood

Btw, I have some screen caps of KLS in Gatsby. If anyone wants to see 'em, just say the word and I'll post 'em. I'm rarely
on this forum, anymore, so if I don't respond within a few days, just inquire at . ~DJ

Current Talk '05 I / Re: "Potential new DS movie"
« on: May 27, 2005, 03:00:54 PM »
That's one movie we're definitely, at least, planning to see. But this last time with Star Wars, Ep III we had arranged for my MIL to take care of our little baby, and she kind of made vacation plans at the last minute. Arrrgh! Anyway, we think we'll be seeing it on Monday.
She wants to make ammends for forgetting the last time. In fact, she felt so bad, she didn't even go on vacation...

Willy Wonka was a childhood fave of mine, so even if we don't get to see it on opening day (i love opening day!!), we'll see it sometime
soon after... hopefully. ;) ~DJ

Hope you have a wonderful birthday, Heather!!! ~DJ

When Barnabas declared that the dying Angelique was his one true love. Sorry, Angelique/Barn fans, but I just don't buy it. Never did, never will.

::applauds:: That was just ridiculous. Hi! You contributed to the death of half my family AND my beloved long-sought after fiancee. But I STILL LOVE YOU! What a joke. Now that's a rating's ploy if I"ve ever seen one. ~DJ

Games / Re: The Signs That You Might Be Addicted To DS
« on: May 21, 2005, 04:52:36 AM »
61. You start splicing your favorite characters together. Man, I would NEVER do that! *nervous laughter*
62. You add the words "Dark Shadows" to every conversation just to see if you've found another fan. (easy one. hope it wasn't taken) :)


This oughta be fun. I'll just respond before I look at any one else's answers and see how we match up later. :p Warning. Everything in here will be spoilage, so keep out if you haven't seen the first half of DS.

1.) Joe Haskell and his over-protective boorish behavior in the presence of Willie Loomis in defense of Maggie. Granted all evidence pointed in Willie's direction that he was indeed the one who kidnapped Maggie, but I thought he was a jerk anyway for punching Willie in the gutt.
2.) During the Maggie kidnapping storyline, MAGGIE WALKED RIGHT BY THE DOOR and down to the basement when she was going to offer Willie the jewels in exchange for her escape. She could have left right then and no one would have been the wiser! Door locked from the inside? Jump out a window! Geez!
3.) No one listened to David Collins.
4.) Willie getting shot just before he went to Wyndcliffe. Poooooor baby!!!
5.) Julia's irreparable habit of dangling her little medallion in the face of those who held the memory that Barn was an A**H***. Sorry to be so blunt. :) At least I censored it.
6.) Two words: "willie beater"
7.) When Barnabas acted like ever the perfect citizen when Willie was implicated for Mag's kidnapping. And of course he was oblivious...
8.) Tom Jennings never got naked.
9.) Alexandra Moltke left the show.
10.) And last but certainliy not least: Magtoria


Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: Illustrations, dahlings
« on: May 20, 2005, 09:04:57 PM »
All I can say is WOW! Those drawings are spectular. :) ~DJ

I'd be in heaven too. Even more so if Lex Luthor was there though.   :P

I couldn't-a put it better myself. ;) ~DJ

[walk] My wife Diane and I plan on being there, not only are we dedicated DS fans, but also fans of Smallville so we look forward to the trip to Greystone which was both Collinwood '91 and the Luthor Mansion on Smallville.

   OH, MY GOD! You have NO idea how far down my bottom lip just dropped at that! That's the Luthor Mansion?!!! I'm gonna
be in heavennnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~DJ

Thanks for the info, MB. :) Yeah, it felt weird that it just disappeared on me like that. I thought
I might have written something innapropriate or something and my post got deleted. But upon
further thought, I realized I hadn't, so... just didn't make sense. Again, thank you for responding
about that.


As for rooms at the Rennaissance, we'll be staying there, also! This'll be mine and my husband's
first time staying at a fancy hotel. That should make the stay all the more worth while! ~DJ

Oh, so HERE"S where my post went off to! Can someone please PM me when ever it's necessary to move my
posts? I had no bloody idea where it was. Much thanks.

Funny you should mention my videos! I just got a new program that works a lot more smoothly than
Movie Maker, so there could be a great possibility that one of my vids might be seen at the fest. :)
No promises, though. But I hope I can get my lazy butt in gear to make one for you guys. If I do
manage to get one up there, I'll be the one hiding behind my husband, blushing from ear to ear. *hehe* ~DJ

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: Dark Shadows Fest '05
« on: May 11, 2005, 01:36:27 PM »
No one wants to talk about the fest? I guess there are no first timers here? ~DJ

Current Talk '05 I / Re: What About an Animated Dark Shadows?
« on: May 11, 2005, 01:28:17 PM »
I think it's called "stop-action". ~DJ

Current Talk '05 I / Re: What About an Animated Dark Shadows?
« on: May 10, 2005, 06:11:16 AM »
A dark shadows cartoon
i love the idea,it sounds good to me
on cartoon network they have this
thing they call adult swim,that would
be a good place to have an animated
dark shadows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Doesn't Adult Swim mainly consist of comedic animations? Or am I missing something
there? ~DJ

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