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Messages - Debra

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Current Talk '03 I / Re:Who Are They?
« on: June 23, 2003, 08:36:37 AM »
Hi Patti,
   I only can make out a few of them that I know.  It looks like there's gonna be a few new faces there on the show.

Deb :)

Wow, this sounds like an interesting one!  Thanks for posting this MsCriseyde.  (and please keep us posted if you hear any more on the movie)  Thanks!

Deb :)

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / Re:OT - LEFT KNEE
« on: June 23, 2003, 08:11:33 AM »
Annie,  I really feel for you because my knee acts up every now and then and it's pretty painful.   I hope you'll be feeling better real soon.

Deb  :)

Current Talk '03 I / Re:COMEDY HOUR BY THE Q-MAN!!!
« on: June 22, 2003, 08:39:52 AM »
Lol!  Quentin does seem to come up with the most funniest and wisecracking answers!  Although Im sure he would have rather have called Bruno a few other names too. ;)


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / Re:Q for Parents
« on: June 21, 2003, 08:04:09 AM »
Wishing you the best of everything LAFB!  You have so many wonderful years ahead of you!!   Geesh,  how I wish I was that age again!!   Enjoy it all and live life to the fullest!!!

Deb :)

These are great!  I really enjoy reading them,  thanks Nicky!  And thanks to Midnite also for posting the info!


LOL!  dom,  and in my family it's "Carmine" (my Dad's name) and John.  And I have quite a few Aunts named Angelina too!   I guess I broke with tradition then because my kids names are kind of different from the old family ones.   I was so glad that I didn't have a boy because my relatives kept saying,  "oh, if it's a boy you have to name him Carmine!"  And as much as I love my Dad,  well, the name, Im not too crazy about.

Hey don't feel too bad Cassandra,  my dad's name is Carmelo but thank goodness my brother named one of his boys the same name so I sort of got out of that one, lol!!!  At least Carmine isn't as ethnic sounding as Carmelo is though.


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / Re:ShadowGram Update #96
« on: June 20, 2003, 07:50:31 AM »
Thanks for the update!!

Deb :)

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Best and Worst of Leviathans
« on: June 18, 2003, 10:30:03 PM »
Oh Yippeeee!   A poll!!!!

Most welcome character (the one you were happiest to see)?
Nickolas Blair

Your favorite character in Leviathans, period.
Elizabeth,  I loved the chilling coldness that she portrayed throughout this storyline because it was so unlike her usual characters.

Favorite duo (non-romantic)?
Julia & Quentin

Favorite romantic pairing?
Megan & Philip  (who else were there)

Favorite minor character?

Most irritating character?
Bruno!!  (and his hair!!)

Scene(s) you can watch over and over and over and...?
Amanda falling off the cliff!!

Most wasted opportunity?
Not to have a better story concerning Carolyn and her father Paul Stoddard.  I would have like to have them develop a somewhat father/daughter relationship before they so rapidly killed him off.

Best plot twist?
Angelique meeting up with Nickolas Blair again!!

Which scene had you yelling at your TV screen the loudest?
Peter Bradford's ghost appearing to Jeb!

What moment made you cheer the loudest?
Chris getting rid of Bruno!!

Moment in which you most wondered, "What were the writers smoking?"
There were many moments in which I wondered that but the most that comes to mind is when Peter Bradford's ghost returned to haunt Jeb.  Why on earth did they have to squeeze this into the storyline?  Come on already, we've had enough of Peter Bradford!!!

Event or revelation that made you ask, "What were the writers smoking?"
Peter Bradford implying that Jeb was responsible for Vicky's death!!  This really disappointed me because I liked how the Vicky/Peter storyline ended with the two of them finally happy and I would have liked to keep it at that!   I feel the writers spoiled a major part of a story for alot of viewers here, they should have left well enough alone.

Favorite prop?
Naga Box

Favorite special effect?
Elizabeth's dream sequence

Least favorite special effect?
that crazy cut out shadow!

Favorite outfit?
I really liked Elizabeth's black dress.

Ugliest outfit?
Bruno's fur coat

What scene had you closest to tears (because it was so touching)?
Carolyn loosing her father and then standing there at his tombstone in the cemetary.  It was so heartbreaking to see her like this, knowing that she had just found her father and it looked like it was the beginning of a real father/daughter relationship, then all hell broke loose.

What scene had you closest to tears (from laughing)?
Sky running around looking ridiculous with that fire poker!

Moment or event that made your jaw drop the farthest?
Seeing Peter Bradford's ghost haning in David's room!  I said to myself, oh no, not again!

What nagging question were you left with?  (Uh, try to narrow it down,
please. )

There are too many to list.  First of all what happened to Oberon and Haza?  They were appearing to Barnabas whenever they felt he did something that wasn't approved by them, yet Jeb destroys the whole leviathan alter and nothing happens?

Finally, what was your reaction to this storyline?
Well since this was my first time viewing it I have to say that Im pretty glad thats it's over and it will certainly be a long time before I decided to watch this storyline again.


Current Talk '03 I / Re:PT Characters
« on: June 17, 2003, 06:53:05 PM »
I guess I can't say I blame A.M for not wanting to return to the show,  I guess it does get tiring after awhile playing the helpless victim over and over again.

They didn't necessarily have to give her a real evil part to play, she didn't have to be as bad as Angelique,  just not as innocent and helpless as before.

I feel D.C. should have at least gave her a chance at it,  after all look at Prof Stokes and Julia?   Who would have thought they could play evil parts when they're characters were first introduced on the show?   And yet they play it off nicely.


Current Talk '03 I / Re:Buried
« on: June 16, 2003, 10:36:13 AM »
How about Maude Browning from 1795?  I remember Lt.Forbes & Noah taking her out of Trask's room to bury her somewhere,  I just can't remember where?


Current Talk '03 I / Re:Buried
« on: June 15, 2003, 10:23:56 AM »
How about that poor unknown woman of the night that Aristede & Petofi used for the I Ching wands that would up turning into a skeleton.[crossbones]


So, get your mouse and clicking finger ready and start enjoying all of this RIGHT NOW!!

Oh no!  I was just getting use to this whole karma thing and now there's more?  MB, don't you ever rest?  When do you find the time to sleep? ;)


Current Talk '03 I / Re:Midnite: What's the Final Tally
« on: June 13, 2003, 08:10:53 AM »
Professor Stokes, that was priceless!!


Current Talk '03 I / Re:Carolyn's Make-Up
« on: June 13, 2003, 08:08:19 AM »
You're absolutely right about where it belongs and as you can see it's been moved.  There's a brief explanation for each board on the Home page that's repeated on the board itself.  It's sometimes difficult, I agree, but I think it'll get easier for all of us as the newness of having separate boards wears off.

Oop sorry Midnite about the mistake.  I didn't realize that I had put it in the wrong place until after I had posted the message and I wasn't sure if we ourselves could move the post or if you the moderators have to do it.
Thanks for putting this in the right section.


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