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Messages - Ben

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Calendar Events / Announcements '05 II / Re: Happy Birthday to Teresalita!
« on: September 18, 2005, 03:01:31 AM »
Happy Birthday, Teresalita, and many more!  Can't believe it's been three years since I met you at the Anaheim Fest.

All the best,

Ben  8)

Looking forward to it!  :D

I'll be honored to see you and Bette, Midnite!

Ben  :)

Will you by any chance be at Vroman's Bookstore in Pasadena in November? They have frequent book signings.

Hey there, Bette!  Are you my secret agent?  As a matter of fact, I will be at Vroman's in Pasadena on Sunday, Nov. 6 at 5 p.m., together with Jayne Meadows.  We will also do a signing at Dutton's Bookstore in Beverly Hills on Sunday, Nov. 4 at 6:30 p.m.


Congrats and happy birthday.  That's quite an accomplishment on the book!

What cable channel for Arlene Peck's show?  I live in Los Angeles but have not heard of her show.

Thanks, *starshine*!  All I know is that we taped it at the Adelphia Cable studios in Santa Monica, apparently for broadcast to Adelphia subscribers.  Does this help?  Arlene Peck has had her talk show for several years and has attracted several guests from entertainment (Ed Asner, Gavin MacLeod), law (Gloria Allred), and other fields.  Steve Allen was a frequent guest and even wrote the theme song to her show (when he discovered that she didn't have one).


I forgot to mention in my prior post that my book has a tiny little connection to DS.  TLATKLS, who runs a successful publishing company of her own, Pomegranate Press, has been extremely supportive of my project and has generously given me tons of professional advice over the last few years.  Her name appears in the acknowledgments section of the book.


Thanks, Midnite, et al. for your birthday greetings and good wishes.  I'm sorry I couldn't make the Fest but was in L.A. a week earlier to do initial promoton for my book.  Does anyone get the cable show, "Wow! It's Arlene Peck," hosted by syndicated columnist Arlene Peck?  It airs mainly in southern California but gets picked up in a few other markets.  Jayne Meadows and I taped a half-hour interview with Arlene that will air sometime in October.

I will return to L.A. in early November for a series of media events.  Will keep you posted.  Thanks again!


Thanks so much, Bobubas, for your posting!  Yes, the name of the show is "Meeting of Minds," and would you believe that it took Steve Allen 18 years to launch it?  He originally conceived the concept in 1959 and tried to air it on his Sunday night prime-time comedy series, but the network vetoed it, fearing that a debate about capital punishment on a comedy-variety show might antagonize viewers and sponsors.  Thanks to Allen's persistence, "Meeting of Minds" became a PBS institution from 1977 to '81, winning coveted Peabody and Emmy awards.  There is a brief section about it in my book.  Allen was very proud of this series and felt that it would have more lasting value than any of the comedy and music programs for which he had become better known.


Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: Fest 2005: Who's Going?
« on: July 28, 2005, 11:03:21 PM »
Many congratulations to you on your completed book, Ben! [thumb] We'll miss you at the Fest, but hope to see you next year.

Thanks, ProfStokes!  I remember that your numbers were showstoppers at the 2002 Fest!  I look forward to hearing similar reports from this year's program.


Happy Birthday, Gothick!  Hallie Stokes sends you her most charming (albeit annoying) greetings.  8)

All the best,


Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: Fest 2005: Who's Going?
« on: July 25, 2005, 07:46:17 PM »
Hi, Everybody:

I, too, had to pick one of two choices, both of which involved traveling to L.A., but at different times.  I just finished writing a book that will come out in October, and I knew I would have to go to L.A. in July to do some pre-publicity.  Unfortunately, I could not get my meetings and interviews to coincide with Fest week, so I spent last week soaking up the unseasonably hot and humid L.A. weather.  Now I'm back in Chicago, fondly remembering playing at the piano party in 2002 at the Anaheim Marriott -- what a fun night that was. 

No doubt those of you who can make it this time will have a blast.  If this is your first time, you'll be in for lots of fun surprises and wonderful cameraderie among the folks who post here.  You're in good hands with Midnite!


P.S.  In case you're wondering, the title of my book is "Inventing Late Night: Steve Allen and the Original Tonight Show" (Prometheus Books, release date Oct. 1, 2005).  Foreword by Jay Leno.  It's already listed on the Amazon and Barnes & Noble websites.  For those of you in Southern California, Jayne Meadows (Allen's widow) and I taped an interview with talk show host/columnist Arlene Peck that will air some time in October on one of your local cable stations.

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: Happy Birthday, Ben!
« on: September 07, 2004, 09:57:55 PM »
You're all so thoughtful to remember my birthday.  Midnite, I remember posing for that pic with Nicky and John in SC -- we don't hear, see, or speak about birthdays, do we ....  How chilling, though, to realize that we were in the lobby of the Marriott WTC in 2001 -- what fond memories I have of that place.

I really missed seeing you all at last month's Fest.  :(  I'm sure Bobubas, who lives in my neck of the Chicago woods, relayed my greetings and best wishes.  Hope to see you next year and play my latest piano set!


Thanks, Claude North, for all the hard work you put into sharing these images.  What a different look Grayson had here ... not only with the make-up and hair, but her facial expressions and demeanor are so un-Julia.  What type of character did she play on this NG ep?

Yes, no one can handle the phone like Grayson.  Nor can anyone can handle gloves like she did in her ever-so-nonchalant way. 

Hi to John in SC!



Welcome back to the mainland!  Your accounts are fascinating.  Like Jennifer, I had never considered going on a cruise -- but my idea of one has never come anywhere near the grand, historic, and enriching voyage you experienced. 

You'll have to post pictures of the highlights, as well as of yourself before and after losing the 10 lbs.  8)


Midnite, I hope you enjoyed every minute of your birthday and arel savoring every minute of the Fest.  I'd love to be playing "After Midnite" on the hotel piano and watching all our DS friends "let it all hang out."

Thank you for the many things you do, most of which we probably don't even see.

All the best,

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: Happy Birthday Bobubas!
« on: August 14, 2004, 03:33:43 AM »
Bobubas, I'm so late to greet you.   :-[  Hope you got older in style.

Wish I could be playing a few DS tunes for you and my DS friends at the Fest.  I'll be thinking of you -- have a blast!


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