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Messages - Stuart

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46 | Dark Shadows Journal Online

New on the site:

* Lara Parker - Writing The Salem Branch

The Angelique actress talks about her new Dark Shadows novel in an exclusive interview

Stay happy

Stuart :)

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Dark Shadows Music
« on: July 06, 2006, 06:25:07 PM »
The show's music and sound effects were played onto the soundtrack live in the studio gallery, but the actors were not able to hear this.

48 | Dark Shadows Journal Online

New on the site:

* Marilyn Ross Interview

Marilyn Ross is a familiar name to Dark Shadows fans, emblazoned across millions of copies of the Dark Shadows spin-off novels produced in the 1960s. In reality, the author of the books was prolific Canadian writer Dan Ross, who used his wife's name as a pseudonym for the books. Dan's widow Marilyn gives us some insight into the most successful range of Dark Shadows merchandise ever produced¢â‚¬¦



They are from two different re-issues that MPI did in the 1990s.  Both are facsimiles, but for the second wave the box art was updated.  The earlier version is the one with the House of Dark Shadows photo, which was issued around 1998.

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 I / Re: Stuart's Sunday Birthday
« on: April 17, 2006, 05:49:49 PM »
Awwww.... thanks guys!  I had a great day :)

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 I / Re: Dan Curtis Has Died
« on: March 28, 2006, 09:12:35 AM »
Very sad news - I've just posted some obituary material on my site.

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 I / DS Journal Updates (March 21)
« on: March 21, 2006, 08:26:23 PM » | Dark Shadows Journal Online:

New on the site:

* Four-Colour Shadows

A detailed history of the classic Gold Key Dark Shadows comic books!

* Illustrated Episode Guide

Now with 15 new summaries from 1968



Current Talk '06 I / Re: Gold Key Comics
« on: March 21, 2006, 08:21:58 PM »
I've just published an article on my site, detailing the history of the comics - check it out at

Current Talk '06 I / Re: A Dark Shadows Question
« on: March 12, 2006, 03:12:41 AM »
As far as I know, he just chose to move on to other things.  Also, Costello was brought to the show initially to provide the production expertise that Dan Curtis did not have.  Two years into the run, Curtis had the experience to play a much more hands-on role, which may also have altered the contribution of a producer.  For instance, having spoken briefly to Peter Miner, he recalls being specifically being employed to oversee the day-to-day running and admin side of production, and took little or no creative responsibility.

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 I / Dark Shadows Journal Updated: 2/27
« on: February 27, 2006, 04:44:45 AM » | Dark Shadows Journal Online

New on the site:

* Illustrated Episode Guide

Now with 45 new summaries from 1968 and over 80 new screen captures



Polls Archive / Re: Return To Collinwood - In Continuity or Not?
« on: January 04, 2006, 05:34:01 AM »

i don't think any of us who's opinion differs from yours deserve to be "pitied" and our reasons for thinking that what happened on the original series is canon are "flimsy".

There's a difference between considering something "a pity" and telling someone that they are to be "pitied".  And I'll happily reiterate that it's a pity - disapproving of something out of principle rather than for its actual merits does seem needlessly negative.  I guess it's the whole attitude of trying to find reasons *not* to like something. 

Polls Archive / Re: Return To Collinwood - In Continuity or Not?
« on: January 04, 2006, 03:44:45 AM »
I don't really get the whole debate about canon, to be honest.  As far as I'm concerned, be it novel, comic, book, CD or whatever, they're all stories with their own merits.  For what it's worth, a sequel with the original actors, produced by Dan Curtis Productions is as about as official as you're likely to get.  But, does it really matter if it's "canon"?

All that canon really means is "I like this story less than this story" -- ultimately, it just doesn't matter.  If someone likes something enough, they'll make it fit, regardless of how contradictory or illogical it might be. Note how many fans dismiss the Leviathan and Vicki developments off the bat.

I know the original DS episodes from back to front, and much as I enjoy them, there's a finite amount of mileage to be had from them.  I'll happily embrace any new stories or ideas, becasue I'd prefer to look forward rather than back.  With audios and novels there's a potential for Dark Shadows to feel alive and vibrant, rather than trapped in the past tense.  I think it's a great pity if fans really do dismiss new productions out of principle for such a flimsy reason.

Current Talk '05 II / Re: The 2004 WB Pilot
« on: October 14, 2005, 10:33:17 AM »
Is it true that, in the 2004 pilot, the Old House appears larger and more opulent than Collinwood?  And if so, was this explained in any way?

Collinwood looks much bigger in the episode - the exterior is digitally extended in a couple of shots and we see several rooms along the way. The Old House we see a little of - mainly a large reception hall and staircase and Josette's room. It doesn't necessarily look more opulent - it looks more European, though, with a Renaissance vibe running through the decor; Collinwood has more of a manor house feel.  The Old House exterior is based on a French chateau, and is much smaller than the main mansion.

Current Talk '05 II / Re: The 2004 WB Pilot
« on: October 05, 2005, 02:40:45 AM »
I completely disagree that Michael Roberts' Sheriff Patterson was in any way racist in any way shape or form.

Agreed...  It's no more valid than saying Roger is a racist reflection on the white community.  I liked the pilot's take on the role a great deal - he projects unquestionable decency and intregrity, but is clearly massively out of his depth.  Patterson in the 1991 show was a total cypher and a thankless role.  You don't get any sense of who he is, whether he has family, friends - anything!?!  The 2004 Patterson gives the audience so much more - I get a real sense of a wife-and-kids guy driven by rugged values, who's never had to question any of his outlooks or beliefs...  until now.

Current Talk '05 II / Re: The 2004 WB Pilot
« on: October 04, 2005, 08:00:06 AM »
My biggest concern about the casting of Kelly Hu as Julia, actually has little to do with Julia.... my concern about Hu in the role actually has more to do with the time-travel/multiple role thing.

Mark Verheiden has stated he was not interested in doing the flashback sequences like the original, so it wouldn't have been an issue.

Also, for people asking about Blue Collar Barnabas - that's more an image thing than anything else, touted more in the planning stages than the execution.  Accordingly, Alec Newman's first scene shot (Barnabas in Vicki's bedroom) features him with designer stubble, which disappears for the rest of the pilot.  They decided afterwards that the look wasn't right, and so that scene would have been picked up and reshot had there been a series.

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