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Messages - MrsJ

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It's such a shame that she passed away when she did.  DS fandom was just beginning to take off in 1985, and one can only imagine what her contributions to the Fests would have been like.  Although, I think it's safe to assume she would have stolen the show every time!

With her sense of humor, I think her reaction might have been similar to William Shatner's "Will you people get a life?!"  

Would love to have had the opportunity to shake her hand...


Happy Birthday (love the pic!)   ;D

Enjoy your website also, thanks for the work you put into it!


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Where are you GOinnnnggg, Docccturrrr??
« on: August 06, 2002, 07:46:57 PM »
        I sometimes think that Adam not only holds Barn's curse, but that he inherited some of the vampire's old intolerant attitude towards people, as well!

Actually, Adam and Barnabas are not so very different, are they?  Barnabas has the sophistocation that Adam sorely lacks (lol), but beyond that...


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Contract time
« on: August 05, 2002, 08:25:01 PM »
as much as i like Ben Cross he isn't Barnabas to me but there is also only one Willie, Julia, Roger .... too,couldn't see anyone else playing Quentin either

I agree.  It was a mistake to try to use the original characters with a new cast.  Perhaps Dan Curtis miscalculated strength of the fan base (can it be that he actually makes mistakes??)


Current Talk '02 II / Re: MIND GAMES
« on: August 05, 2002, 08:19:52 PM »
I think the list would be shorter if we were to decide who *didn't* need psychoanalysis...very short indeed!


It was good to see the old adversarial chemistry between Julia and Barnabas again, if only for a few seconds.  I do wish Julia hadn't lost her edge!


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Would-be Blooper
« on: August 05, 2002, 12:57:30 AM »
Cassandra's wig would fall off!! [eek]                                              

Hey, there is an actual almost blooper concerning wigs and Grayson Hall...

SPOILERS again...

During the 1897 storyline Magda is involved in a struggle with Crazy Jenny ( I think), and at the end of the scene Grayson is suppose to fall to the floor.  Well, she does, but unfortunately that black wig had apparently come loose during the scene.  So...Magda is seen falling to the floor clutching the top of her head...thus saving a potentially *huge* blooper!  


(I would love to have heard Grayson's reaction to that one, lol).

Current Talk '02 II / Re: TASTE OF TIME
« on: August 04, 2002, 06:54:56 PM »
Which of the following rooms would you like to explore?

1841PT  Lottery room

1840 Playroom

Parallel Time room

Leviathan room (in the antique store)

I'd have to go with the Leviathan room because

Possible Spoilers...

I want to see what the "Leviathan Lung Brat" really looks like! I must credit Robin V. for the above descriptive phrase (I chuckle every time I see it).


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Carl Collins?
« on: August 04, 2002, 06:48:24 PM »
IMHO, Carl is hilarious.  Several of his scenes make me laugh out loud, including a great one involving Barnabas. I think you'll like Carl --- Karlen does his usual outstanding job.

I agree, Carl is a hoot!  And the scene where he meets his "cousin" Barnabas is priceless...I have no idea how Frid kept a straight face.   ;D


I didn't particularly like him in the 1795 flashback as peter bradford, but now as jeff clark he is horrible.  He always seems to be irascible and moody, and is seldom friendly to anyone on the show. Actually i am holding back - i can't stand watching him!  LMAO.  I can't wait till he is off the show.  

Possible Spoilers...

Unfortunately, most of the Roger Davis characters are as obnoxious as Jeff/Peter.  The exception, IMO is vampire Dirk W., who is at least watchable.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Which is the dullest knife in the drawer???
« on: August 02, 2002, 11:39:20 PM »
PERSONALLY, I have to go with Maggie on this one.

Although the competition is fierce, I also have to go with Maggie.  
As an aside, I think Julia ought to brush up on her hypnosis technique or invest in a neuralizer (a la Men in Black).


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Josette's Musicbox
« on: August 02, 2002, 11:33:26 PM »
The music box never bothered me (though I do prefer the first version of the song.)  I was never a big fan of the playroom theme, but the Blue Whale songs (all two of them) always drove me batty.


Well, music has changed quite a bit since the Blue Whale era, but I have to admit that at the time, they were pretty "hip"  :D.  Everytime I hear them, I picture Carolyn dancing...


Current Talk '02 II / Re: What if Hoffman had been a dude?
« on: August 02, 2002, 09:47:23 PM »

Barnabas killing Dr. Woodard and involving Julia against her will stands out to me as one of the most horrifying moments of the DS series, and it is one of the reasons why I don't care for Barnabas as a character.  He was always self-involved and inconsiderate, but I think this action was the very ultimate example of his bad behavior.  Sure, I know this was during a time when they till planned to have him killed, but that episode bothers me to this day.  Okay, make-believe, vampire, yada yada but it still bugs me.   ::)

I agree with you about the Barnabas character.  But...what has always bugged me about this storyline was that Julia abandoned her everything...morals, ethics, hippocratic participate in the murder of a colleague.  It could be argued that Barnabas, being a vampire at that point, was suppose to be nasty, self absorbed, etc.  But Julia, although admittedly emotionally blackmailed by Barnabas, could have made another (albeit difficult) choice.  
And I understand what you mean, make-believe or not, it still bugs me.  It's--just--not--what--I--think--Julia would have done!


Current Talk '02 II / Re: What if Hoffman had been a dude?
« on: August 01, 2002, 09:47:09 PM »
My obvious feelings aside. . i couldn't help but wonder what it would've been like had they cast a man as Dr. Hoffman ..can you imagine Barney, Willie and Julian doing all that they are now doing. . what would've been the 'emotional blackmail' Barnabas would've used against Julian?  And every day in and out. .watching three dudes tussel with this evil guy or that evil man.  .of course there would've been Angie trying to always get Julian to want her in order that he would betray Barnabas but I actually think.  .it might've been more than kinda boring. . .but then maybe it would've had a more Hogan's Hero's kinda style???   :P

If Dr. Hoffman had been a man, he would have only lasted the 12 weeks originally slated for the character.  Barn. would have dispensed of him in record time.   ;)


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Every 6 weeks
« on: July 31, 2002, 03:59:12 AM »
I don't care what length it is, as long as it *her* hair.  I can't stand that wig...


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