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Messages - mfmdpt

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Current Talk '02 I / Re: More about DS on DVD
« on: March 12, 2002, 08:17:34 AM »
The DVD player has to be sent out to be realined about every year and a half.  I didn't expect that.



I don't want to accuse that sales clerk of not quite knowing what he/she was talking about because maybe there are some brands of DVD players that need to be realigned every year and a half. BUT two of my friends and I have owned DVD players for between three and two and a half years, we all watch DVDs frequently (around 6 to 10 a month), and not one of us has ever had our player realigned. In fact, I've never even heard or read about a make or model of DVD player that has to be realigned after such a short period.
Maybe I'm just not talking to the right people or reading the right articles. Maybe all three of us have just had really good luck with our players. I don't know. But I'd love to know where that sales clerk got his/her information...
My advice to you would be that the next time you go browsing for a player, you might want to try a different store. ;)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: I gotta stand up for Angelique
« on: March 11, 2002, 10:50:06 PM »
gods, I'd love to have been a fly on the wall when Mrs. Sky presided over the Little Windward Island Ladies Auxiliary Shriners League luncheon!).

Only you would picture Angelique presiding over a LWI Ladies Auxilary Shriners League luncheon, Steve! [evilg] Even in her most contented, I've-given-up-witchcraft-because-I-love-my-man moments, somehow I just can't picture her in that sort of setting. Given how competitive Ang is with practically every other woman alive, she wouldn't last five seconds before she'd want to turn one of the bitchier ladies into a water cress and endive sandwich and eat her alive - LOL!

Current Talk '02 I / Re: OT - Lincoln Park
« on: March 11, 2002, 10:36:35 PM »
(I came across Rt 6 last summer to go to RI and saw an old roller coaster that was once Lincoln Park Looked like a ghost town did you ever go there? :'(


I don't know about Birdie, but I used to go to Lincoln Park all the time as a kid. It was only about 5 miles from where I lived back then, and I live less than 4 miles from there now. Sometimes when I have to go to North Dartmouth (pronounced North Dotmeth by most locals ;) ), I'll take Rt 6 rather than Rt 195 because it's usually quicker, and when I pass by Lincoln Park I can't believe what it looks like now compared to what it used to be like 30 years ago. There used to be three really poplular amusement parks around back then (Lincoln Park, Crescent Park and Rocky Point) and all three of them have since closed. Sad really.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Rogues we LOVE to hate
« on: March 10, 2002, 10:49:17 PM »
I think I'm going to have to say that I rather like Jason.  Scum of the earth, greedy, etc., but he made me laugh.  And he had all that nasty charm.

There's my favorite: Roger.  Again, the humor factor.  Sarcastic wit and vicious, but such fun to watch.

I couldn't agree with more about these two, Luciaphil! Some of my favorite moments during the Jason/Liz blackmailing storyline were when Jason and Roger traded barbs and non sequiturs with each other. One of their best scenes together has to be the one that took place in Ep #197 in Collinwood's basement when Roger caught Jason snooping around the door to "The Room" and the two of them traded quips about the lock on the door, Jason's supposed collection of locks, and how he switched to collecting stamps. Just hysterical! LOL!

Current Talk '02 I / Re: In Defense of Vicky
« on: March 08, 2002, 02:44:02 AM »
but I think there really is an argument here to be made for mental instability.  It certainly explains Peter Bradford  ;).

So THAT'S what explains Peter Bradford! Thanks for finally putting your finger on it, Luciaphil. :D

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Those wacky duellists!
« on: March 07, 2002, 09:56:22 PM »
Amazing though how a shot in the chest somehow spreads to the face . . . like they were thinking it was equivalent to measles  8)

It's funny how that works. ;)

Knowing that Anthony George had only signed a six month contract, you'd think that the writers and directors would have been smart enough to realize that Jeremiah should have been wounded in the face - especially when the writers had most probably already planned what Angelique would do seven episodes later. At least I hope they already knew what was going to be happening seven episodes later. They often flew by the seat of their pants, but I hope they never cut things that close - LOL!

Another thing that really annoyed me is that this happened back in December but was not addressed by the school board until AFTER the high school wrestling championships - coinkeedink - don't THINK so!  >:(

And the really sad thing, CastleBee, is that attitude isn't unique in this country. :( You really have to wonder about the twisted value system some people seem to have, a system where prestige, money and doing well in a championship is more important than the welfare of the students they're supposedly looking out for.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Rev. Trask fashion question
« on: March 07, 2002, 09:29:41 PM »
Might that have inspired SNL's Father Guido Sarducci?

LOL! Good one. [thumb]

About a year ago there was a discussion on the old VN board about one of the reasons some fans have experienced problems playing the DS Special Edition DVD being that there's as yet no standard recording/encoding format for DVDs. Well, it looks like the industry is finally getting its act together by trying to come up with that standard. The only problem is it still hasn't been decided if this new standard will be compatible with DVDs that are already on the market. But I suspect that the industry would be making a colossal mistake if it didn't make the future geneneration of DVD players/recorders able to continue to at least decode and playback the already existing recording/encoding formats.

DVD Recording Standard Stirs Interest

Nine top companies have signed on to create a new DVD recording standard, hoping to ease the current confusion in the market. Today, consumers must sign on--by dint of the brand of recorder they pick--to one of three standards: DVD-RAM (backed by Matsushita and Toshiba), DVD-RW (endorsed by Pioneer), or DVD+RW (pushed by Philips, Sony, and others). Competing standards and the still-steep prices of DVD recording hardware are serving to hold back what otherwise looks like a breakout market.
The as-yet unnamed new standard will be cross-platform, encompassing consumer set-top hardware and PC hardware. "The goal is to have one standard and not have anybody jump ship on it," says Andy Marken, communications coordinator for the Recordable DVD Council.
The nine companies are Hitachi, LG Electronics (maker of Zenith products), Matsushita, Philips, Pioneer, Samsung, Sharp, Sony, and Thomson. Toshiba is not currently involved but is expected to join soon.
According to one estimate, the standard could be published as soon as mid-2003. Whether the standard will be backward-compatible with existing DVD formats is not yet clear.
For more on the promise of this standard, click here

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Mr. Grayson Hall joins the show!
« on: February 20, 2002, 02:27:52 AM »
Posted by mfmiozza on February 19, 2002 at 20:27:52:
In Reply to: Re: Mr. Grayson Hall joins the show! posted by Vlad on February 19, 2002 at 18:08:01:

Sorry, Vlad, but you might want to get used to believing it because here's an excerpt from Sam Hall's most famous (or is it infamous? ;)) interview in the DS Files books:

Q: What got you interested in writing, particularly in writing soap operas?
A: I'd gone to Yale Drama School to become a playwrite. When I came back to new York there was a television director who asked me to do a show for Fred Cole, which I did. Then I did all sorts of things and it was simply during one terrible fallow period in our lives that Grayson had gotten Dark Shadows, and I had nothing to do with it. I just cued her as she learned her lines.
One night, after she'd been on for about six months, Dan Curtis, who owned the show and was a magician of sorts...a really incredible man...hadf talked the actors into crossing a picket line, because he said the show would go off the airif they didn't. Grayson was a firm labor union woman, but he was so persuasive that he got all these actors to do it and continue filming the show.
Dan arrived there one night, the first time I'd met him, with this triumph ringing in his ears, and he said, "Will you write Dark Shadows for me?" I said, "No, I really don't want to do it and, besides, you don't know me." I hate people who say, "Would you do this," and they wake up in the morning with a hangover saying, " My God, why did I do that?" So I said, "I don't even want to answer that," and the party went on.
The next day he called and said, "I meant it." I asked him, "Well, do you know anything about me?" And he said, "Yes, I know your credits. Why don't you start next week?" So I did.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Dark Shadows Pink Cards Help!!
« on: February 09, 2002, 07:35:22 PM »
Originally posted by mfmiozza on February 09, 2002 at 13:35:22:

If anyone can help me I'd be eternally greatful!

That's #56, Arashi.  ;)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: A Heartfelt Suggestion for Dr. H.
« on: February 09, 2002, 03:35:38 AM »
Posted by mfmiozza on February 08, 2002 at 21:35:38:
In Reply to: Re: A Heartfelt Suggestion for Dr. H. posted by Ben on February 08, 2002 at 19:58:31:

Bob the Barttender's
I would like to offer Julia another suggestion to aid the aged and excessively wrinkled resident of the Old House:

This list is hystercal! :D

(bracing myself to be strangled by Barnabas when I break this news to him)

You're too much.  ;)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: "That 'place' in Brazil...?"
« on: February 08, 2002, 12:19:26 AM »
 Originally posted by mfmiozza on February 07, 2002 at 18:19:26:
In Reply to: Re: "That 'place' in Brazil...?" posted by Ben on February 07, 2002 at 06:30:40:

I could hear him saying, "You must mean Belem, Vicki -- er, Julia -- er, Elizabeth ..."


But as for you other two:

Incidentally, this famous lake was a South American body of water that Sister Imelda neglected to cover in geography class way back in grade school. After all these years, I wonder why?
The first syllable had definite meaning, but then so did the last two taken together.

Are you both sure you're not STILL in grade school? ;)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: The Original Idea for 1795
« on: February 05, 2002, 12:20:32 AM »
Originally posted by mfmiozza on February 04, 2002 at 18:20:32
In Reply to: Re: The Original Idea for 1795 posted by Gerard:

[spoiler]then Vicki would not have met Peter Bradford and blah-blah-blah, you know the rest.[/spoiler]

Oh, Gerard, if only you'd been there to make that suggestion. Think of what we would have been spared! ;)

VAM wrote:
Ben Stokes' diary ... It was used during the 1841 storyline.

As well as in 1897. :)

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: TLATKLS Alert
« on: February 03, 2002, 04:14:55 AM »
Posted by mfmiozza on February 02, 2002 at 22:14:55:
In Reply to: Re: TLATKLS Alert by Bob the Bartender on February 02, 2002 at 17:44:42:

we are treated to a wonderful view of the Tappan Zee Bridge which spans the Hudson River from Nyack to Tarrytown, NY!!! Another great DS blooper!

Palm trees are one thing; they were definitely out of place. But a bridge in and of itself isn't really a blooper. Who's to say that the Tappan Zee Bridge wasn't playing the part of a bridge that could actually exist in a town like Collinsport, ME? ;)

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