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Messages - LoveAtFirstBITE

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Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:Double the Excitement!
« on: July 10, 2003, 05:21:28 PM »
Happy Birthday to Donna and Barnster.........

So I'm ROBINV............[hello]

Now who has my name?  [nerv]

Current Talk '03 I / Re:No Embalming in Collinsport?
« on: July 05, 2003, 01:53:23 AM »
Not embalming?  Isn't that against the law in some states?  I guess Maine isn't one of them.
It's not against the law, but some undertakers like to give the impression that it is so they can make more $$ (Or so I'm told).
Brrr.  Hafta go, this creepy subject is giving me goosebumps!!!   [a2a3]

Me too.  [peepwall]

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / Re:John Karlen's Son
« on: July 02, 2003, 09:19:36 PM »
Can anyone else see the pictures of Karlen? Everytime I click it on I get an error.  :'(

I remember this episode!  "Meathead"  was going to go skiing with Karlen, after he promised the little woman he would go to a party with her.  (Just saw Rob Reiner on Letterman and he's lost a lot of weight!)


Current Talk '03 I / Re:The Elephant in Dr. Longworth's Lab
« on: June 27, 2003, 05:29:47 PM »
I realize that as a gay man, I am prone to watch DS in a certain way, but I really found myself wondering--whatever the writer and director intended--whether David Selby, Lisa Richards and Chris Pennock had intended to play the scene in Cyrus' lab today where Cyrus "returns" and "explains" about his "working relationship" with Yeagar, as if Sabrina and Quentin suspected Cyrus of having had a sexual fling with Yeagar that the latter then chose to turn to his own nasty advantage.

Quentin's expression throughout the scene looked as if he'd lifted a stone and found something foul--a common mainstream straight-male reaction to insinuations of homosexuality then as now.  And Sabrina looked as if she was ready to burst into tears at any moment (which is kind of Sabrina's default setting).

I know that the text was that Longworth had run into trouble getting illegal substances for his experiments or some similar underworld thing with Yeagar, but the SUBTEXT seemed to turn around "so this is Cyrus' dirty little secret."

You were not alone, Gothick!  That was exactly the feeling I got watching the scene, although it probably sounded silly at the time.

Current Talk '03 I / Re:GOREGOUS IN BLUE !!!
« on: June 18, 2003, 09:33:15 PM »
Hey gang didn't The Q-man look goregous in
his blue suit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   YUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The man would look gorgeous in a hefty bag.  I notice these small things now that Barnabas is currently stashed away(and it might as well BE in a hefty bag).

                  :'(           [bawling2]           :'(                [bawling2]             :'(

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / Re:Q for Parents
« on: June 18, 2003, 09:04:28 PM »
Thank you,            [9391]           thank you everybody.

And now..........

I open the mail this afternoon when I get home and what do I find??

A card from Carol, with MONEY!          [greed]


                  [hello]              Thank you so much Carol!!              [hello]

We see Barnabas' chained coffin as the credits roll. It makes me aware of how long this dry spell without him is going to be.

[bawling2]  As if the HUGE picture of a chained coffin wasn't enough.............that better be one hell of a book Will's writing.

And that's not all (as if any of thought is was? [wink2]) - there's a whole new section in the forum's Statistics Center devoted to Karma (Top 10 Cures, Top 10 Curses, Top 10 Positive Total, Top 10 Negative Total). Whoa! Could it get any better? I don't think so!! [lghy]

I don't think so either!!  Wow!  Now we've got a whole area of the board dedicated to the popular and unpopular for everyone to see!!  All we need now is a statistical analysis of the cure to curse ratio.

Is this really necessary?  I can see how the whole non limit to cures and curses would be funny, but why make lists out of them?  Anyone can just look at someone's cure/curse count and know where they probably stand.

  (A webcam is not necessary, just slip a note under the door)  [lghy]

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Buried
« on: June 15, 2003, 08:03:53 PM »
There are a lot of folks buried in the woods.

There's a fanfic there. Really there is. See, it's 1980 and Liz kicks the bucket. David decides for once to listen to his father and get the hell out of Collinsport for California or Florida or something. So he sells the estate to a real estate development company. The groundbreaking ceremony is made more exciting when the local official sticks a spade in the dirt and hits something (because of course, no one could ever be bothered to dig the requisite six feet holes).  8) And when the bulldozers get going, more excitement ensues.

Wouldn't most of the bodies have already been found by '80?  They're not buried that deep, and what with erosion and all...........[scrdy]

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / Re:Q for Parents
« on: June 13, 2003, 09:43:46 PM »
Obviously I don't have any kids..........

But I AM a senior!

                YAY!!          [hello]               [9391]           [hello]           YAY!

And I am graduating, by the way............yesterday when I pulled into the student parking lot a bunch of cars were parked every which way--the senior prank.  At first they were actually told their graduation was in jeopardy....."Unfortunately tonight, 67 of our seniors will not be graduating."   Now they have to wash windows after school.  [snicker]  But I was actually parked in between lines, hence I do not have to wash windows.

And now I am free to pursue a life of religious fulfillment.............

with Barnabas...................

in my closet.


Current Talk '03 I / Re:Liz's worst dress?
« on: June 13, 2003, 09:08:07 PM »
Not being a child of the 60's myself, my opinion might be slightly different than the majority of the board.  I think the dress she wore when [spoiler]she got the call that Burke died and Vicky fainted in her arms.[/spoiler]

I don't think I could see that happening.  I've never seen enough energy or expression from her.  (Vicki)  But then again, I've only seen her during Adam/Eve.   ::)

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Liz's worst dress?
« on: June 10, 2003, 10:39:59 PM »
I'm sure I'm probably alone in saying this ::)   but I thought Liz's outfit with her earrings was a welcome change from her usual dark somber attire.  I thought it offset her dark hair well.  She looks nice in pink too.

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Breakneck Pacing
« on: June 10, 2003, 09:40:42 PM »
What does A.D.S stand for?

No fashion notes today . . . well, I lied. There is one. Was Frid really going grey or was that some sort of misguided artistic effect?

I think that was done to make him seem more ravaged by the vampirism this time around, especially now that Julia's treatments aren't working.  But say what you want about all that, you know you will.   ;)

[rant]In any case, I am so not buying this eternal regret schtick that Barnabas goes into every damn time he screws up. I just don't. You can apologize all you want. If there's no meaning behind it, no sincerity, then it's just hot air. When you've acted rashly for the umpteenth time, and then once again, start bemoaning your actions and your very existence, it's empty and it's a waste of everybody's time.[/rant]

Or how Barnabas makes such a big deal about "I must get back to my coffin before sunrise!"  "I must hurry back!"  Then he reaches his coffin and proceeds to deliver a long sermon, "And now I return to my prison, to my ever-lasting darkness, yadda yadda yadda......"
Sometimes he's talking to Julia and starts getting into his speeches again, and I just want to picture her shaking her head and walking away when he turns his back.   ;D

Oh, God. Poor Willie. Last week he had his life together.  He was engaged. He had a future. He was happy. Now he's back again with Mr. Responsibility and Dr. Someday He'll Love Me and he's shaking like a leaf.

"Dr. Someday He'll Love Me"!!  [scrm]

Meanwhile, Barnabas is screaming "Let me in!" WTF? The man is just totally addicted to drama.

Lol.  As much as I love the guy, he really is a drama queen.

I love your rants, and even though I'm a little bit more of a Barnabas person than you, I find many of your Barnabas rants very funny.

Keep them up. :D

Current Talk '03 I / Re:And I've waited so long, Willie......
« on: June 02, 2003, 03:23:56 AM »
Gosh, well let me be the first to admit being stunned by your vehement dislike of Barnabas' character. I imagine some others around here are probably taken back.  I promise not to come after anybody if they don't like him. :o

I'm not sure I can say as much............[vryevl]

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