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Messages - ksgemini

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Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: DS DVD Set 2
« on: August 31, 2002, 06:46:51 AM »
For the person who had a friend that saw it somewhere, they must have seen set 1 and thought it was the new set because the evidence is overwhelming that it has not been released yet.

MPI Just shipped it...I ordered it through them and they told me that it went out late... however, since then I have been to the Media Play that my friend saw it IS there...I have set 1 and all 270+ vids etc I know the difference -and this is set 2 as pictured on the MPI site

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Next Stop: Tarrytown, NY?
« on: August 30, 2002, 06:04:13 PM »
In july I went with my girlfriend to the Griswold the Collinsport Inn..a couple weeks total coincidence she had a conference in Tarrytown and I was able to go and get great pics of Lyndhurst...then I get back to work and find someone I work with went to Salve Regina in Newport and visits often and got pics of "Collinwood" for me...then I go to Kennebunk , ME and the trolley driver claims a house by the water was used in Shadows-this I have no knowledge of... It looked like Nicolas' house but I didnt know they ever used any place in ME...I took pics anyway... Except for the Griswold Inn this was all just a bizarre coincidence within 6 weeks...

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: DS DVD Set 2
« on: August 28, 2002, 01:57:44 PM »
I tried 7 stores and none had it,...I finally called MPI and just ordered it from them...They said it was a little late getting out and thats why the stores may not have had it but a friend of mine saw it in another town not too far so it is out...give it a couple of days...I was really frustrated with the local stores but, as always MPI is very accessible by phone when all else failed...

Current Talk '02 II / Re: OT - DS DVD: your opinions appreciated
« on: August 21, 2002, 10:23:39 PM »
I also appreciate the fact that MPI is listening.  I have found them to be great to deal with over the phone. I still wish they could push the release schedule up to every 2 months...If they are still watching this thread maybe they can clarify what the release schedule will seems they are releasing sets a month apart in Aug and Sept...I am assuming it'll be quarterly after that...I'd love to have all these in less than 8 years...but, anyway thanks again to MPI

Current Talk '02 II / Re: OT - DS DVD: your opinions appreciated
« on: August 19, 2002, 05:19:12 PM »
I am very appreciative that MPI has done what they have with the DS series over the years.  There will always be bad video glitches when the source is from 35 year old VTR ...If u look at A&E's early Avengers eps they look even worse than DS...It'd be nice to have some more recnt interviews but the show is what's important for me...How many times will all watch the interviews for the controversial documentary ...I havent seen it but I have never been interested in the private lives of stars...It doesnt matter who did drugs or live  alternative lifestyles...only what a performer does on screen...I think I am in the minority here, probably but I can see why stars like Harrison Ford try to remain basically private even discuss a departed person's alleged drinking problem has NOTHING to do with DS...I do wish MPI would speed up the release process for the DVD's though...after Sept, they are going to be quarterly...tooo long!

Current Talk '02 II / Re: How much longer will this go on????
« on: August 07, 2002, 06:04:44 PM »
There are about 30 shows left to this storyline, I'll all be over soon

Current Talk '02 II / Re: MPI video/ep index
« on: July 31, 2002, 05:22:37 PM »
The Millennium edition of The Dark Shadows Almanac also tells what # ep is on each MPI tape.   Amazon was still selling this when I got mine about 3 months ago.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Grrr! DS DVD
« on: July 11, 2002, 12:09:56 AM »
Ideas for the DVD's? Well, first I think MPI has done a great job keeping DS alive...I just purchased the entire series used on video because I didn't want to wait 8 years for all the DVD's.
  So, I guess my first request would be for them to go with the original every 2 month plan instead of quarterly.  Also...they are trying to attract new fans of the show...I think they should add one of their 30 minute compilationson to each a way of showing what can be expected from future ep's...the earlier eps move a bit slow...not a criticism from here... but some of my friends who got a little frustrated with the "Barn has Maggie prisoner" storyline took a second look when I showed them what's coming up...color...Angelique...warlocks...witches...1795...1897" I liked the special tapes MPI did and would like to see them tagged onto the sets
And, yes I wish they could at least get more recent interviews with KLS and John Karlen...however ..I am thankful to MPI and hope these compatibility issues that some people are having can be corrected somehow...

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Grrr! DS DVD
« on: July 07, 2002, 11:48:17 PM »
I have a Sony 300 and it plays all 4 discs and the SE DVD fine... Compatibility problems are a pain The first generation Toshiba units-2008- had problems with A&E discs

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Fave Character?
« on: June 25, 2002, 08:02:04 AM »
Angelique/Lara Parker is my favorite because I have had a crush on her since I was 7 and her beauty and wickedness are just a rather exciting combination. As for who the best character overall was-Barnabas without a doubt-the heart and soul of the show's best moments.  Difficult to say beyond that ...any KLS character, Julia and Willie not far behind...

Current Talk '02 I / Re: MPI Tape Question
« on: June 15, 2002, 09:07:11 PM »
Sometimes the orders take over a week sometimes they are quicker and I did have one lost in the mail...MPI has always been very helpful and its very easy to get a live person on the phone if there's a problem...I just got the Collector's Series from them and the Original Series used on Ebay...I wouldn't get rid of your tapes yet- at 160 eps a year on DVD we are talking 7-8 years until completion...

Current Talk '02 I / Re: am i a nerd?
« on: May 24, 2002, 01:11:02 AM »
I am 39 ...I just started watching DS via tape and Sci Fi...People have nothing better to do than me the phrases "get a life" and geek/nerd when used about someone's interests do not have any meaning...I was just reading someone from the Buffy cast was knocking the Shadows actors and actresses...well I'd like to see how many of today's respected TV personalities would perform live...people from Springsteen to Jackie O have been fans..I am a HS English teacher with a very real life and all kinds of interests...I got knocked for listening the Beatles and not heavy metal and punk in the 70's and early 80's in high school kids are helping to make Beatles music fashionable again...DS drew from many sources and came up with great stories and some really fine acting moments ..and as I always tell naysayers "if u dont like it u dont have to watch it..." U are not a nerd

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: The new DVD
« on: May 04, 2002, 07:11:42 PM »
I believe they will go back and do the early eps after the Barn eps as they did with the tapes I am just happy to be hearing every 2 months instead of every 3...still thats over 5 years....if u follow the links it does give a brief description of every ep on the dvd's

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