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Messages - DarkLady

Current Talk '16 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #1027
« on: January 26, 2016, 05:53:15 PM »
Once the writers gave Cyrus a fiancée, they have to use her to keep the story going.

Current Talk '15 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #1021
« on: January 24, 2016, 08:44:53 PM »
Well spotted, MB! I suspect Buffie had a difficult and perhaps abusive childhood--it certainly would explain her bad choices in men. The Raggedy Ann doll might have been her only comfort when she was growing up. Looks like a little lady mouse doll on the mantel. That cat(?) pic under the opposite sconce? No idea.

Current Talk '16 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #1032
« on: January 23, 2016, 06:06:34 PM »
In the teaser for this ep., they got the set correct at least: We see Barnabas walking through the neat and clean parallel time hallway to Angelique’s room, so evidently they realized their blooper and reshot it.

I love Barn's habit of saying things like, How can we save her? HOW?? Somehow JF always pulls it off.

Julia offers to go to PT with Barn, but he gently tells her no. He tells her to get the key to this room and lock him in, lest someone else be trapped with him. Julia reaches out and touches his chest lightly, indulges herself in one longing look at him, then reluctantly leaves.

Evidently Hoffman met Yaeger in town, and he gave her Maggie's letter to Quentin. She and Ange realize that Barn must have been searching Ange's room. Julia watches, desperate to get into PT herself.

Some time later, Barnabas has returned to Angelique’s room to search further, but this time Hoffman catches him at it. He tells her he left a book here, which is nothing more than the truth. She turns to leave, but Barnabas tells her, You’re fighting a losing battle--you’re on the wrong side. Then he adds, You know, one time I knew a woman who looked remarkably like you. She was a doctor. She was a kind person and a true friend--one who would never stand by and watch an innocent woman like Maggie Collins get hurt. I have never been anything but considerate to the second Mrs. Collins, Hoffman insists coldly. Do you know where Maggie is? he asks. I have no idea, she answers, which is almost certainly true. He tries to use his mesmeric bat powers on her but runs out of time, because Angelique walks in on them and orders Hoffman to come with her downstairs. This time, they apparently have no worries about leaving Barnabas to do more prowling around, maybe because Angelique took the diary with her.

Apparently, Yaeger's underground lair hasn't been good for Maggie's health. When Yaeger returns, Maggie says, You have to let me out--I’m sick with a high fever. Yaeger lays Cyrus’s professional hand on her forehead and discovers to his surprise that she’s right. Well, who wouldn’t be sick here, it’s so damp and cold, she retorts. With a mad smile, he reminds her, I was an associate of Cyrus Longworth’s, and I still have access to Cyrus’s lab. I’ll be back soon with some medicine. I have to get out of here, Maggie insists. Where would you go? he gloats. Back to Collinwood, she replies promptly. You might not find a warm welcome there now, Yaeger observes, since you wrote a letter to your little darling Quentin, telling him goodbye forever. You made me write it! Maggie sobs. He knows I wouldn’t leave like that! That’s where you’re wrong, Yaeger says. I have an answer from your darling little Quentin. He waves Quentin’s letter under her nose. She reaches for it, but he says, You’re much too weak to read it, so I’ll read it to you. “Maggie,” it starts. Notice that it’s not “Dearest Maggie,” or “My darling Maggie,” he taunts her. "I might know where to begin, Maggie, if your behavior at Collinwood had not been so totally incomprehensible to me. You obviously know what you're doing and what you want, but it has been and still is a mystery to me. I have tried to understand but find that I cannot. You must believe that what you have done is for the best." Every sentence is like a knife in the heart to Maggie, who finally screams, I don’t want to hear any more! She doesn’t want to read it herself, but Yaeger shows her the letter and she is forced to admit that it is Quentin’s handwriting. Where did you it from she asks. Pocketing the letter, he replies, What difference does it make? The only difference is that soon Quentin is going to forget you ever existed. Then you are going to find a love ... a love that you never dreamed was possible. With a leer he adds, Now, you think about that, Maggie. I'm going to go now. I'm going to get something to make you better. You think about it, Maggie.  After he locks her in, Maggie once more tries unsuccessfully to find a way out. If only I wasn’t so weak, she laments--then thinks,  I may know a way after all.
Barn proves that he's read Ange's diary when he asks her, Who is the man who can circumvent death? Now she's really frightened.

After Barnabas leaves, Hoffman comes back. (She knocks, which no proper housekeeper would do.) She and Angelique agree that they are not safe as long as Barnabas is around. Now Angelique agrees to destroy the diary. We will find out what Barnabas’s curse is and destroy him, Angelique declares. (This is a blooper by the writers--the two women know only that Barnabas has a secret, not that he is cursed.) We will watch him very carefully--follow him. Sooner or later he will have to do something that will betray his secret to us. Then we will know what to do.

Maggie is pacing fretfully when she hears the sounds of Yaeger’s return. Hastily she sits on the cot. Yaeger has the antibiotics and almost gently (for him) helps Maggie stand up. He leaves momentarily to get her a glass of water but she doesn’t take the chance to escape. A faint trace of Cyrus lingers when he coaxes her to take two of the pills now and two more in four hours. In four hours, she tells him, I hope I’m not here. I’ve decided to go away with you, she declares, but Yaeger is extremely skeptical. You’ll have to do better, he warns. She tells him, You can think and do what you want, but I’ve reread Quentin’s letter (even though Yaeger had pocketed it earlier), and I’ve decided that you were right. There’s nothing for me at Collinwood. I don’t love you, but perhaps I can learn to in time. Yaeger is convinced that Stockholm syndrome has truly set in. Beside himself with joy, he grabs her by the shoulders. We’ll go to New York, he declares, we’ll _fly_ there! I’ll need some clothes, she points out. I have all the money we’ll ever need, he replies. I’ll buy you clothes, furs, jewels! As Maggie turns away, pretending to be happy, we can see that the only thing keeping her going is the hope that she has stopped  Yaeger from killing Quentin. Oblivious, Yaeger exclaims, Maggie, you’re going to love me! I only said that I would try, Maggie reminds him wryly. That’s all I need, he says. She gets upset when he says he has to leave for a half hour, but he tells her, I’m going to get us money--all the money that we need! As Maggie ponders the success of her strategy--so far--she is actually smiling faintly with hope.

Barnabas comes down the stairs at Collinwood and leaves. (We see the vampire’s reflection for a moment as he passes the mirror at the bottom of the stairs.) The door to the servants’ quarters immediately opens. Follow him, Angelique orders the faithful Hoffman. Watch where he goes and tell me everything he does. We see Barnabas return to Loomis House and call to Will (who is not there). He opens the secret panel under the stairs and enters the hidden room. All the while, Hoffman watches through the window....

Current Talk '16 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #1031
« on: January 23, 2016, 05:53:50 PM »
For the first time, we see the body hidden under the sheet at Tim's/Hannah's house. Tim tells Angelique that she really should be grateful to him for providing her with a life force, but like all Angeliques everywhere, she hates having to depend on anyone else.

At Collinwood, Quentin (wearing the horrible orange plaid jacket) has allowed Barnabas to read Maggie’s letter. I’m far from convinced that she wrote it voluntarily, Barnabas opines. Quentin on the other hand is sure that she left the house of her own free will--didn’t Barnabas himself see her leave? Are any of the [probably dozens of] cars missing? Barnabas counters. Quentin replies, This letter was mailed at Collinsport so she must have got there!... (looks to cue card for help) ... which means ... (reading) ... (softly, realizing he blew it) she did get there somehow and I don't think she walked to town, do you? The fact is she got there (oh, what the hell), so she must have some way of getting there (smiling). Barn wonders if Someone has been tormenting Maggie since she got to Collinwood. "Alexis" walks in and turns on the waterworks, accusing Barn of hating and persecuting her. After Quentin leaves, Barn tells her that he'll find Maggie and destroy her (A.).

Julia opens the door in the East Wing just in time to hear Angelique tell Hoffman about how she plans to destroy Barnabas. Julia is quite upset.

Back in Parallel Time, Stokes is in the drawing room, admiring Collinwood rather too fulsomely for Quentin’s taste and recalling how seldom Angelique let him visit her there. Quentin warns him that “Alexis” may not be too happy to see him, but Stokes insists she’s his daughter too. “Alexis” arrives a moment later and gives him a very sarcastic hello, quite annoyed that he’s come. The moment Quentin leaves (which he does speedily), Stokes helps himself to brandy and tells her, Now we’re alone, you can stop pretending to be angry with me. I’m not pretending, she retorts. She didn’t like him coming to Collinwood when she was alive and the mistress of the house, and being dead and a houseguest hasn’t changed her mind one bit. Stokes realizes, The grand lady of Collinwood doesn’t want her rather seedy father around. Angelique’s silence acknowledges that’s the truth. Stokes makes it plain that since she's going to be the Mistress of Collinwood again soon, he plans to get used to Collinwood again. He proceeds to get drunk, but not too drunk to plan on teaching Angelique a lesson.

Barn annoys Quentin further when he announces that he's going to keep searching for Maggie.

Back in the secret room at his (rather seedy) place, Stokes tells his absent daughter/stepdaughter/whatever, Now we will see who is in control. He steps over to a burning candle on the opposite side of the body and holds both of his hands in the air around the candle. He intones, In this moment tonight, I unite my will with your will and my life force with your life force. Together we must gather strength and power. We must try to recall what has gone. We must try to summon up that force of being which is rightfully yours--the two of us together.

Quentin is talking with "Alexis" when she feels a sudden chill and has to dash out for some "fresh air."

The spell must have been very quick, because the next moment, Tim is calmly playing chess when Ange storms in. I had to teach you a lesson, he says, unperturbed. Reluctantly she says the hated words: You win. Definitely drunk by now, her father is quite tickled to hear it: I’ve been a loser all my life, he says, and now at last I’ve won. He moves another chess piece.

Later, Quentin is in the foyer with a letter and shouts in the general direction of the servant’s quarters that Hoffman should see that it’s mailed immediately. He tells himself, After all, I’m only doing what Maggie wants in telling her that I’m not going to try to get her to come back again, so I must be doing the right thing. (How does he know where to send it? Perhaps Yaeger sent Maggie’s letter with a post office box for a return address.)

Barnabas goes to Angelique’s old room in parallel time, but they forgot to fix the scenery in the hallway, so it looks like it does in our time--unlived in, dusty, and with pictures hanging crookedly. Barnabas enters the room, searching for anything that would help him find Maggie and/or destroy Angelique. Using a nail file, he makes quick work of a locked drawer (who knew he had these skills?) and finds Angelique’s diary. He reads aloud: “He says he knows a way to circumvent death; I wonder if I can believe him.” Circumvent death? Who is _he_? Barnabas wonders, sure he has discovered-- something. Not wanting to be disturbed while he continues reading, he locks the door. But when he straightens up, he finds himself in his own time band, in the deserted East Wing. A moment later, the door opens, and Julia enters. Barnabas! she exclaims, overjoyed that he’s back and safe. But instead of running to greet his dear friend, he is dismayed: I’m back in my own time, and in that other time, Maggie is in great danger. How can I help her, Julia? How?….

Current Talk '16 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #1030
« on: January 23, 2016, 05:43:07 PM »
Gradually Maggie calms down enough to take in her new surroundings. As if the indignity of her first encounter with Yaeger and this waking nightmare weren’t enough, now Maggie knows the mortification of his defiling touch not only on her person but on all her belongings, some of them intimate and many no doubt gifts from Quentin in happier times.

Yaeger gets further instructions from Angelique and forces Maggie to write a letter telling Quentin that they're through. He warns her to write just "Quentin," not "My dear Quentin" or "My darling Quentin."

Angelique comes within a hairsbreadth of killing Roger for warmth, but Elizabeth walks into the room just in time.

At 9:20 p.m., Angelique’s stepfather, Timothy Eliot Stokes, is sipping a drink at his house, which looks remarkably like his sister Hannah’s, right down to the stuffed white coral-crested cockatoo. Wrapped to the chin in a heavy coat, Angelique enters. Angrily she tells him, Somewhere out there, someone is finding the body of a man I never even saw, a man I only met tonight. The body will be as cold as if he had been dead for days. I can’t take living like this anymore! she complains. Since you brought me back, there must be something you can do about it! Stokes says, I’ve already done all I can do. Angelique wants to know what it was, but Stokes says, There’s no reason for you to know. Angelique insists, If you can’t help me, I can help myself. Tell me exactly what you did. I can see that you’re troubled--I want to know why. You can’t understand what I did, he replies, because I am far beyond your level--the first modern scientist to use the black arts. She tries to flatter the secret out of him. That only worked when you were alive, he replies. Finally he says, There was an experiment I started long ago--but it terrified me. Until I saw you lying dead I had no reason to finish it, but then I was ruthless. How? Angelique demands. Don’t ask me! he says, frightened into whispering. All I will tell you is that I didn’t do it alone. Take me to this other person, Angelique demands. I’m sure I want to know. Stokes seems sad as he warns her, Do you realize what we have done? Revenge can still come. I’ll take the chance, Angelique replies. Take me to the other person. Stokes points to a green curtain against the wall and tells her to look behind it: Angelique, I did it for you! Angelique is eager to meet the person who has given her another chance to get Quentin back. She tells her father to come with her, but he shakes his head and says, No! You must go alone. She realizes he’s right. She pulls back the curtain to reveal a door. She opens the door and enter the room beyond.....

Current Talk '16 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #1029
« on: January 23, 2016, 05:36:42 PM »
Funny meeting of Angelique and Yaeger! For once, Yaeger realizes he's met his match and agrees to her "finishing touches" to his plan to kidnap Maggie.

Angeliques in all dimensions always pick the most public places to practice their supposedly secret craft. Parallel Angelique is sitting by the fire in the drawing room holding up Maggie’s hanky as she tells Maggie that she should just give up on Quentin.

Evidently no one bothers to wind the clocks at Collinwood. It's 11:00 for quite a few scenes that definitely aren't happening simultaneously. 

Yaeger jumps out of the fog on Widows Hill and grabs Maggie. She screams, he laughs. The screams and laughter continue even as the scene changes to Collinwood, I suppose because they were filming nonstop.

I remember all of them! Great article--thanks for the link!

Thanks! Who would have thought we'd still be enjoying DS after 50 years!

Current Talk '16 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #1028
« on: January 11, 2016, 09:33:56 PM »
Hmm. You could be right that this scene originally was intended for Denise Nickerson. But maybe Angelique was just ignoring Daniel, his uncle was too busy sniping at Maggie, and Daniel had no one else to turn to.

I think this is Daniel's final scene.                                                                                                     

Current Talk '16 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #1028
« on: January 10, 2016, 05:47:11 PM »
Thanks, MT!

I don't think I've ever had a push-button phone that was actually a rotary-dial phone in disguise, although a lot of offices I worked in did have those big console phones with all the extension buttons--and the late, lamented HOLD button. You're right, now I'm thoroughly confused.

Hmm, you could be right about the sword-cane! With all those fires, it's a little surprising that anyone thought of health and safety issues.  [snow_rolleyes]

Current Talk '16 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #1027
« on: January 10, 2016, 05:39:34 PM »
 [snow_smiley] [snow_smiley] [snow_smiley]

Current Talk '16 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #1028
« on: January 09, 2016, 09:44:39 PM »
I think child abductions, molestations, etc. have been happening forever. We just live in a more open society and the Internet is everywhere. But I also remember it seemed rare and distant--at least most of the time.

According to my notes, Ray Carlson (who played the hapless Aldon Wickes), does the VO. Ken McEwen--the late Larry Chase--is billed as Associate Director.

Very funny first act where Yeager is thwarted--twice!--in his plan to carry Maggie off, first when Quentin phones her to say that he's staying with Sabrina for a while and then when Daniel wanders in to say he saw a prowler. He knows it wasn't the night watchman because this man was much bigger. Maggie sees a chance to improve their relationship, so she goes with Daniel to find Roger. (For those who are interested, the [invisible] night watchman’s name is Riggs, the same as one of the 1795 servants in our time. So in Parallel Time at least, the Riggses have continued to serve the Collinses faithfully down through the years.) Yaeger’s original intention has been thwarted, but the evening isn’t a total loss. Before he leaves, he takes Maggie’s silver-backed hairbrush, comb, and hand mirror from the bureau and puts them in his coat pocket.

Sabrina is trying to find Cyrus's notes on his experiment (we know he burned them) and berating herself for not suspecting anything. She and Yaeger have a long and rather melodramatic scene. She pleads that she told Quentin nothing and adds, I still love you in spite of everything. You’re a fool! Yaeger says, roaring with laughter. No wonder Cyrus was so bored by you! He found you so boring, in fact, that he used to go to the Eagle every night to see Buffie Harrington. But when he got there (this is Yaeger’s idea of a punch line), he was too afraid to do anything! She pleads with him to let Cyrus be Cyrus, but he says he's killed Cyrus, who hated being Cyrus anyway, and Yeager just used Cyrus to hide. He flicks the swordcane at her and says, Do you see this sword? Do you know how easily it enters the human body, Sabrina? With just one little flick of my wrist and a scream in the night. Horrified, she finally realizes: You killed Gladstone, she gasps. Yaeger has no problem admitting it: He was my first victim, Sabrina. Ever since then, this sword hungers for another. [Hey, I don’t write this dialogue, I just report it.] Are you going to be the next victim?

I never thought about the sword-cane being pre-rigged to collapse in Sabrina's face. I thought it fell apart when Pennock tried to retract the sword part, but I haven't seen it in years. I'd flinch too in any case.

Sabrina continues to plead. Taking his arm, she begs him, Please be Cyrus again. Very seriously he says, I can’t--I have too much to do that Cyrus is afraid to do. Is there some new formula you could take? she wonders. Be satisfied knowing only what you do, he warns her. I will never be satisfied, she starts, but he shouts, I could kill you! Still terrified but determined, Sabrina plays her last card: You need me. I will be here--waiting. I will do anything to help you. Do you love him that much? Yaeger asks with no small amount of genuine wonder (and perhaps a little envy). He is not completely without sense, so he agrees: All right--you will be here. Right here! Every single night. And maybe sometimes I will come and visit you, and maybe I will need you. I will always enter by that door. (He points to the small side door.) You are always going to be right here--alone. Sabrina promises, and he says, Until tomorrow, then. As he moves to leave, she pleads with him to stay. I have things to do, he says. I’m going to take something that Cyrus Longworth was too timid to take. He licks his lips in anticipation and adds, Now Sabrina, remember, not one word or you are going to end up like our friend the late Horace Gladstone. He leaves Sabrina hurt, terrified, and heartbroken.

Maggie runs into Daniel again in the morning. Shyly he offers her his prized possession: a conch shell. He has thawed out enough to offer to show her where he found it, and she accepts his offer.

Yeager has some strange requests for poor Aldon Wickes: a cot, a rocking chair, and a mirror. Wickes promises to get started right away.

Daniel tells MaggieHe tells Maggie, Hoffman [he should have said Miss Hoffman] doesn’t know anything about your brush and comb. In fact, she looked awfully surprised when I told her they were missing. There must be some explanation, Maggie says. With a smile, he comments, You’ve been here long enough to know that things happen around here--strange things. Then, tentatively, he volunteers, Sometimes before they happen I get a feeling--like I had last night, and like I’m having now. It’s true, he insists, I know it. Something is going to happen tonight--something terrible!

Yaeger returns to the now-furnished cellar. Aside from a stray cobweb or two, it seems comfortable enough for an underground, windowless room with no ROTARY DIAL phone (or any other kind) in an isolated farmhouse far from help. He sets out Maggie’s things, which apparently he’s been schlepping around in his pockets all day, then sits at the table to kiss Maggie’s hairbrush in comfort. A moment later he slams it down hastily when he spots Wickes in the mirror behind him. (Pennock flashes us a sly, hammy grin in the mirror.) I’ve said all my goodbyes, the young man says--not many. I want to make sure everything is okay. Everything is just perfect, Yaeger assures him. Wickes wonders naively, What are you really going to do with the room? I’m going to use it as a prison, he answers. Right, Wickes observes brightly: And next you’re going to tell me that you’re going to keep a fairy princess here. Yaeger agrees pleasantly. Unfortunately for Wickes, Yaeger has had the swordcane repaired and doesn’t waste too many more words before running the hapless young man through.

Later, Maggie reassures Daniel that it's been a wonderful day, but he's still worried.

Now that the cage is ready, Yaeger baits the trap: He uses his Cyrus voice to speak to Maggie from a ROTARY DIAL pay phone in town. He tells her, I must see you. I have important news for you. Can you meet me at eleven tonight? We can’t meet at the lab, because I don’t want Sabrina to know. You can’t tell anyone, not even Quentin, because I’m in great danger. Has John Yaeger gotten you into trouble? Maggie asks suspiciously. Impatiently he asks if she’ll come or not. Of course she agrees. Meet me at Widows Hill, Yaeger says. That’s the only place I can be sure we won’t be seen. Reluctant and puzzled, Maggie agrees to the rendezvous....

Current Talk '16 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #1027
« on: January 09, 2016, 09:24:12 PM »
According to my notes: This ep. features seven actors playing eight roles--the most in any Dark Shadows episode until the very last one. How the writers ever managed to pull this off right under DC's nose I can't imagine.

I assume that Angelique doesn't know Barn is a v******. Barn refuses to tell Angelique how he knows who she is and sternly warns her to stop messing with Maggie. With a nearly imperceptible bow, he wishes her goodnight and leaves. [As the v****** leaves, we get a quick glimpse of him in the mirror.]

TIM STOKES indeed! He's one of my favorite characters, a much seedier version of our fastidious professor AND with a mustache. TD's characters seem to alternate between messy (Matthew, Ben, Sandor, Tim) and neat (our Timothy Elliot Stokes, Petofi, [spoiler]Mordecai[/spoiler]). Tim also gives TD a chance to show his comic side.

The writers can't seem to make up their minds about whether Tim is Angelique's father or her stepfather. Having him be the stepfather makes no sense, especially since Angelexis did say her ancestors were Angelique the First and Ben Stokes.

Barn runs into the disheveled but still very handsome Quentin, who asks him how Maggie is. Barn gently suggests he should see for himself. Tactfully he doesn't mention that Maggie just tried to kill herself.

Parallel Collinwood seems to be teeming with experimental types. Tim arrives at Collinwood in response to Angelique's rather peremptory summons. It’s obvious that he has no interest in "Alexis" and never has. But when Angelique tells him that his experiment has been successful and that she, Angelique, has returned from the dead, they have a happy reunion. He does seem a little bothered that Angelique killed Alexis to revive herself: I was only her stepfather [what he says], he says, but I didn’t want her to die. Angelique cheers him up by reminding him that he has her back again. She tells him about her plan to get Quentin back and about this interfering Barnabas Collins person, who may possibly have supernatural powers. Stokes recognizes Barnabas’s “ancestor” as the subject of Will Loomis’s most recent book. Angelique also tells him about how she has seen this room (they’re in her old room) change and about seeing “our” Julia Hoffman. Stokeses in every dimension seem to know all about everything, so he proceeds to expound on parallel time.

Quentin silently lets himself into the master bedroom. He gazes down sadly at his beautiful, sleeping bride (who has somehow ended up back in their bedroom). Maggie explains about the dress. Almost absently he tells her it doesn't matter. As he talks, he takes off his neckcloth and undoes the top three buttons on his shirt to reveal-- absolutely nothing, I’m sorry to say, but doubtless driving Quentin watchers everywhere wild. Maggie is too distracted to notice as she asks him, Does it matter to you that I almost killed myself tonight? That I heard Angelique speak to me through the painting in her room? That she said I had nothing to live for? That you might have found me splattered on the stones beneath Angelique’s window? Angry again, he says, You were imagining that. Please, Quentin, Maggie says, I wasn’t. Calming down a bit, Quentin says, I’ve been thinking about things and trying to work them out. I always seem to hurt you. I hope it’s still possible to start over. (He looks so delectable that we would forgive him almost anything!) But for the first time, Maggie answers, I don’t know. I don’t know anymore.

As dawn approaches, Timothy Stokes enters Loomis House almost as if if it were his own. He tries to open the tall writing desk, then spots Barnabas’s wolf’s-head cane. Barnabas quietly opens the louver doors to the left of the fireplace and starts at the sight of his visitor. Stokes introduces himself as Timothy Eliot Stokes (no surprise there) and says that Will Loomis is an old friend. Barnabas wonders why he’s roaming around a friend’s house just before dawn. Stokes says, Will didn’t use to keep regular hours--perhaps he’s changed. Perhaps he has, Barnabas replies as he retrieves his cane. Stokes addresses Barnabas by name, explaining, I recognized you on account of Will’s book. You look very eighteenth century. Barnabas explains, I’m still in costume from the ball at Collinwood. Stokes comments, My daughter started the annual costume ball. Shocked, Barnabas asks, Are you the father of Angelique and Alexis? Their stepfather, Stokes corrects him, _her_ stepfather. There is only one of them left now. Yes, Barnabas agrees wryly, only one of them. Stokes observes, You almost seemed to recognize me. I was surprised at seeing a complete stranger wandering about the house at such an unorthodox hour, Barnabas replies. Stokes says, Will is an old friend who has given me permission to come to Loomis House anytime I like. Will is asleep, Barnabas tells Stokes; as the clock chimes its warning, he adds, I would like to get some rest myself. Clapping Barnabas on the shoulder with unwelcome familiarity, Stokes asks him to give his regards to Will, then leaves.

Sabrina (remember Sabrina?) hasn't seen Cyrus in days and wonders if they're still engaged. Cyrus is saved from having to think up an answer when someone knocks on the door upstairs. Almost as if Sabrina were only his servant, he sends her upstairs to answer it. He is momentarily electrified when he hears Sabrina greet Maggie. Maggie arrives, wanting to speak to Cyrus. She tells him (off camera) all about how Angelique’s portrait spoke to her. She pleads with Cyrus to persuade Quentin to believe her. I wonder if I can ever work things out with him, she ends sadly. Cyrus answers, Maybe you can’t. Maybe you had just better accept the fact that Quentin will always be involved with Angelique. I can’t believe you mean that, Maggie says in complete astonishment. Carefully turning away, he replies, I mean... there are other men in the world besides Quentin. Maggie can’t see Cyrus’s guilty enjoyment as he continues, Is it possible that somewhere in this world [he looks up the ceiling], there is a man who can make you as happy as Quentin can? Cyrus! she exclaims. That doesn’t sound like you at all! Just as the words leave her lips, Cyrus is suddenly seized with cramps, stumbling away from her as the change begins, unbidden. He can barely gasp out, I have things to do in the lab--alone. Maggie is sure he’s ill, but she goes. But the unlucky Sabrina comes back down just in time to see her mild-mannered fiancé transform into the depraved John Yaeger. No, Cyrus, no! she gasps in shock. Yes, yes! Yaeger answers with a leer. Oh, Cyrus, I don’t believe it! she says, horrified. The name is Yaeger, he corrects her, John Yaeger. Backing away from him, at last she puts two and two together: The experiment--that compound! she exclaims, horrified. Yes, gloats Yaeger with a laugh--success beyond my wildest dreams!

Now in his own splendiferous threads, Yaeger picks up his suede overcoat and cane. (Sabrina is still there, but whether she saw him change his clothes is left unexplained.) Cyrus, please don’t leave! I love you no matter what happens, she pleads. I understand. Yaeger answers scornfully, You couldn’t possibly understand. Hearing a knock at the door upstairs, he pushes her over to the stairs and orders her to see who it is. When he hears Maggie’s voice, he hides behind a convenient pillar near the side door. Maggie tells Sabrina, I came back to see if Cyrus is all right. Sabrina loyally says, He just left by the side door. I’ve never seen him behave like that, Maggie says. He’s been working very hard lately, Sabrina says by way of explanation. Just then Quentin arrives, also looking for Cyrus. Sabrina says he’s just gone to the chemist’s. Quentin is extremely surprised to find Maggie there and decides to wait for Cyrus. He won’t be back for quite a while, Sabrina says almost desperately. It’s all too obvious how nervous each of the women is. You’re both hiding something, Quentin says. I want to know which of you will tell me what it is. Maggie admits, I came to tell Cyrus about how Angelique’s painting did speak to me. I was hoping Cyrus would get you to believe me. Quentin doesn’t bother to hide his annoyance, even in front of Sabrina. He storms upstairs as Maggie follows, pleading with him to wait. As Yaeger listens, he says to himself, Don’t worry, my dearest Maggie. You won’t be putting up with the likes of Quentin Collins much longer. John Yaeger will see to that!

In the evening, Barnabas comes by Collinwood to see how Maggie is doing. We had a long talk last night, Quentin replies. I hoped she was getting better, but-- When Barnabas gently asks, But what? Quentin says, Maggie has a fixation on my first wife. [She’s not the only one!] She thinks she heard Angelique’s voice coming out of the portrait. That is unfortunate, Barnabas comments, carefully looking down. She’s asleep, Quentin tells him. I hope that a couple of days’ rest will make her feel better. He is just on his way to see Cyrus, and Barnabas agrees to walk with him part of the way.

With the house virtually deserted, Yaeger silently makes his way to the master bedroom. Just as Quentin did last night, he soundlessly opens the door, steps in, and shuts it again. And just as Quentin did, he stands at the foot of the bed. But where Quentin’s gaze was full of sadness, Yaeger stares avidly for a long moment at the beautiful, utterly vulnerable Maggie, deep in innocent slumber. With a leer of anticipation, he moves toward her,  urging himself (quite unnecessarily), Now, John Yaeger! Now!.........

Current Talk '16 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #1026
« on: January 09, 2016, 05:50:10 PM »
Great post as always, MT! I'm going to scour the stores for a gallon bottle of Murine now.  [snow_cheesy]

Current Talk '16 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #1026
« on: January 05, 2016, 08:50:04 PM »
I think you're right about PT Roger, Uncle R.! I wonder what Roger would have suggested in the way of an appropriate outfit. [santa_grin]

Hoffman should be fired, but no one actually saw her lurking. Maggie was busy getting ready to jump, and Elizabeth was busy talking her down.

The eyes have it! I think this was a once-only spell the writers invented to move the story along (like the spell Carolyn watched him use to summon up the ghost of Dr. Woodard to scare Julia). Because of the HoDS shoot, Barn and "Alexis" haven't interacted very much until now.

I know that GH said somewhere that Magda was her favorite role on the show, but her marvelous portrayal of Hoffman really makes me curious to see The Night of the Iguana, where her performance got her a Best Supporting Actress nomination.