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Messages - usffan

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With all of the widespread panic, I think it's worth noting that WB may be simply struggling to figure out how to market the movie and is testing how it will play as a comedy, which doesn't necessarily mean that the movie itself will be a comedy.  These are old, but here are a few "alternative" trailers that illustrate how far off a movie can be.  For example, here's a "trailer" that shows The Shining as a romantic comedy:

And here's another one that always makes me chuckle that portrays Mary Poppins as a horror movie:

Since the trailer hasn't even been released yet, maybe it would be prudent to wait until we actually see it?  As Gerard mentioned, I always thought it was a little odd how well adapted Barnabas was in the face of what should have been a pretty significant culture shock.

As for humor, even the darkest of movies have humor.  I remember laughing in The Dark Knight at a couple of the things that Heath Ledger's Joker did (including the "magic trick" of making the pencil disappear and when he stopped and looked miffed when one of his explosive devices didn't work in the hospital).  I don't think anybody regards that movie as a comedy or as a parody. 

In the grand scheme of things, many TV series have been converted into movies.  Some have been well done (I enjoyed The Untouchables) and some have been utter abominations (The Brady Bunch and Bewitched come to mind).  We don't have any idea how this one's going to turn out.  I'll use the Star Trek movie franchise as a guideline.  In my opinion, that first Star Trek movie was a bore that was designed to delight the hardcore fans.  Fortunately they were able to get past that and made a second one that turned out much more enjoyable.  I hope that Burton et. al. are shooting for a movie (and maybe a franchise) that will bring in new fans, even if that ends up alienating a few of us "old" fans.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Production!!
« on: December 21, 2011, 10:16:23 PM »
In light of the discussion about "when are we going to see a trailer for a movie that's slated to come out in a little more than 20 weeks," I found it interesting that the first trailer for The Hobbit, which isn't opening until a year from now, has been released.

To be fair, I think the reason why Barnabas' story of being the descendant of the original Barnabas Collins worked was because Barnabas' disappearance in 1795 was explained by Joshua et. al. with the story that he had returned to England - information Barnabas could have easily learned from Willie prior to him revealing himself to the rest of the family.  Even today, it's not easy to uncover the fate of people from 1795, so I don't think think it would be implausible that the cover story would work in 2011.  I do, however, think that in this day and age of ubiquitous digital cameras and instant news updates, that it would be virtually impossible for a vampire to hide his identity for any appreciable length of time, which is why I think it's critical for the movie to be set when it is. 

Current Talk '11 II / Re: Dark Shadows 1970-71?
« on: October 19, 2011, 06:33:52 PM »
One thing to keep in mind with respect to "what would have happened if Dark Shadows had continued" is that it appears JF did not want to continue playing Barnabas.  That is to say that he no longer wanted to have anything to do with playing a vampire.  That's why Bramwell came into being.  I'm not sure how well Dark Shadows would have been able to work without the potential threat of Barnabas being a vampire again.  In a way, they'd already done the "other vampire" thing with Roxanne. 

Current Talk '11 II / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Spoilers
« on: July 29, 2011, 06:35:19 AM »
I find it interesting that the same set of spoilers (verbatim) have now appeared on two sites:

Both of those sites are dated after this thread began, so they are clearly not the original source.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Production!!
« on: June 13, 2011, 12:44:49 AM »
I know it's off by 7 years, but I thought Super 8 did a good job of setting a movie in the 1970's in a way that was fun (and had funny moments) while not losing sight of the main purpose of the movie. 

1972 sets up some interesting soundtrack possibilities, too.  Songs that came out that year that could be worked into the theme of the story that immediately jump to mind include:

Without You - Harry Nilsson
Layla - Derek and the Dominoes
The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face - Roberta Flack
Alone Again (Naturally) - Gilbert O'Sullivan
I Can See Clearly Now - Johnny Nash
Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress - The Hollies
Little Willy - Sweet
Lean on Me - Bill Withers
I Am Woman - Helen Reddy
Burning Love - Elvis Presley
If You Don't Know Me By Now - Harold Melvin and the Bluenotes
Changes - David Bowie
Hurting Each Other - The Carpenters
Morning Has Broken - Cat Stevens
Baby, Baby Don't Get Hooked on Me - Mac Davis
Daddy Don't You Walk So Fast - Wayne Newton

Oh, PLEASE figure out how to get Little Willy in there!

The 1972 setting could really prove to be quite interesting.  From a Mad Men/period setting, it allows for a revisit of things like Watergate, the Vietnam war, the Equal Rights Amendment and the 1972 Munich Olympics as a spectator looking back at those items with the wisdom of 40 years (!) of history after the fact. 

For those fretting about the "funny" perspective, we've talked about what it will be like for a man whose last memories were from before the Revolutionary War returning to a world where Volkswagon Beetles will be driving down the road and airplanes will be in the sky and coming to grips with the post-1960's eras of free love and recreational drug use (can vampires get the munchies from drinking THC-contaminated blood?).  But think about that era, where Laugh-In and All in the Family were top rated television shows.  For that matter, Barnabas will be shocked by a television at all, let alone seeing Sammy Davis kissing Archie Bunker.  This really has a lot of interesting facets to consider...

Macrame owls?  Fake fruit on a plate?  That pretty well cements the 1970's time setting!

Oooh, count me as somebody who LOVES the look and possibilities of Knebworth House!  The cross that's visible on the wall in the second picture shown by MB adds an interesting twist.  Plus I love the possibilities of using the grounds.  Truth be told, though, they could use the grounds of the Knebworth House and an exterior from a house 500 miles away.  Whenever I'm sufficiently familiar with the locations used for filming a movie or TV show, I get distracted by breaches in geography or logic.  There's a TV show that's airing right now called Body of Proof that's currently killing me by screwing up Philadelphia geography, and I had to suspend disbelief in 24 when Jack Bauer could drive from downtown LA to Ontario in 20 minutes. 

Well if Carolyn is going to be younger, then I guess there will be no BUZZ. 

I can't get the creepy thought of a Jebez Hawkes subplot with a 14 year old Carolyn out of my head now.  Yuck!

Seriously, though, I really like the idea of Sarah speaking through Carolyn as a possibility now. 

Interesting that we've seen a link to casting for David, but still nothing definitive on what role Chloe Moretz might actually be playing, even in this latest link provided by Phil.  It could end up being Sarah.  Or maybe Carolyn and have Sarah speak at a seance through her.  So many possibilities...

As far as statements, I have a feeling that Burton et. al. are probably not overly worried about quelling any fears amongst the fandom of Dark Shadows.  I suspect that they know most of us will go to see the movie anyway (maybe not borgosi based on what I've seen posted here  [snow_wink]), and any angst we discuss at least keeps the movie being discussed.  In order to be a successful movie or even a potential franchise, they're going to have to appeal to a much broader audience.  It's kind of like the way sports fans complain about the commentary from sportscasters on televised games.  They're not really worried about "preaching to the converted," they're worried about appealing to the casual fans.

Now we know we are getting a flashback to childhood, so who is to say we won't get a flashback to when she cursed him. In the original she certainly followed Barnabas around the centuries, why not?

You know, I had a thought.  The discussions that Chloe Moretz is going to play Carolyn (first mentioned by Gothick) come from an anonymous second-hand source.  Given that it appears we're going to see Barnabas in a flashback, what if Chloe is actually being considered for the role of a young Angelique?  Suppose she meets Barnabas and develops a fanatical teenage crush on him?  Her obsession with him leads her to explore her powers (leading to her becoming a witch) with the intention of making him fall in love with her.  There's nothing written in stone that she has to come from Martinique and be Josette's handmaid.  Maybe her family came from Salem.  Heck, maybe she's simply the great granddaughter of Judah Zachary and takes to witchcraft like a prodigy! 

Food for thought...

Count me as one who wasn't that big of a fan of Jim Fyfe's version of Willie.  I found him to be a little too buffoonish for my own tastes.  I remember when Angelique's likeness first appeared (when Barnabas threw her picture into the fire) and seeing Willie on the floor hiding behind Barnabas as just one example.  It goes to my earlier point about how I didn't let somebody's interpretation (Fyfe's Willie) detract from my ability to enjoy the overall series. 

I've been thinking more about the 1970's setting and remembered how the movie Love at First Bite had George Hamilton's Dracula suffer the effects of drinking the blood of a drunkard.  Given the free flow of drugs from the '70's, it opens the door to Barnabas feeling the effects of marijuana (would it make him MORE blood hungry?), quaaludes or cocaine.  In fact, what happens when Barnabas' reflection doesn't show up in a coke mirror?  Or on a mirrored ceiling (another vestige of the hedonistic '70's)? 

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