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Messages - DStoDA

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Current Talk '04 II / Re: The Dark Shadows Emmy Awards
« on: January 01, 2005, 10:54:59 PM »
I NEED HELP!!! Im doing the prenominations right now and I dont know if I should put Julia & Barnabas in the Romantic category of or the Duo (nonromantic) category

Current Talk '04 II / Re: The Dark Shadows Emmy Awards
« on: December 30, 2004, 09:44:55 AM »
As a reaction to the constant battle I have to fight in my messagebook, I have decided to limit the devotion that I give to my site. Which means that I wont have a seperate awards show for each storyline. I will just have one big ceremony and only one. I decided to take out supporting actor and actress categories and have Best actor and best actress. Here are categories so far.

Outstanding Actor
Outstanding Actress
Outstanding Continuing Story (storyline)
Outstanding Achievement in Directing
Outstanding achievement in Writing
Outstanding Romantic Couple
Outstanding Duo (non-romantic)
Outstanding Cliffhanger
Outstanding Blooper
Outstanding Achievement in Costume Design
Outstanding Achievement in Musical Composition
Outstanding Achievement in Set Design

Prenominations will be out on jan 1st.

Current Talk '04 II / Re: The Dark Shadows Emmy Awards
« on: December 23, 2004, 03:34:24 AM »
these are the categories

Outstanding Lead Actor
Ouststanding Lead Actress
Ouststanding Supporting Actor
Outstanding Supporting Actress
Outstanding Romantic Couple
Outstanding Duo (non-romantic)
Oustanding Cliffhanger
Outstanding Story (within the main storyline)

Any other suggestions for categories?

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: SPECIAL VIDEO PRESENTATION
« on: December 22, 2004, 04:25:04 AM »
it was sung by Eva Cassidy.

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / SPECIAL VIDEO PRESENTATION
« on: December 22, 2004, 03:37:42 AM »

(click to find out what it is)

This my 1st of 2 special holiday treats. The file is quite large. So for some, it might take longer to download. [santa_sad] I hope you guys like it. [santa_smiley]

Current Talk '04 II / Re: The Dark Shadows Emmy Awards
« on: December 14, 2004, 02:32:11 AM »
it sounds awsome DStoDA.i can't wait.
i am somewhat surprised to see the leviathan story up as a category.i havn't seen it yet but everyone says it's the worst! [lpsldg]

It isnt a category. Its gonna have its own award show some months from now. Before I watched the Leviathans, I was hearing all these horrible things about it and how it was the worst thing ever. etc etc. But when I watched it, I thought that it really wasnt that bad. It was better than I had expected. Personally, I think the Adam storyline was worst major storyline. But the worst storyline out of all was that whole cyrus & Sabrina stuff. Thats was the first time that I had ever ff episodes of DS. I dont think I even watched all those episodes because they were so terrible.

Current Talk '04 II / Re: The Dark Shadows Emmy Awards
« on: December 13, 2004, 11:11:51 PM »
I've pretty much decided that the awards cermonies are going to be broken up into seperate eras. The First DS Emmys will involve everything pre Barnabas. I was originally, i was gonna have a seperate award ceremony for Laura's phoenix storyline. But I have realized that I want to make as few of these as possible if I ever want to get to the end. So here is the official order

1st DS Emmys
The arrival of Vicki - end of Laura

2nd DS Emmys
Arrival of Barnabas/ Liz and Jason

3rd DS Emmys

4th DS Emmys
Adam & the Dream Curse

5th DS emmys
Werewolves/ Haunting of Quentin/ 1897

6th DS emmys

7th DS emmys
1970 PT

8th DS emmys
1995/haunting of gerard/1840

1841 PT

So the 1st DS emmys in January will only involve everything pre Barnabas. Originally, I was going to have a nomination commitee with Gothick and a few other people. But, now that someone mentioned pre noms, i think thats how I might do it.

This is not official, but this is how I might do it.
Jan 1st-8th - Prenominations. Every actor included in the storyline, requiring that they played a significant part, will be on the ballot. Most people will fall under the Supporting Categories while a few will fall under lead. People will vote for their favorite 3 performers in each category. (Though Lead categories might not need Prenoms) Other categories such as best couple or duo, best cliffhanger, best storyline etc will also be presented.

Jan 13-27 - nominations revealed and voting begins. there will be 3 nominees for each award. Video presentations will be available to help you vote for the best nominee.

Jan 31 - Emmy night - Winners are revealed.

I will have the official guidelines up on my sight soon. I will probably need help from anyone who can send me some video clips for nominations. I dont have any episodes from this time period except for 2 episodes.

Current Talk '04 II / Re: The Dark Shadows Emmy Awards
« on: December 12, 2004, 06:59:04 PM »
i'm very intrigued...and love the miss victoria winters a "presenter" or a "nominee"?

who's gown will she wear? i see vicki in a classy but conservative look...maybe oscar de la renta.nothing too risque'.and a tasteful scattering of dark-toned jewels would play off her black hair beautifully. [tngb]

Expect Alexandra Moltke to be a nominee for Best Lead Actress. Nominees will be presented in a way where you guys can vote.

Current Talk '04 II / Re: The Dark Shadows Emmy Awards
« on: December 12, 2004, 06:33:25 PM »
january 1st. I guess i missed it or something.

Current Talk '04 II / The Dark Shadows Emmy Awards
« on: December 12, 2004, 04:11:13 PM »
I am announcing my next major project.

which begins January 1st and ends January 31st. Expect more details soon.

I dont think KLS said "Couldnt have been the scene of the murder" because it seemed like 1 sentence that the next lady was saying. I didnt notice a change in voice so it had to be the other lady talking and KLS mouthing something.

I hate to write this because you're  going to think I'm stupid.....
I have tried and tried to view the promo but theres nothing to click on to.  I click the picture, and I go to this board that says these are the things that you can see.  But when I try to click on "Divided Loyalties" it won't let me.  When it comes to computers, I am stupid, I know nothing about them.

Hmm, that sounds weird. I have never heard or seen that before. Are you sure you are clicking on the right link? let me give you direct links

Videos section

Divided Loyalties : (you are going to have to highlight and copy the link CTRL  C because angelfire wont allow direct linking)

Thanks for all the great comments!
PS  What do you use to make the videos??

I use Windows Movie Maker . However, all the stills that I use in the videos are made from photoshop.

Thanks victoriawinters! I do plan on setting up my own dream book.

wow, the new promo really rings my chimes... AND *I* get a thank you!  I'm not sure just what I did to earn being thanked, but you are certainly very welcome!

It's been forever since I last watched the 1995 storyline.  I love it because it has such a Twilight Zone feel to it, and it's completely focused on Barnabas and Julia, AND they included several of my other favorite actors on the show--Nancy Barrett, Clarice, Thayer, and Selby--in roles that allowed them to do stuff that was really different from their other work on the series.  All in all, it's a great two-and-a-half weeks that's a unique period in the show's history.  Love what you've created here in honor of it.  I don't know the music you used--I do enjoy the soft, romantic feel that it gives your montage.

It looks as if you had to disable the Feedback page due to troll activity--sorry to hear about that.

You got a thank you because it was your promo idea and i dont think I would have ever come up with the title "Divided Loyalties." That honor goes to you.

The music is called "Kissing You" by desree. If you ever remember the Romeo &Juliet movie with Leonardo Dicaprio and Claire Danes, the song is a major part of the movie and has been used as promotional music for other stuff also.

Oh yea, there is definately a troll! Seems like its one immature person. I will take down my guestbook soon cuz its seems useless. I plan on having a feedback section that will help weed out those trolls.

I'm starting my feedback section on my main site and I was wondering if anyone would like to say anything about it, maybe about the promos.

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