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Messages - MaggieEvans

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OMG! I think you got a GREAT deal! I would have been just jumping up and down if I was able to get any of those! I have a few Marilyn Ross DS books, but I have been always wanting to get my hands on some Gold Key comics! And the magazine is certainly a keeper!

Great job finding all the stuff!

Well... lets just say that my hangover could have been worse. But, for the amount of drinks bought for me, I'm doing really good! First, some random guy bought my entire table a round, then the bartender bought me a drink, then the KJ bought me a drink, then someone else who was having a birthday bought me a drink... and let me tell ya... AMF's are POWERFUL!!

But, my husband and I are both shocked that even though I got completely messed up, I had the brains to know when to quit singing!

Happiest birthday!!!!

You all are awesome! Thank you!

I have today off with pay, I'm playing BIOSHOCK (great video game) and going to watch DS on my laptop... life is GOOD!!!

Tonight will be a drunken night of Scare-eoke! 47 feels DARNED good! My hubby and I love karaoke, so we're gonna have so much fun!

Thanks for all the birthday wishes!

*how they got the peanuts in those tiny M&Ms*

*get out the weed whacker and cut more hair off of*

I wonder how long it'll take someone to notice I put sugar in the salt shaker! Oh snap, I'm such a rebel, dawg.

Barnabas couldn't put the book down. He read on... "See Dick. See Dick and Jane. See Jane _____________ with Dick." "Oh my", Barnabas thought. "Jane is sure _______________!!"

She was sure impressed with her appearance. She thought that with a ____________ and a _________, she'd look just like _______________!"

Magda: "Look deep into my ______________, Mr. Barnabas, and I will read your ______________!"
Barnabas: "I'm impressed! I didn't know you could _______________!"

*wouldn't I look a little too much like Hugh Jackman trying to dance?*

*running around Collinwood wearing nothing but my musky smell and a smile*

*TruTV's new fall line up. What frightened her most is that they're still going to show Operation: Repo!*

*see how many cherry stems she could tie with her teeth in under a minute*
*dress up in Judith's clothing and try to creat a new definition for "drag race".*

*jumper cables and an Aflac duck.*

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