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Messages - michaelhacketttodd

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Current Talk '09 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0821
« on: October 02, 2009, 09:36:02 PM »
In episode 562, Nicholas Blair is not allowed into Tom Jennings room by a confident, determined black nurse.  In spite of the times, this woman put an evil warlock in his place twice during the scene.  Michael Hackett Todd [ghost_wink] 

It might be worth considering the fact that Collinsport, without all the Supernatural occurances, is just a small Maine Fishing Village and that they most likely had a volunteer fire department.  And you are on target when you regard them is not much better than the Police Department.  They most likely filled the water tanks in the fire truck with gasoline by mistake.  That is why the shop burned so completely.   [ghost_wink]

Calendar Events / Announcements '09 II / Re: VERY SAD NEWS /OT
« on: September 27, 2009, 12:37:01 AM »
Take care of yourself and keep your spirits up as best you can.   [ghost_sad]

In my opinion, the demise of Guiding Light, the Jay Leno Show and the cancellation of Dark Shadows all have one thing in common, $MONEY$.  Guiding Light may have become a victim of changing demographics.  The Jay Leno Show was an attempt by NBC to keep a very popular figure like Jay from competing with Conan Obrien on another network, even FOX.  He too, was forced off the Tonight Show stage because of changing demographics.  As for Dark Shadows, it was still a popular attraction when ABC cancelled the show.  But the bulk of its audience was young people and the network probably thought the show would just go away quietly when it was replaced with Password.  They could not have been more wrong.  Dark Shadows was an escape from the trials of everyday life.  I watch the show every day on video to remind me of a happier time when money wasn't everything and quality, ground breaking programming meant more than ratings and profits.  Michael Hackett Todd 

Calendar Events / Announcements '09 II / Re: Happy Birthday Grayson Hall
« on: September 18, 2009, 11:22:59 PM »
Thank you for bringing Grayson's Birthday to my attention.  "A Hard Act to Follow" is highly recommended reading for any fan of this cherished performer.   

The "Guy" you are referring to is Paul Michael and he and Marion Ross are lifetime companions.  He refers to Marion as his "Special Lady" and they are not officially married.  Michael Hackett Todd

The Mother's In Law used to crack me up as a child.  It was one of the funniest shows ever.  Kay Ballard reminded me of my own Italian heritage which made the show especially meaningful. 

Current Talk '09 II / Re: Jonathan Frid and Johnny Depp
« on: July 09, 2009, 06:50:32 AM »
It is very unlikely Jonathan will accept even a Cameo Role.  While always gracious to DS fans, he always tries to distance himself from the show.  During a performance of his "Reader's Theater" in Chicago several years ago, Jonathan mentioned his involvement with DS.  Then he reminded us that dwelling in the past is "unhealthy" and of course, there was yours truly with a Dark Shadows Concordance, waiting for an autograph and picture with my idol.  He pointed to me as if to use me as an example, then chuckled.  Later, he greeted me warmly, posed with me for a picture and autographed my concordance.  The August Fest will be the first time I have seen him since that memorable evening. 

Current Talk '09 I / Re: the bangor pine!
« on: May 24, 2009, 08:12:24 PM »
Does anyone have any current information on Michael Maitland (Leviathan Child Michael)?  He was to appear at a Fest around 2002, but was a  no-show.  Michael Hackett Todd

Current Talk '09 I / Re: the bangor pine!
« on: May 23, 2009, 08:54:53 PM »
The first location for the taping of Dark Shadows was Studio 2 at 24W 64th Street in Manhattan.  It was very cramped and they would remain there for only a few weeks.  The second and final location was the West 53rd Street Studio which most of us are familiar with.  This is where The Montel Williams Show was taped.  As for the set, everything was specifically designed and built for Dark Shadows by Sy Tomashoff.  Nothing was borrowed from other shows.  Michael Hackett Todd     

Calendar Events / Announcements '09 I / Shadowgram
« on: February 25, 2009, 07:58:54 PM »
Great News!  The latest Shadowgram will be mailed soon.  Marcy has had to deal with many personal matters since last summer which explains the delay.  She is also talking about a Shadowgram Website.  We all wish her the very best and are grateful for her many years of Shadowgram.  This information was sent to me via Yahoo Groups.

An email was also sent to Marcy Robin last week.  She was reminded of this fact and that she could contact me (and any of you) for assistance.  Marcy may feel Shadowgram is her responsibility.  She has yet to respond to my latest email.  Sorry 

Current Talk '09 I / Re: Dark shadows Festival Website
« on: January 19, 2009, 01:17:53 AM »
"Pansy Faye" responded to my email inquiry concerning the lack of information about the 2009 Festival and the pending Dark Shadows Movie.  Pansy assured me that information concerning both topics will be posted soon.  Pansy apologized for the delay and thanked me (and all of you) for your patience and support.  Michael

Current Talk '09 I / Re: Dark shadows Festival Website
« on: January 17, 2009, 05:29:49 AM »
Marcy Robin recently responded to my email.  My concern was that the latest Shadowgram had yet to arrive.  Marcy replied that her personal life and all it trials had taken up all of her time and that fandom had to take a back seat to herself, her family and all off the responsibilities that come with this.  Although this may not explain the Dark Shadows Festival problems, it does remind us all that the people who work these publications have lives and the work they do on our behalf is usually free and sometimes at considerable cost to them.  We can all do our part (me included) to support them any way we can and perhaps spread the word about the new movie and the 2009 Festival ourselves. 

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