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Messages - quentin-channing

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I know, I wish i could see the Flatboat man Lincoln tv performance he did from the 60's. I'm a fan of Lincoln in general!

Heck, I'm excited for the new Spielberg Lincoln project. I think Liam Neeson will be brilliant

Calendar Events / Announcements '09 II / Re: Dark Shadows Finale vid
« on: July 16, 2009, 11:49:35 PM »
How fitting they got the airdate for the final slate more blooper to add to the pile  [ghost_grin]

I agree though, its sad seeing that, and I wasn't even alive when DS ended. Its like the camera took us through the mansion one last time for us to say goodbye. Who knew fans would have to the chance to see every episode, every blooper, every vampire bite again.

Thanks Cris. I would buy tickets in a heartbeat if I could make it out to CA.

I am hoping that with Illinois being the Land Of Lincoln, David will come here to Chicago for something similar. Even a book signing would do  [ghost_smiley]

If it gets renewed for another four seasons (or if it flash forwards again), we may even get to see DS itself on "Mad Men."  [ghost_grin]

ProfStokes, I believe the creator, Matt Weiner, said that each season would mean a jumping ahead in time!

Oh wow, Mad Men is my favorite series currently on air. The luscious Jon Hamm with the luscious David Selby? How much can one woman take???!!!  [love10]

 Let's hope they have at least one scene together!

Wow, my friends and I had our first website on Geocities over 10 years ago.  Its hard to believe they will be gone, but it seems every Geocities site I find when I do a search for something has either been abandoned or the owner took everything down. Alot of "personal" sites shifted to Myspace or Facebook pages I think.

Magnus, Blogspot seems to be very popular. They are owned by Google I believe.


This looks to be taken from one of the DVD's but I know there's many of us that haven't seen these interviews

And can I say my heart skipped a beat when David sang....I have been obsessed with the musical Oklahoma ever since I was a little girl and saw it on tv. I knew he played Will but to get to hear him sing was just fantastic!  [ghost_smiley]

Can we say he's an acquired taste? LOL

No matter what, even if its not intentional, he cracks me up.

Happy belated birthday Rodger  [easter_wink]

BTW Taeylor, love your avatar!

And I believe its the last Procter & Gamble sponsored soap.

GL has been horrid these past few years, I can't say I'm that sorry to see it go.

I don't know anybody who would want a copy of this. Its a WORKPRINT...meaning missing scenes, temp music, no full-on special effects. Its not cropped right so you'd be able to see boom mikes and everything.  Sorry but I think I'll pass!  [lghy]

As for the new DS movie, because its a Depp/Burton project more than likely it will be at least attempted to be leaked, if not cammed and uploaded when its finally out. There's copies of almost any movie or cd out there to illegally download for free.  Its just the way it is now.

Well I love Castle. It doesn't hurt that I'm also a Nathan Fillion fan.  [easter_grin]

But for Susan this is a plumb role. She's gets to do comedy, she sang in the first episode. I just love what she's doing and the show is really is clever and well-written.

Calendar Events / Announcements '09 I / Dark Shadows: A Fan Remembers
« on: March 20, 2009, 03:48:26 AM »
I found this fantastic video on Youtube, of a fan who visited the studio many times as a kid. Great stories and some pics and footage I had never seen. Check it out!  [easter_smiley]

Consider me backup! LOL


I didn't recognize any of the other names mentioned but Ricky Martin. But then I realized it was ABC Soaps in Depth. Except for DS, all the soaps I have ever followed and still follow are on CBS. Is there a separate list? I can't find it on their website.

Calendar Events / Announcements '09 I / Re: Another Unexpected DS Reference
« on: February 06, 2009, 04:23:07 AM »
I'm a fan and still I go "huh?" LOL

I guess sometime DS sits in the recesses of people's minds and pops out at the strangest moments!  [a2a3]

Happy B-Day David!!!  [occasion15]

May the most you wish for be the least you receive!

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