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Messages - mm#7

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Very happy to hear that Jonathan Frid will participate in this new film in someway.Great news.

Calendar Events / Announcements '10 II / Re: Anywhere but NEWARK!!!!!
« on: January 04, 2011, 06:56:55 AM »
I prefer Tarrytown.I was at  the 04,and 07Festivals and had a wonderfultime. Since I live Brooklyn,its nice to get away from the foracouple of days.

Happy birthday Jonathan. I hope that the coming year for you willbe a happy and a healthy year. I hope to see you at the fest.MM#7

Current Talk '10 II / Re: Versions of werewolves
« on: October 01, 2010, 07:28:19 PM »
I prefer the 2 legged werewolf such as Lon Chaney in the Wolfman. Also the remake was very good.I rememmber that the werewolf in An American Werewolf in London was a 4 legged character, the effects on that were great. I do prefer the 2 legged versions though.

I also feel that this film willnever happen.The sad thing also, is that it seems to be holding back the dvd, and possible blu ray release of House and Night of DarkShadows.

I just prordered the new DS audio drama with Jonathan Frid. Cannot wait to receive this. Jonathan has always been a real favorite of mine. It will be great to hear him doing Barnabas once [ghost_smiley]

Current Talk '24 I / Re: hoDS/NoDS DVD Release?
« on: December 29, 2009, 06:56:56 AM »
 [stocking] Very nice to see a new post on the 2 original DS films. Oh, I would love to see them on Blu Ray. Its a new and great format, but at this point, I will love to one day on this site to read that they have been announnced to dvd.Hope everyone out there enjoyed the Holidays, regardless of which one you celebrate, and have a happy and blessed New Year.

Is this movie ever going to be made? It is still so sad, because the powers at be are delaying the dvd release of the 2 DS films tobe released when the Johnny Depp DS film is released. I don't feel this film will ever be done. Release the two DS films on DVD already.MM#7

Calendar Events / Announcements '09 II / Re: VERY SAD NEWS /OT
« on: September 25, 2009, 10:16:45 PM »
I am sorry to hear that you got laid off. I can understand how you feel. Its happened to  me several times in my kifetime, and I know that its no joke. Goodluck to you, and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.Rich L.

Hello, I wanted to add my feelings about the DS Festival. I have been to many, and I try to always have a good time. I was rather dissapointed in the fact that it was in Newark. I would have loved for it to been in Tarrytown. Any, I went on Saturday, and as always, it was wonderful to see many of my friends that I have known for many years.I got a chance to say hello to Lara, whom is my favorite since my days as one of the studio kids.It was great to see Jonathan also. I was also one of the kids whom helped with fan mail the summer in 1970. The 2 women that Jonathan introduced, I knew back than in the summer of 1970. They were totally correct in saying that there were tons on mail, not only For Jonathan,and he deserved all that fan mail.  But so mucg also for the rest of the cast also. I enjoyed the scenes the fans voted for as the 10 best. But where were any scenes of Jonathan and Kathryn Leigh Scott?No scenes of Barnabas and Josette? No way. Jonathan had really good rapport with not only Lara Parker, and Grayson Hall, but also with Kathryn.That was sort of a bummer.I thought the hotel was fine, the service at the restuarant was slow, but the food was good.I wish I had made plans to be there all weekend.But that was my fault. I didn't really notice if there were many Johnny Depp fans there. Overall, I enjoyed myself alot, and am planning to be in beatuiful downtown Burbank next July. By to all.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: hoDS/NoDS DVD Release?
« on: July 24, 2009, 02:08:46 AM »
Perhaps the tone of my reply was very angry the other night.It is very frustrating to see all the films that have so many of movie lovers and collectors double dipping for directors cuts, and ultimate editions of different films. Yet, HODS, and NODS, are still just sitting there waiting to be released.Movies that never made it to VHS and Laser Disc have made it to DVD.But no House, and no Night of Dark Shadows.Darren, you asked whom do I suspect? Warner Brothers, yes, and perhaps some people that involved with running the Festival. Its just my opinion, and I have been knownto be wrong many times.I still feel, that IF this film is ever made, and I am one of the few that dosen't think it will be made, I don't think that the majority of Johnny Depps audience will be going to the stores and buying House and Night on DVD.The core audience are the original fans, the fans whom liked the 1991 series and went to see the original.Too much time has elapsed, and my feeling is that they be waiting to long till 2011 or 2012 to put them out.These are just my opinions, and I am not trying to hurt anyone else's feelings.I hope it all works out. I hope one day to seethe restored version of Night. It sounds like it willbe a totally different picture. I hope it all works out.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: hoDS/NoDS DVD Release?
« on: July 22, 2009, 04:16:37 AM »
I would to add also that I don't feel that the Johnny Depp audience will hurry up to the nearest video out and purchase HODS and hopefully the restored NODS.My honest opinion is that for the most part it will be 2 different audiences. My own feelings. To be very honest with everyone one involved, I think that this is a huge mistake tohold back the release of HODS and NODS till now I am seeing 2011 or 2012, are you guys kidding all of us or what? This has got to be the stupidest decision regarding these2 films that I have  ever seen.  This news is really aggravating.I don't feel also that its just WB holding them back.As I have said before, I am grateful I still have my Laser Disc on these films.

Calendar Events / Announcements '09 I / Re: Shadowgram
« on: March 14, 2009, 05:55:48 AM »
Very disapointed that the DS festival will not be in Tarry-town once again this summer. The 2 times that I went, I enjoyed it up there very much.There is also the connection between the 2 films and Tarry-town which makes it extra special. It also seemed like a mini vacation to me. i enjoyed the drive from Brooklyn to Tarry-town.Also, thats a long wait for the two films to come to dvd, Oct 2010.We have been waiting a long time for this.I guess I willhave to rehook up my laser disc player again to watch them.Hopefully, when they do arrive on DVD,it willbe worth the wait.I also feel the David Selby wil be there. he has been a trooper for many years. Hopefully he can be there, and perhaps a Barnabas, Quentin renunion.MM#7

Hi Darren, very happy to hear that you site is back up and on line. Its kind of sad though to hear that it may take till Oct of 2010 to see these films make it to DVD.Is there any chance at all that they can come out this year? If not, well I am happy I still have my Laser Disc of the 2 films. Good luck. MM#7

Current Talk '08 II / Re: DS VS Star Trek? Why So Little Respect For DS?
« on: November 27, 2008, 07:55:34 AM »
This has been an interesting topic.This mm#7.I happen to be alife long fan of ds. I hav e a;; the vhs, the dvd, the laser discs of house and night.I enjoy them all.If I rememmber correctly, i felt the ds might have more popular that trek was in its original run.But we all know of the syndication problems worldvision had with ds, wheras Paramont got st out there immedialty.I personally never experienced much hostility from st trek fan because I was and stillam a ds fan.Sometimes people that you work with find out that youlike a certain show, or a movie franchise, and sometimes if the wrong group gets that infor, they will break your chops and give you a hard time.I delt with stuff like that in two ways,before knee and back injuries took over my life, for a small man, 5ft 7inches, and at that time, about 140lbs,take if out on the football field.Sometimes people ar work especially men, ten to think touch of their athletic abilitys.So when the next thing that they know, Richi has just flattened outjohn on the game, watch out.sometimes, and it happens to me all the time,I am very underestimatedThan you had the men and women who's social lives were constantly so busy.and what ere clowns doing with their lives?BOOZE AND DRUGS.I ALWATS STAYED AWAY FROM THAT.Its unfortunate, that people feel that they have to show no respect to anyone based on a tvt series that they watch.But today, that still happens.I have been to many ds conventions, the early days of shadowcon, till finally the ds fest.i have made alot of very dear friends there, and we still sre friends.many have been lifelorn friends. that i always apreeciate.After reading this article,I felt a need to respond.I hope that all of you reading my bit on it, understood where Iwas coming from Thankyou, mm#7

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