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Messages - Josette

Current Talk '03 I / Re:The Jeb/Carolyn Romance
« on: May 16, 2003, 07:54:41 AM »
I get infuriated with her behavior towards Jeb.  She acts quite angry over his brash and rude behavior and tells him off.  Yet that apparently attracts or intrigues her, so she keeps going to him.

But, after he broke the antique and she scolded him, I just can't see her going along with his telling her to do the same.  I can't believe that she would deliberately drop it the way she did.

Current Talk '03 I / The Leviathan's True Form
« on: May 16, 2003, 07:39:18 AM »
I was going to mention this a little while back, but thought I'd wait until this episode when it's explicitly stated.  Barnabas clearly tells Quentin that in order for Jeb to change to his true form, he has to be in the special room.

Presumably that would apply to his younger selves.  Yet, when Alexander terrorized Paul, first with the breathing and then becoming the young Carolyn, and when Michael chased Maggie into the secret passages and later when he returned, we clearly heard the breathing and presumably he had changed.

We saw them both at Collinwood, as Alexander and as Michael, before these incidents, so he clearly changed form there.

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re:New Features Galore
« on: May 16, 2003, 07:32:21 AM »
(including a few of our favorites from the SP version that have recently been ported over to SE).

That led me to look at the menu options and I discovered that "Search New" is back!!

Actually, I've kind of liked the recent way of clicking on the "new" and getting right to the correct post.  But that meant going "back" to the listings after each thread, so Search New should still be an improvement.

MB, thank you for your answers.  I hated to throw so many questions at you with everything else you have to do.  It's likely to be at least a week or two before I actually do anything, so don't feel pressed to answer quickly.

After talking about it for a year or two, I'm finally on the verge of getting a new computer and thought I'd get some hints.  From the WordPerfect forum I use, it would seem that one should make sure to get Windows XP Professional and not Home - do you know anything about these?

I know you like Linux.  It's always sounded interesting.  Now that I'll have room, I could consider it.  However, since the XP would also be on the computer and since they are both operating systems, I don't quite understand how that would work.  At one point I think WordPerfect was developing a version to work with Linux, but I don't know if anything really came of that.  If one uses Linux, will the regular programs work?

Any opinions on anti-virus programs?  McAfee came with this computer and I've kept it up ever since.  If I get Gateway again (which I think I will), it comes with 3 months of Norton.  On the WordPerfect forum, again, someone recently indicated that he feels Norton is no good.  However, some of them seem to feel the same way about McAfee!!  They recommended a few other programs, and I think one of those is free.  The names mentioned were:  ViRobot, Panda, and AVG.  I think AVG is the one I've noticed a few of them recommending and I think that's the one that's free.  I've always been reluctant to switch to anything else.  I assume I'll accept the 3 months of Norton and then decide whether to subscribe to them or go back to McAfee.

When I got my current one, it has a 4 GB hard drive (which sounded enormous at the time; I was going from 212 MB!!), at that time it had to be subdivided and came as C and D drives. The pre-installed programs and most others I've installed (Fax, Acrobat, WinZip and anything else that came along) are on C. I have WP and all of my own files on D.

I kind of liked that separation. However, it's C that's almost full, while there's still more room on D (by now that's getting pretty full, too, though). One salesman seemed surprised when he learned of the partition and I said it had to be that way back then. He advised to never partition.

With the large size of drives these days, since it would be a major undertaking to partition it once it's set up, I thought I'd solicit opinions as to whether it's better to have the one huge drive or partitions.

I think that's it for now!! :)

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re:In the Mood?
« on: May 16, 2003, 04:05:30 AM »
I'm not sure I follow how this works.  I assumed that one could choose a mood for an individual post.  I decided to try choosing one; nothing seemed to happen in the post (that was before you fixed it), but it did identify my mood at the top of my screen.

Once it was fixed, it turned up in the posts.  So, evidently it works like everything else, where whatever mood is chosen shows up in all one's posts.

I had assumed that if one was posting in a thread about someone who died, for instance, one could use a sad mood, and for a happy birthday post there could be a happy one, etc.  But, if the same thing shows throughout, then clearly that can't be done.

Current Talk '03 I / Re:DO YOU HAVE CARPAL TUNNEL??
« on: May 15, 2003, 05:17:23 PM »
Collinwood Burials

Well, they not only still immediatly manage to get their tombstones carved and installed (complete with name - Sheriff!), but apparently they don't bother to use coffins.  Anyone who "comes back" seems to be able to just dig through a bit of earth and return covered with earth - no box to get through first!!

And, with the sheriff, he's threatened with having to return to the grave, whereas anyone else who was summoned back complained about that and wanted to be left back in the peace of the grave.

Current Talk '03 I / Recap Episode
« on: May 15, 2003, 08:45:33 AM »
I was wondering if an episode like this, with so many flashbacks, was able to incorporate the original tape or if all of the "old" scenes were repeated for the new episode.  Some sets, like Josette's room, would have been available, but others, like the burnt out studio, would have had to be recreated.  I don't recall the details of any of the scenes well enough to tell if they were identical or just very similar to the original.

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / Re:Happy B-day to Anibus
« on: May 15, 2003, 08:18:27 AM »


Hope you've had a blast!!

[crowdhappy]  [beer] 

Amanda's angst really doesn't move me. She had 72 years. No health problems. No debilitating illnesses. Complete use of her faculties. The rest of us poor slobs have to go through life aging and suffering and get no guarantee that we're ever going to find love sooooo--why the hell should I care about Amanda?

This part makes sense to me.  It's not just that she's not ready to die.  But she's been looking for Quentin all this time and is on the verge of getting him when this happens.

However, given all she's gone through to get him, when she's on the verge of really having him, all she can do is complain and want to turn back?!!!!


H :)A :)P :)P :)Y :)   M :)O :)T :)H :)E :)R' :)S :)      D :)A :)Y :)!!

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Bye Sweetheart
« on: May 10, 2003, 08:10:10 AM »
He left to film the movie "Joe", which was released later that year.  Which led to one of the more ridiculous uses of a photo on the show.

I don't want to bother with any spoilers here, but for those who haven't seen it, watch out for when this happens - it's SOOO funny!

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / Re:5/7 Birthday
« on: May 08, 2003, 07:57:06 AM »
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Craig_Slocum!!

Hope you had a "perfect" day!![crowdhappy]

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Mr. Juggins!!!

Lots of good wishes and many, many more!!

 :) [82e4] [82e4][beer][crowdhappy]


Such wonderful news.  He really sounds very special.  Best wishes to both of you. :)