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Messages - Sunny_Collins

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Current Talk '06 II / Re: Moments that made you go "WHAT?!!!!"
« on: October 15, 2006, 02:21:55 PM »
A major annoying "What?" was when in 1970 Julia discovers through her search of Quentin's portrait, that Angelique has returned and is now married to Sky. Angelique informs Julia that she doesn't want to be involved in any of the Collins' problems, that she's found a happy life with her husband and doesn't want that ruined. She pleads with Julia to allow her to live a happy life without her past deeds being revealed, and Julia agrees.

Firstly, this annoys me because if Julia is so devoted to Barnabas, and knowing all the terrible things Angelique subjected him to, highest on the list, the death of many of his family members, she would have at least cut Angelique with a few sharp remarks, then demanded why she shouldn't run and tell barnabas of Angelique's return. Instead, she placidly goes along with Angelique's requests, accept for involving her with smuggling Quentin's painting in order to uncover it from the landscape.

Barnabas does eventually learn of Angelique's existence and marriage, and he goes to her home to ask for her help.

Barnabas should realize by now that Angelique isn't to be trusted, why would he want her help with anything? It seems like he'd want to stay as far away from her as possible. Angelique tells him she doesn't want to help him in any way, that her life with Sky is very important and she doesn't want it ruined by any Collins' antics.

Barnabas, in an understanding tone says he understands her feelings completely and doesn't want to destroy her happiness with her husband.
But why was Barnabas so understanding of her, willing to keep her past deeds quiet, willing to allow her happiness when she so blatantly obliterated his life in 1795? Shouldn't he have reminded her of her selfish motives in the past, using his own knowledge to his advantage to get her to do what he wanted? He was just so docile about the entire thing, as though nothing harsh had ever been between them!  [hall_huh]

Through Barnabas's stubborn insistence she promises to conceal Carolyn, but only for a short time. Then she returns to her old ways, threatening him with her formidable powers if he doesn't uphold his end of the bargain, that helping him won't cause her any troubles with Sky. Yet again he is kind in the face of her threats instead of pointing out that he has already been subjected to her powers time and again, he doesn't need to be reminded of her capabilities. IMHO, he should have displayed a little bitterness at her request for happiness when she so coldly and calculatingly denied it to him.  [hall_huh]

Yet another moment: After returning from 1995, Barnabas and Julia inform Quentin of his possible future fate, explaining of his madness in the face of family tragedy, and that he will become very attached to the ghost of a woman named Daphne. Fully aware of what is to come, Daphne appears to Quentin, and instead of sending her away, or at the very least protesting her presence with him, he welcomes her, simply because she's a beautiful woman. If knowledge is power, then he didn't use what he knew to avoid a fate he knew was to come. He continues to be involved with Daphne, all the while knowing the dangers, but obviously he doesn't care about his sanity or the children if he is willing to set this all aside for the sake of beauty.

Yet another: During the dream curse when Willie has the dream and is then frantic to tell it to Carolyn, instead of feeling sympathetic towards him, Barnabas and Julia tell him to stop complaining about the dream and search for Adam. Julia has experienced the dream, she knows the terrifying feelings it provokes in the person who has had the dream, so now why is she so callously pushing aside Willie's emotions as if they don't matter? Poor Willie!

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Beautician, Beautician
« on: October 13, 2006, 04:29:22 AM »
When you consider how infrequently people bathed in those days, it doesn't bear thinking how long they went between shampoos.

ICK!!!! [hall2_tongue]

Oh yuck!!!  [hall2_shocked]

Perhaps all the women had unseen maids to make them presentable, and the men had valets.  [hall_grin]

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: Happy Birthday, Dana Elcar
« on: October 11, 2006, 08:43:45 PM »
He was a great character in the show. Happy birthday wishes to him!  [hall2_cool] [hall2_smiley]

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Who was upset that DS ended in 1840 PT?
« on: October 07, 2006, 12:07:24 AM »
I agree that it would have been nice to see the family one last time, not just Liz, and even if they couldn't wrap things up nice and neat, which considering the entire scope of the show, they still should have allowed us to see the real time family.

Still, it does leave the story lines open to all sorts of fun and interesting interpretations.  ;D

Polls Archive / Re: Dastardly Villian Poll
« on: October 06, 2006, 11:38:48 PM »
This was a really difficult decision for me, as all these candidates were evil in their own ways.

At first I thought of voting for Nicholas, but there's something in his personality that's a bit helpless, after all he can never escape his fate, and I think in some ways he may have wanted to. Okay, am I insane for thinking this? Oh well.  :-

Gregory Trask got my vote because he claimed goodness as his motives, when obviously they were anything but. He enjoyed inventing lies for the sake of control and money, and most of all for mistreating children whom he was entrusted to care for and instruct, locking them in closets, depriving them of food, all for there benefit! Yeah, right!  >:(

Happy birthday to one of the most versatile actresses on DS!  :) 8)

The trick is to be certifiable, yet to avoid the actual certification! So many of us, after all, have a terrible curse the world will never understand, that the world would lock us away for were they to find out. It can happen so easily. You have a fling in Martinique, you strangle your wife.... life can be so unfair. But we're all here to console each other, and to offer a comforting basement to hide in until the heat's off. I love us.

You're right there, Magnus! LOL!   ;D

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: Hello, I am new around here
« on: October 06, 2006, 10:55:21 PM »
A very warm welcome to you, Widows wail!  :) 8)

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: Happy Day to DSFAN4EVER!
« on: October 06, 2006, 10:53:00 PM »
A belated birthday wish to you, DSFAN4EVER! Hope it was a great day!  :)

Best wishes for a happy birthday, dsbarnabasfan!  :)

 :) Have a great birthday, Nelson Collins!  :)

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: Happy Birthday to Julia99!
« on: October 06, 2006, 10:41:24 PM »
A very belated happy birthday, Julia99! Sorry for the lateness of the wish, but it is sincere!  :)

Hope you had a great day!  :)

I completely agree with you, Mscbryk. The first time I saw Vicki's final fate, I was very stunned, and once that wore off, very angry!  IMHO, they should have just let us believe that after Barnabas's trip back to 1796 in order to save Vicki from hanging, things ended happily ever after with Peter and Vicki. There was no need to elaborate further on a fate everyone thought had been decided.

[spoiler]The producers should have realized that killing off such a beloved and original character of the show wouldn't be well received.[/spoiler]

1897 was a great storyline but it was 8 months long and I couldnt wait for the show to return to the present. You could plainly see they were stretching things out by using the "I Ching" as a plot itself. I would rather have the climax be where

[spoiler]The death of Quentin is prevented and David is released from Quentin's ghost. Though it would mean there being no Petofi to the story. Barnabas was the show's hero, he should have been the one to stop Beth from shooting Quentin.[/spoiler]

If they did want to do a third time travel story they should have waited a year or more to pass as they did from 1795 to 1897.

I agree with you, Joeytrom. 1897 lasted just a bit too long and I was glad when it was over.

Also, it got rather tiring to see Barnabas yet again obsessed with another reincarnation of Josette, first with Rachael Drummond, then with lady Kitty.

When Julia came to 1897, she should have just told Barnabas to get over Josette once and for all!

I also think they should have waited about a year to do more time traveling. It seemed as though we're getting bombarded by time jumps, and the novelty starts wearing off.

Just my opinion though.

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Which catfights should have been on Dark Shadows?
« on: September 25, 2006, 06:48:16 PM »
Oh definitely Julia and Angelique! I think Julia's sincere love for Barnabas would have won out over any spell Angelique might care to use.  8)

Abigail and Naomi, although Naomi was too intimidated by her, it still would have been fun to see them arguing over who was the real mistress at Collinwood.

Although there is a cool scene in 1795 when Naomi delivers a biting remark to Abigail, and I can't quote this exactly, but she says something to the effect of: "If the devil has blinded us all, why is it that he lets you in on all his secrets?"

Fabulous!  ;D

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