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Messages - Brandon Collins

Current Talk '07 II / 1172
« on: July 07, 2007, 04:59:27 AM »

Does anyone else hear the background noise on episode 1172? If you listen closely, in the teaser, you can hear Trask's line well before he says them. I wonder why this is? Is it an error in the DVD, or is it because there was a tape of the audio playing in the background?

Can someone else verify this?

Current Talk '07 I / Re: the gang in 1795...
« on: July 03, 2007, 10:09:29 PM »
Mainly... was this an altered timeline set in motion (knowingly or unknowingly) by Sarah's ghost, where Barnabas, even as a newly-minted vampire, was a nicer one than he would have been, because of Victoria's presence, and his concern for her?   Was he "originally" simply bloodthirsty, overwhelmed by the effects of the curse and bitterness?    Was the pivotal moment when he announced an impending bloodbath, then immediately changed his mind?   Did he not change his mind "the first time"?

Anyway, before seeing the end of 1795, I pictured Barnabas somehow being dragged off kicking and screaming to be chained up, which no one would have the power to do, granted, but I had thought the whole point was that he'd become an all-out monster, who then stewed in his maniacal juices till 1967.

I don't think that Barnabas was "nicer" because Vicki was there. As I read into the story, Vicki simply took the place of Phyllis Wick, so if that's true, Barnabas should've been just as nice and concerned about Ms. Wick as he was about our Vicki.

I also don't believe that Barnabas ever intened, even in 1795, to go on a bloodbath. It wouldn't be true to his character, because even at his most evil, he still had a conscience about what he was going to do or had done. Barnabas volunteering to be destroyed was something he did because he loved his family, and he knew that as a result of Angelique's curse that if he continued living, the last few family members that were left alive in 1795 would die, just as all the others had, because they felt love for him. So, he was basically removing himself from the situation. Unfortunately, Barnabas didn't forsee that Joshua was going to take pity on his son and simply chain him up because he couldn't bare to give the order for his death. This shows that Joshua loves Barnabas, and, as a result of Angelique's curse, he should've died an untimely death too. Details, details.

Ultimately, I think this ties into the other thread that was going about whether or not Sarah had precognition, because there are a number of reasons that Vicki could've been transported to the past:

1) Sarah knew that Vicki was falling for Barnabas and since Sarah didn't want any harm to come to Vicki, she sent her into the past with the hope that Vicki would realize what Barnabas is and get scared. Under this idea, it was then planned by Sarah that when Vicki hanged she would revert back to her own time. Unfortunately, Sarah underestimated Vicki's incompetance.

2) Vicki just so happened to get sucked into a time warp, in a sort of "wrong place, wrong time" scenario.

Those are just two that I thought of off the top of my head. There could be many more. As to which is really true? Who the hell knows?

Current Talk '07 I / Re: the gang in 1795...
« on: June 28, 2007, 07:19:24 PM »

The 1795 trial wasn't quite as preposterous as the one in 18*0. I mean, the same things basically happened, with the real witch pinning the blame on someone else, but in 18*0, another 45 years into the future from 1795, and nearly 200 years from the original witch trials, this should've been completely discounted. They definitely should've known better. It would've been a helluva lot more interesting if they had've made some kind of slavery storyline, since this was around the time when the initial stirring of emancipation was going around.

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / OT - Need Help
« on: June 28, 2007, 07:11:05 PM »
Now, I know that this isn't exactly DS-related, and if it is, it's a real stretch to relate it. But I really need some help here.

Does anyone know where to find script brads? You know, those little screw-and-bolt things that keep scripts bound together? I really need to find where I can buy some. I've checked Staples and Office Depot, and no dice. So I don't know where else I could check.

If MB, Midnite and Dom wanna keep this thread down to this post, that's fine. Just PM me with your responses.

Thanks in advance for the help.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: the gang in 1795...
« on: June 28, 2007, 05:57:32 AM »
Vicki was incrediably stupid during this time period, as Adamsgirl pointed out, telling young Daniel and Sarah about airplanes and telephones. Not to mention that she admitted to being from the future, just like Adamsgirl said. All in all, Vicki was 60% of the stupidity running around during this time.

And, truth be told, it's not all that unthinkable that maybe those accusing Vicki may have thought that she didn't give a hoot damn about being found out, because, she was a witch, and everyone feared her. So maybe her accusers thought that she didn't care if she was found out, because they would just pop up dead anyway.

Actually, look what happened

Abigail and Trask, her two BIGGEST accusors, DID die, even though it wasn't by Vicki's hand.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Old House Staircase
« on: June 27, 2007, 06:30:44 PM »
I always thought it looks liked some kind of dancing woman, with her hands up over her head, and in a long dress that touches the ground. I'm not sure what she is--gypsy, maid on parade, etc, but it definitely seems like a dancing woman to me. Maybe a ballerina?

Happy Birthday, MT! I always enjoy your posts. You always come up with something interesting to say! :D

Anyone know how much that HODS script finally went for? I forgot to go back and check. I'm sure it wasn't chump change!!

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Leviiathon question
« on: June 20, 2007, 06:06:10 PM »
Yes! I had completely forgotten about that big threat of Paul Stoddard's ghost coming back and killing Jeb. So that really DOES explain it. Vicky got offed because Dennis Patrick got another acting gig! Oh the horrors!

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Leviiathon question
« on: June 19, 2007, 07:32:59 PM »
I think more than anything, mentioning that Jeb killed Vicki was intended for some sort of shock value to entice viewers back to watching since many people were either confused by or simply didn't like the storyline.

I never really got that particular plot development, because it doesn't make sense. In 1795/6/7 the Leviathans were recruiting Barnabas to join their cause. Just the two Gods, Haza and the other one, were alive, as far as we know. Jeb wasn't even in human form yet, he was still in the box. So, are we to believe that once Jeb reached adulthood in 1968 that he somehow traveled back through time, threw Vicki off Widow's Hill, then was thrown off Widow's Hill by Peter, and returned to the present, somehow excaping death while Peter was hanged for his murder? Pish posh.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Sarah's powers / was Re: Discuss - Ep #0314
« on: June 19, 2007, 05:05:00 AM »
Thanks Lori!

And you know what? That's quite an idea about Sarah knowing who she really was, but coming back in another body. There are some beliefs out there that a spirit can choose to reincarnate into another life anytime it pleases. The only reason that we don't remember our past lives, if we truly did have them, is because the transition from the higher plane to this plane is somewhat difficult, so we generally forget. But I'm sure that if Sarah were a strong enough entity, and I think she was, that she could make herself remember, or maybe do a past life regression through hypnosis to remember what she reincarnated for in the first place.

She could choose, for example, to be reincarnated and born on earth in, say, 1882, then show up in 1897 as a 15 year old, full well knowing that she's there to stop Barnabas from doing anything wrong.

Thanks for all the continued well wishes for my birthday! I really appreciate you taking the time out to say HB to me! :D

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Sarah's powers / was Re: Discuss - Ep #0314
« on: June 17, 2007, 04:35:48 PM »
Personally, I think to say that Sarah has some form of precognition really solves the entire thing rather well. I mean, I really can't accept that she didn't know what was going to happen as a result of her intervention in 1967, because otherwise, she wouldn't have done it. Of course she hoped that her intervening would save some lives, but I think ultimately she knew it would lead to more than that. She knew that it would lead Barnabas down the correct path he needed to go down, and ultimately lead him to be a better person. Depending on how you define precognition, it could swing one way or the other. If you define it loosely, by which I mean she knew she would've been saving some lives, then YES, she DID have precognition. If you define it as knowing that an event is definitely going to happen, no matter what you do, then NO, she probably DIDN'T have precognition.

I'm still unsure, myself, of whether or not Sarah knew that Barnabas would be doing all that time-traveling and reaking all the havoc he did in certain time periods.

And as far as her appearing in 1897, sure she could've watched unseen, making sure that Barnabas didn't do anything too horrible. I think it would've been a nice touch for the writers to add in the sound of her flute playing just after Barnabas had killed Carl, or committed some other such wrong doing in 1897. That would've been something simple enough to call back the memory of Sarah for most viewers and say "Hey, I'm still here, and I"m still watching, so be good or it's coal in your stocking."

Not to mention that with the writers preoccupation of reincarnation through the series, they could've had Sharon Smith come back and play a teenage girl who came to live at Collinwood, or maybe someone who befriends Jamison, or maybe even as Kitty Soams' daughter or niece or cousin, and then instead of having Kitty be the reincarnation of Josette, they could've had Sharon's new character be the reincarnation of Sarah. I think that would've been even more gripping if the Leviathans had've taken Sarah's reincarnated self hostage instead of Josette, because Josette was constantly in danger, whereas Sarah was only in danger once in 1795.

Thank you all for your birthday wishes! Yup, I'm the big 2-0. Breaking into another decade! And no birthday would be complete without.....DS DVDs! My collection is now complete! Well, except for the Beginning DVDs. Thinking that I might start from the beginning and watch along with the watching project.

Thanks again! :D

I think over the years the way we dress has been "dumbed down" so to speak. I mean, when I'm at home, on my days off, if I'm just going to be lazy, I don't change out of my bed clothes sometimes. If I'm going outside to do something, I wear a old t-shirt and some shorts. But if I do go out somewhere, like to the store, I usually make sure my shorts have no holes in them, or I wear jeans, and a nicer, newer t-shirt. There was a point when I was younger where I didn't give a hoot if I was caught dead in my underwear in the store, but now I'm more concerned about my appearance.

Back in the day (not my day, either ;) ), I'd expect that most wouldn't be caught dead going out without a casual suit on and some type of dress for the women.