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Messages - Joeytrom

Current Talk '09 II / Re: Veteran cousins? / Wars on DS
« on: November 13, 2009, 07:14:31 PM »
At the beginning of the Leviathan story, Phillip Todd mentions about the Moon landing.

Current Talk '09 II / DS on itunes!
« on: October 22, 2009, 11:48:43 PM »
House of Dark Shadows & Night of Dark Shadows are both available for downloading in itunes.  These are the VHS versions with a sharp picture.  I am downloading HODS now, which is $9.99 to buy.

Current Talk '09 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0839
« on: September 22, 2009, 11:26:42 PM »
It probably has to do with showing a child in a coffin..

[spoiler]During the Leviathan story, after Michael dies, he is shown lying without a coffin as well.[/spoiler]

Maybe they could re-create Seaview on a soundstage if they are going to film in London.

What house was used in the 2004 pilot?

Back to the Future was a good example of using multiple bodies at the same time.

Current Talk '09 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0835
« on: August 11, 2009, 12:11:26 AM »
I came up with a theory about this regarding Barnabas and the body switches.
I know there aren't anymore scenes in the Collins mausoleum in 1897, so I came up with the following:

1. Barnabas' 1969 body is drawn to 1897 reuniting with his 1969 soul self
2. Barnabas' 1897 body is reunited with his 1897 soul self and he is returned to the chained coffin
    (where he took the body over in the first place). The I Ching must have reset this point.
3. Barnabas is still a vampire with his 1969 body in 1897 because Adam doesn't exist yet, so he is back to being
    his cursed vampire self.

I am registering now and want to know if anyone knows how to get to the hotel from Queens?

Gothick: In that collection, there were three letters I remember of JF corresponding to his mother where first he states his last airdate on DS was to be late October.  The second one says his last airdate would be late November, and the third one states about the origin story.

I looked for it today but it wasn't where I thought it was, I'll have to do some searching.

DC didn't spend the rest of his life trying to re-do DS.  When it left the air, he distanced himself from it and wouldn't talk about it.  I read in a fanzine in the 80's that DS was a subject they weren't to discuss in the DC Productions office.  It was only in the late 80's that he started to warm up to DS again.

Sam Hall had made similiar comments about DC (he also ripped Malcom Mamorstein)  in one of the DS Files magazines in te 80's.  Around 1986-1987 there were a few issues made, though they were poorly edited.

Current Talk '09 I / Re: Quentin's Skeleton in the Present
« on: May 05, 2009, 10:49:53 PM »
The one odd thing about this is:

[spoiler]With history changed and Quentin not dying, the writers, for whatever reason, decided there still had to be a body sitting on the chair and sealed up in Quentin's room. Watching originally, I thought they forgot this when they had Beth shoot Quentin and then he staggered to the tower room to die instead of his own room.

They even went on to mention why there was wood paneling instead of the bricks sealing the room![/spoiler]

...and,of course as we all know,in the pre-videotape era these episodes were only intended to be watched it might have been a case of the writers simply assuming the viewers would not recall the exact sequence of events as spelled out months earlier.

Current Talk '09 I / Re: fish and hash
« on: April 28, 2009, 01:58:33 PM »
I believe Art Wallace had Roger about to throw Vicky over Widows Hill but David hits Roger with a rock and he falls to his death.  There was no murder of Bill Malloy though, the story was the investigation of Burke's hit and run which sent him to prison.  Roger admitted to killing the man with his car and framing Burke for it ten years earlier.

What was also interesting is that Shadows on the Wall has a scene in New Orleans just prior to this, showing “Walt Cummings” (Jason McGuire’s original name) boarding a tramp steamer heading to Maine.

Millicent & Daniel are probably the children/grandchildren of Joshua's father's brother.

Current Talk '09 I / Quentin's Skeleton in the Present
« on: April 22, 2009, 06:05:57 PM »
Since the 1897 episodes are being recapped at the point where Quentin is a werewolf and Edward and Judith have both see the werewolf, it appears that they were still heading towards Quentin being killed & sealed up in his room as David & Amy will find him.

At this point I think they were still using the original 1897 plan, until they added the Petofi storyline and changed the plan for Quentin.

Not counting the later episode where [spoiler]Beth’s ghost tells Julia about the night she killed Quentin (as that was after they changed course),[/spoiler] how do you think they were planning to end Quentin’s story going by the episodes currently being recapped?