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Messages - joe integlia

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Calendar Events / Announcements '05 II / Fest 2005 Reports
« on: July 30, 2005, 11:10:33 AM »
the 1st images from the 2005 fest are on my website. kathy cody was a no show! the 1st nite(friday)featured 2 q+a sessions. 1st with lp/mw/dm and the 2nd with kls/jk. the hi-lite for me happened before the convention even began. i ran into james storm in my apt building. i live in hollywood 2 blocks form the hotel. he told me his son lives in my building. he isnt attending the festival due to scheduling conflicts but sends his best to everyone. he posed for a quick picture. more images on my webpage.

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 II / festival site from 2002
« on: July 24, 2005, 09:48:24 PM »
have not posted here in a longtime. wanted to let u all know that i will be removing the site i made for the 2002 ds festival. this is to make room for 1 i plan to make for next weeks 2005 convention. so take a last look. re-live the horror of KURT WEBBER screaming at KATHRYN LEIGH SCOTT! i do have the entire event and many others on video if u wanna email me for info. see you at the festival. the link above should take you directly to the festival page which will be taken down on thursday,7/28/05. if not theres a link in my other webpage,

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Petition for a New DS Movie
« on: July 18, 2004, 08:50:38 AM »
cmon and sign it already. stop bickerin bout it. hollywood wont stop till they have made every tv show that ever existed into a feature film. we might as well try to give them some of our input.

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 I / TED TURNER IN HOLLYWOOD
« on: April 08, 2004, 10:35:02 PM »
yesterday 4-7-04, ted turner, the current owner of the 2 films, H.O.D.S./N.O.D.S. received a star on the walk of fame on hollywood blvd. before the ceremony began, theme songs from many mgm films were played including the opening theme to HOUSE OF DARK SHADOWS!

Current Talk '04 I / Re:NODS presentation at Tarrytown event...
« on: February 12, 2004, 06:36:48 PM »
when will sound be added to that missing footage? years ago there was talk of having the actors rerecord their dialogue and havent heard anything recently. hope its done soon. the cast isnt getting any younger you know.

Current Talk '03 II / Re:More Edits in DS DVD Set 7
« on: October 14, 2003, 06:35:15 PM »
i also dont think theres an auto deletion of black frames when they convert them to dvd format. i dont think they r going from the original masters to dvd.i believe they create what is called a sub-master probably on digital betacam videotape. they make their edits during the transfer to digital video, then the sub-master is used to make the dvds.

Current Talk '03 II / Re:More Edits in DS DVD Set 7
« on: October 14, 2003, 06:25:56 PM »
most of the edits ur refering to r correct except for one. the scene with cassandra/tony was always like that. its like that on vhs im sure. its been like that in syndication since day 1. i dont know if it was like that on abc or not. i worked at the tv station that was 1st to air these episodes in syndication in 1981 and i saw it then. perhaps it was 1 of the rare times they made a razor blade edit cause something real drastic took place.

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:DARK SHADOWS REUNION
« on: October 06, 2003, 01:47:53 AM »
i purchased mine at bestbuy also.

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:DARK SHADOWS REUNION
« on: October 04, 2003, 05:57:07 PM »
patti, read my latest post. i would think twice about ordering this item from amazon. 

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:DARK SHADOWS REUNION
« on: October 04, 2003, 05:52:11 PM »
i wrote to customer service and informed them that they r advertising the item that they cancelled. they wrote back and said that even if i ordered it again the order may be cancelled again! this makes no sense. im just going to get it at tower video or somewhere  else.
E-mail message

From:  Subject:order
Thank you for writing to us at
I apologize for any misunderstanding regarding this item.
It appears that the current availability estimate listed on our web site may not yet reflect the most recent information provided to us by our suppliers.
While you are welcome to place a new order, it is possible that this order, too, may be cancelled. For this reason, you may want to wait at least a week or two before placing a new order for this item. If you do choose to order again, please know that we will do our best to complete your new order.
We appreciate your business and hope you will give us the chance to serve you better in the future.
Best regards,
Kundan Kumar Customer Service

Date: Fri Oct 03 22:58:08 PDT 2003
Subject: Where's My Stuff?

NAME: joseph t. integlia
COMMENTS: you are still advertising this item for sale on your
website, yet you cancelled my order for this itemDARK SHADOWS REUNION.I want the dvd sent to me asap and for the price i was charged not the higher price you are advertising now.From: order- Date: Fri, Oct 3, 2003, Greetings from We are sorry to report that the release of the following item has been cancelled:     John Weaver (Director), et al "Dark Shadows Reunion" Though we had expected to be able to send this item to you, we've since found that it will not be released after all. Please accept our sincerest apologies for the inconvenience we have caused you. We have cancelled this item from your order. Your credit card will NOT BE CHARGED for this item because you only pay for items when we ship them to you. Your order is now closed.
Thanks for shopping at, and we hope to see you again. Sincerely, Customer Service Department

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / DARK SHADOWS REUNION
« on: October 04, 2003, 06:07:44 AM »
no one has mentioned anything about the ds reunion dvd that was to be released this week. i ordered mine from AMAZON.COM and they sent an e-mail today stating that my order has been cancelled and the dvd i ordered is not being released at this time! a friend of mine on the east coast told me he purchased it from movies unlimited in philadelphia! what gives?

Current Talk '03 II / Re:D.S. PRE-EMPTED?
« on: September 27, 2003, 09:18:22 PM »
thanks, i missed the 1st discusion but since this begins wednesday, this should serve as a reminder.

Current Talk '03 II / D.S. PRE-EMPTED?
« on: September 27, 2003, 07:49:29 PM »
another DS board is reporting that DS is going to be off for several days and even weeks during october. yet no one here has mentioned it yet. can anyone verify if this is true or not?

Current Talk '03 II / THE IMPROVED(?) TV GUIDE
« on: September 21, 2003, 09:13:48 AM »
dont know if this is true in all editions but in los angeles comcast edition, there r no longer any monday thru friday listings for any shows on the sci-fi channel till 5pm. they consider this an improvenent? their new slogan is "we see everything". too bad they dont list everything!

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:OT - Weird VCR Problem
« on: September 10, 2003, 04:38:18 PM »
u may have experienced a HEAD CLOG. this can happen with older vcrs or old tapes.sometimes just playing the tape or another tape clears up the problem. if u r using the same tape over and over again just to record and watch and then record again, u may want to replace the tape. instead of replacing the vcr, u may just want to purchase a head cleaning tape available at any major electronic store.

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