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Messages - Sunny_Collins

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Part of me can't help but feel very sad about this because for a time in the '90s the Sci-Fi Dominion DS board was a magical place to post. That might sound fanciful to the people who were unfamiliar with it at that time, but it's absolutely true. Though the truly sad thing is that the people at Sci-Fi allowed trolls to run amuck, causing all manner of problems (some of which actually prompted FBI intervention and resolution). And as of late I've been told that the Sci-Fi moderators were deleting topics at whim and treating DS fans with disdain. (Though treating DS fans with disdain is hardly a new practice for all too many at Sci-Fi - even when fans have been in the right. Who will ever forget how they refused to admit those Leviathans eps had ever been played out of sequence and how they treated everyone who presented actual evidence as if they were hallucinating?! [hall2_angry]) But I like to hope that some good did come out of the strife because if the trolls had never infested that board, Midnite and I would never have been prompted to create a new board on VantageNet, and this forum would have never evolved out of it. So, I for one am actually grateful to the trolls. And wouldn't it just kill them to know that their actions actually prompted something that I would like to hope has given DS fans a certain degree of pleasure. [hall2_smiley]

Yes, indeed you are right, MB, this board has given us DS fans a great deal of pleasure!  [hall_cool]

So thanks to you and Midnite for creating a wonderful board!  [hall2_smiley] [hall2_cool]

Welcome, RachelDrummand!  [hall_smiley]

I have a music box that plays the music. But it's not like the one seen in the show. It's a silver music box with purple velvet inside. When you open it and twist the thingy, it plays. I'm happy with it.

They have other music boxes that play the same song? That's neat!  [hall_cool]

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: Special October 20th
« on: October 22, 2006, 01:53:35 PM »
  [hall_smiley] Happy birthday, David! what an excellent actor he is, everything just seems to be so natural with him, as if he isn't acting at all!  [hall2_cool]

 [hall_smiley] Wishing you a great birthday, John in SC! [hall_cool]

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Moments that made you go "WHAT?!!!!"
« on: October 18, 2006, 12:55:08 AM »
I've been in theatre most of my life, and the concept of a "drama queen" is very familiar to me. I'm a little bit of one myself. Such folks don't simply react to an event, or to trauma, but take up a pose and/or attitude for dramatic effect. Drama Queens come in all ranges and styles--from those who simply have loads of flair to their lives, to those to turn every typo into a scene from Tennessee Williams (I used to work for one of those).

But that is of course a different thing from the whole idolization of stoicism and distrust of emotion we've inheirited from the Victorian Age. That, while sometimes useful, is often unhealthy. And I firmly believe that in our current age it is coupled with somthing much, much worse--a sense of isolation stemming from a lack of process and shared ritual in our lives. I think as a people we seem to be losing our ability to empathize. We focus so much on being ourselves as individuals we sometimes lose track of ourselves as members of a family, a community, a nation, a species, etc. And too often we are amazingly impatient with others' troubles while demanding absolute understanding and forgiveness for our own. This frankly has come to permeate, among other things, politics as well as personal relationships.

Ours is a strange, neurotic time.

I found your post most interesting and insightful. Thanks for sharing your observations.  [hall_smiley] [hall_cool]

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Moments that made you go "WHAT?!!!!"
« on: October 17, 2006, 04:30:42 AM »
I agree with Magnus! IMHO, we live in a society that discourages open suffering such as crying or fear. publicly people are expected to keep their emotions to themselves. Now I realize this isn't true for everyone everywhere, but I've heard parents tell their children not to cry when they get hurt, and adults whenever they show sadness often apologize for the natural reaction of tears. The message is, suffering is to be borne in private among family and very close friends, and anything other than this behavior anywhere else is generally frowned upon. If people don't conform to this unspoken rule of society, they're labeled dramatic or seeking attention.

that doesn't mean there aren't a lot of compassionate people, quite the contrary, but I'm simply speaking of the general public and everyday life. I'm not saying there aren't people who behave in a flamboyant and overreactive manner at times, for there definitely are those types of people as well.

Sorry this got a bit OT, I just thought I would add my opinion to the discussion, not that it's worth much...

Another "What?" moment for me: After Jeremiah's death, Angelique summons him back as a ghost. He proceeds to haunt her, obviously realizing what she is, and not only does he haunt her, but he goes to Barnabas and accuses him of stealing Josette from him and that he wants her back.

But Jeremiah never truly loved Josette when he was alive, and you would think upon his death, Angelique would no longer have power over him. He should have then told Barnabas of her malicious intent and the motives behind his and Josette's sudden ill-fated marriage.

This might be narrow minded, but I just can't see Julia with anyone other than Barnabas! IMHO, they should have gotten together. I don't believe Barnabas was as oblivious to Julia as he pretended. She is almost his equal in attitude and speaking her own opinions, and perhaps that scares him just a bit, being the old-fashioned person that he is, and acknowledging her as someone hehe loved was in a way giving her power over him, over his emotions and his outlook on the world in general. Being the modern woman she is, her attitude could slowly change his own opinions of life and his place in it, and Barnabas is reluctant to change, I believe it frightens him.

All right, there were plenty of times when Barnabas was insensative to Julia's feelings, and once they became friends all those other women he kept falling head over heels for made him oblivious to some things around him, Julia most especially.

So now I'm contradicting myself, LOL! I'm not sure I know what to make of their relationship, accept for the fact that they definitely belong together.

Current Talk '03 II / Re: Carrie Stokes
« on: October 15, 2006, 08:47:22 PM »
I don't mind Carie Stokes, and although many people didn't care for Hallie or Carie, I didn't have a problem with them. I especially liked how Carie was infatuated with Gerard, but then finds a more likely match with Jeremy grimes. It allowed us to see a bit of normalcy among all the spookiness.

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: Happy Birthday to BuzzH!
« on: October 15, 2006, 07:23:49 PM »
 [hall_smiley] Have a great birthday, BuzzH! [hall_smiley]

 [hall_smiley] A very happy birthday to you, Retzev! Have a great birthday! [hall_smiley]

Polls Archive / Re: Favorite Chris Pennock role
« on: October 15, 2006, 07:03:04 PM »
Gabriel was not a good guy that's for sure, but he had a way of mocking situations and people, making snide comments, always ready to take amusement at someone else's expense, and when he did this with someone like Gerard, it was such fun to watch.

Setting his "not-so-good-deeds" aside however, I felt bad for him. He never got along well with his father, and there's a scene with him and Daniel that is so very well done and sad, with [spoiler]Gabriel begging to know why his father never loved him as he so obviously did Quentin. Daniel seemed incapable of loving Gabriel due to his disability, quite a shame really! Gabriel wanted and needed his father's approval, and perhaps if he would have been accepted as a child by his father, he wouldn't have grown up to be so bitter.[/spoiler] I'm not making excuses for him, just trying to comprehend his actions and motives.

Edith was also very cruel to him, taunting him, making him feel worthless because he couldn't walk, [spoiler]even though he was playing that role falsely, she didn't know that, and first time viewers didn't know that.[/spoiler] She should have accepted him as he was, yet another incident where he was scorned by someone who is supposed to care for him. Granted, we don't know under what circumstances they were married, perhaps they were forced in to it, and that might explain her coldness, but I still felt bad every time she was cruel to him.

Did he have faults? most definitely! But in some ways he's a tragic man as well.

I also liked Cyrus Longworth. He was a gentle man who was trying hard to make a difference in the world, [spoiler]and in the end he came to such a sad fate.[/spoiler]

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Moments that made you go "WHAT?!!!!"
« on: October 15, 2006, 06:38:44 PM »
Welcome, Zahir!

He was kind of a cool character, Jeremy Grimes, I liked his interaction with carie.

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Least favorite Roger Davis character?
« on: October 15, 2006, 02:52:13 PM »
I didn't really mind Peter, he wasn't so angry as other future characters that RD played.

My least favorite character would be Jeff. He was constantly angry, bossy and belligerent.

Games / Re: Collinsport Yellow Pages
« on: October 15, 2006, 02:37:24 PM »
"Spellbound" Have you ever been jilted by someone you thought loved you? Do you need a way to get even with people who make you angry? Then look no further. "Spellbound" has just what is required for those difficult spells, from brief love spells on unsuspecting people, to long-lasting death spells for those who need to be reminded to mind their own business. Also available, custom spells on request.

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