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Messages - Stuart

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[butting in...]

Nancy, what is that Jelly thing meant to be?  I find it profoundly disturbing -- ick  :-[

That is very disappointing, thanks for sharing it.  I, for instance, can only afford to run my site because of the support of visitors using its affiliate links, and increasingly that's the route fan website owners have to make to provide a free service of any quality.  

But yes, very underhand and unnecessary... sigh

Excellent news -- last year's was a definite highlight, so I'll be looking forward to this loads :)

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: MPI's DS DVD Releases
« on: April 16, 2002, 06:44:09 AM »
I assume it means the second box set will debut at the fest ahead of its street release -- as has been the case with many past MPI releases.

However, it definitely won't be a festival-only DVD set of any sort -- the economies of scale are too narrow, and the attendence level too low to make something like that viable.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Grading Grayson
« on: April 16, 2002, 04:20:37 AM »
Magda's probably her best character -- she seems to have a lot more flow to her work in those episodes, without all the choppy, clipped setences and hesitations of the others.  It all seems to flow more easily and you get drawn in far more, I think.

The best character Grayson played in "Dark Shadows" was Carlotta Drake in the second movie, simply because it's everything her television performances were not.  She's restrained, accomplished, elegant, dangerous and really consolidates her best skills in a way that the hectic production schedule of the show always prevented.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Professor Thayer David
« on: April 16, 2002, 03:11:59 AM »
Steve, it's interesting you comment on him looking very healthy in his final roles -- I read that shortly before his death, he was planning to remarry his ex-wife Valerie French, so presumably he would have been approaching a good time in his life had he survived.

He really was the finest performer "Dark Shadows" ever had in its cast --  he was meticulous and had such a range and precision to his work.

Current Talk '02 I / Re:  Adding some Special Effects
« on: April 16, 2002, 03:07:22 AM »
To be honest, the special effects (or what puported to be them), wasn't the real problem -- the thing that the show could have used far more was a decent budget and a realistic recording schedule with post production facilities.

Special effects are pheripheral by their very nature -- indulgence to paint your story on a broader canvas.  On "Dark Shadows", the viewer was presented with an interesting juxtaposition of the very bad and very good, often within the space of a single scene.  

And that lets the show down far more than any hokey special effect.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Tapes Or DVD?
« on: April 16, 2002, 03:01:51 AM »
Yeah, I'd put my money on DVD any day...  The quality improvement might not see a major leap to the unindoctrinated, but it really is something -- I've watched some discs taken from videotaped TV shows and it's just astounding the wya you get the whole ambience and clarity of the studio floor... impossible to explain in writing, so it's probably the best qualification for DVD I can manage... ;)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Barrett's Coming Attractions
« on: March 20, 2002, 08:02:13 PM »
1795's a bit of a transition, acting and direction-wise, and I'm not sure it was initially successful -- you can almost sense something tentative about the whole style, with the actors unsure if they should be playing it as television or theatre.  

I think once they'd established the period style for the show, it was fine, and 1897 bore the fruits of the groundwork these episodes laid down, in that respect.

Okay, here's my thoughts [rant]:

Celebrity photographs -- how much time is wasted in the signing lines with people contorting to try and have pictures taken with the guests?  They usually look lousy, are impractical, and create bottlenecks.  What would be great is to do what a lot of the other cons do, and have celebrity photoroom, offering scheduled appearances with a professional photographer on hand.  They could even have a minor set put together (eg. the Collinwood or Old House mantle) to pose against, with each of the celebs scheduled over the weekend, with the proceeds going to a charity.  

So yeah...  I don't like the idea of receiving all the tickets, etc, through the mail, as overseas people like myself have to risk not having them arriving before departure, and you're bound to have heaps of people whining: "Wah! Where are my tickets? I've lost/dropped/eaten them... wah! etc..."

And cut down the signing lines.  Stop people from re-queuing -- have the actors sign for now more than two hours at a time and cut it off there.  They could sign all weekend and people would still be queuing up to get the gazillionth thing signed.  It's insatiable, so why bother trying...

I'd like to see more dramatic readings, skits, etc -- I think it would be great to have a staged reading of some DS scripts [maybe some of the abandoned 1969 scripts cited in the 2000 Almanac, maybe with music too]

Erm... that's it :)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Mitch vs. Anthony
« on: March 17, 2002, 06:08:34 PM »
In retrospect, I almost wish that they'd has Burke leave Collinsport after Roger's confession, even though I liked Mitch Ryan's performance.  It's just that the Roger storyline was Burke's whole raison d'etre -- once it was over, he simply had nowhere to go and no real drive.
It might have been interesting seeing Burke trying to work out where the confession left him personally -- especially since it was that injustice that apparently motivated his business successes, etc -- but I guess that was maybe a bit too introspective and abstract for "Dark Shadows", especially once the ghost train had begun to trundle into view ;)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Mitch vs. Anthony
« on: March 13, 2002, 08:30:55 PM »
I always think Anthony George had a bit of a raw deal -- face it, Burke Devlin was such a pale version of the embittered, calculating original by the time Barnabas arrived -- character-wise George inherited a much weaker character.

I agree with the comments on 1795 -- Mitch Ryan was probably much too contemporary in both his acting style and physical appearance to have meshed well in that particular time period.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: More about DS on DVD
« on: March 12, 2002, 03:10:28 PM »
let's hope MPI releases some DETAILED, ACCURATE info on this set so folks who pre-order don't wind up with a product that is not up to standard!

They've made the essential information available: 40 unedited episodes a set, starting from 210 onwards; remastered from the original source material; bonus interviews with cast and crew on each disk.

Does everything it says on the tin, as far as I can see  ;)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Rogues we LOVE to hate
« on: March 12, 2002, 01:49:06 PM »
Roger Collins was the show's best rogue for me -- in the early episodes, the character was simply reprehensible, but Louis Edmonds played it with such charm and humour.  

Louis just had that wonderful ability to play a blackmail scene like the most cultured and agreeable dinner guest -- I always found myself liking Roger in spite of myself  :)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: kathryns moment of hilarity
« on: March 12, 2002, 01:37:30 PM »
When the infamous Bathia Mapes incident aired in the UK, Sci-Fi dubbed a snatch of the incidental music over the scene, blotting out The Incident -- spoilsports... :(

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