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Messages - Josette

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:Question #3: Ralph Ellis
« on: November 14, 2003, 05:35:56 AM »
That's the first I've ever seen any mention of "Our Five Daughters."  I loved that!  It was quite short lived and I was very disappointed when it went off and I wrote down a synopsis of the whole show!!  I still have vague recollections of some of the characters and a couple of situations.

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Perhaps we've judged Julia too harshly
« on: November 13, 2003, 09:40:20 AM »
Interesting comments, Jennifer.  The other day I heard that she recognized her parents, they've apparently found no brain damage, and I think I saw today that she's improving!  Amazing!!  I certainly hope she comes through it all right.

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:Happy Birthday LeBrat!
« on: November 13, 2003, 09:32:06 AM »
Happy Birthday

Hope it was g-r-r-r-r-r-eat!!!

[crowdhappy] [beer] [wavey] [hello]

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Here Come De Judge!
« on: November 12, 2003, 09:24:15 AM »
I didn't like the way the judge did that scene.  He seemed to believe in witchcraft as much as Trask and quite forcefully pronounced the charges and possible penalty to Quentin.  He had previously said that he couldn't release him, even if he wanted to, because of the law, and then cited the law and that the old laws from Massachusetts days were still valid in Maine.

The implication of that, to me, is that he didn't really believe in having a trial for witchcraft, but that the laws were still on the books and as a judge he had to uphold them.  He should have had more regret or some such feeling in his voice as he "reluctantly" held Quentin.  Instead, he seemed almost as triumphant as Trask as he charged him.

Current Talk '03 II / Perhaps we've judged Julia too harshly
« on: November 09, 2003, 09:01:24 AM »
There have been times we've "joked" about Julia's propensity to pronounce people dead who later turn out not to be.  I do get upset over the Elizabeth one.  Aside from her frequently pronounced prediction that she would be thought to be dead when she wasn't (I can see Julia not believing that), there was the previous incident when Julia pronounced her dead and very shortly afterwards she revived.  That should have alerted her that something was going on and  that she really could appear to be dead when she wasn't.  I could never understand that she didn't do more tests or delay the burial a bit to make sure.

What brought all of this up now was a story in the news today about a 20 month old girl found in the backyard swimming pool.  They tried to revive her and took her to the hospital, where she was pronounced dead.  Later, a policeman noticed movement, and sure enough - she survived.  But, I found it interesting that today, at a hospital, it's possible to actually think someone is dead who isn't (a rather frightening thought!!!).  So, evidently Julia wasn't so bad after all.

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:OT: New Book Deal
« on: November 09, 2003, 05:15:20 AM »
Very Nice, Mark!! [clap] [clap] [clap]

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:Happy Birthday LAFB
« on: November 09, 2003, 05:10:37 AM »

Hope you had a blast!!

 [82e4] [82e4] [82e4] [82e4]
[crowdhappy] [crowdhappy]

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re:Under Attack!
« on: November 08, 2003, 09:16:28 AM »
ZoneAlarm is the firewall I have.  They have more complete versions, but I'm using the "basic" free version.  Tonight I got an e-mail from them offering a program called PestControl.  For a short while it has a mail-in rebate which will make it free.

One has to be a registered ZoneAlarm user.  I'll have to look up my account to make sure the free version entitles me to it.  Since they sent me the e-mail, I assume it does.

Patti, I just noticed your little kitty - that's so

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re:Under Attack!
« on: November 07, 2003, 09:26:07 AM »
Thank you for the recommendation, Mark.  I forget which programs they recommended on the WordPerfect board.  How much is The Cleaner?  I'd still rather not bother with anything else.  It seems every time you turn around you have to get something extra!!  :)

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Montage Question
« on: November 07, 2003, 05:14:50 AM »
If I have the right one that you're asking about, it's the sheriff (or whatever they called him) who arrested Quentin and his wife.

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re:Under Attack!
« on: November 07, 2003, 05:06:00 AM »
I'm trying to keep costs down.  I'm using the free version of the firewall, hoping that level of protection is sufficient, and I found a free pop-up blocker.

Someone on the WordPerfect forum recently said that AV and firewall aren't sufficent - that one really needs an anti-Trojan program too.  I'd really rather not get something else.  Any thoughts?  Is it necessary or are the other 2 likely to do the job?

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
To both of you!

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re:!! Forum Fonts !!
« on: November 06, 2003, 05:32:34 AM »
I wonder what that symbol really means?  Since it's with astrological, it would seem to have some meaning along those lines - not the devil.

Presumably you can see why I was so shocked with the beehive.  I have no idea where it comes from - and it's generally not the whole document, some bits stay normal!!  So, I convert the file to Word, look it up to see if all is right - and that's what I find!

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!
« on: November 05, 2003, 04:34:52 AM »
This is v-e-r-y OT, but since we already have the baby picture here, I couldn't resist.

Every day I get a joke, and often it is a story sent in by someone.  Many have a ring of truth to them, and this is one.  I assume it's a true story as opposed to a "joke."  Anyway, I found it so adorable.

It was one of the worst days of my life:  The washing machine broke down, the telephone kept ringing, my head ached, and the mail carrier brought a bill I had no money to pay.  Almost to the breaking point, I lifted my one-year-old into his high chair, leaned my head against the tray, and began to cry.

Without a word, my son took his pacifier out of his mouth and stuck it in mine.

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re:!! Forum Fonts !!
« on: November 05, 2003, 04:24:38 AM »
I don't understand!  ???

I thought that if I had it in beehive it would show up here like that.  But, evidently the forum fonts rule.  So, look and see if you have beehive on your computer and try writing something in it.  It really looks like a bunch of abstract symbols, but as you look closer, suddenly the letter become apparent.