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Messages - Sunny_Collins

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Current Talk '06 II / Re: Does anyone besides me like Hallie?
« on: November 04, 2006, 09:42:32 PM »
I don't mind Hallie even though some people think she is whiny and annoying. I think the major problem with David and Hallie at this point in the story line is that they're playing characters who are too young for their age. But to her credit, Hallie was a good character, and so was Carrie.

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Poor Magda sure put up with a lot of abuse
« on: November 04, 2006, 09:12:30 PM »
Welcome to the forum, Kristin, we're glad to have you!  [hall2_smiley]

I love Magda. She was manhandled a great deal, poor thing!  [hall2_sad] Mind you, her smart-mouthed comments often made others at a loss for words.  [hall2_cool]

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Monsters We Shoulda Seen
« on: November 04, 2006, 08:59:49 PM »
Nope, he was [spoiler]turned into a zombie[/spoiler]

Oops, sorry about that! Major embarrassed!  [hall2_embarrassed] [hall2_embarrassed]

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Monsters We Shoulda Seen
« on: November 04, 2006, 07:47:53 PM »
It would have been interesting to have seen a Mummy story on the show, but I think I would have replaced the 1970 PT story with the mummy idea.
The show already had a vampire, witch, werewolf, man-made creation, phoenix, and a lot of ghosts......why not a mummy?

Wasn't Quentin turned in to a mummy at one point in 1897? I can't really recall the actual details, but it's after [spoiler]Jenny kills him I believe.[/spoiler]

Dave Woodard would never have been killed!  :'(

Granted, a different actor was playing him by that time, but I still have a picture of the original Woodard in my mind, and his death is just so terrible. I'm not sure how his fate might have been altered, perhaps  he might have somehow been brought in to the secret and helped Julia find a cure for Barnabas. I really like him and he was intelligent and kind, providing a somewhat calming influence on the show.

I was also very sad to see Sandor die. He and Magda had a great relationship that was so much fun to watch. I loved that character, couldn't they have found some way to keep him around?  [hall2_sad]

I would have kept Chris and Amy at Collinwood. They just disappeared one day, with only a comment from one of the characters to tell us of their departure. Not to mention they never solved Chris's problem, and after focusing on it for so long, they should have. Rather annoying really!  [hall2_angry]

They were such excellent characters,, I missed them when they left.

I would definitely change Jeremiah's fate. He tried so very hard to fight Angelique's curse, he didn't want to be with Josette in any way and he resisted as long as he could. Then he was killed because of a tragic unnecessary duel! He didn't deserve to die!  [hall2_cry]

I would also keep Joe and Maggie together, let Joe explain what had happened to him, IMHO, they were one of the greatest couples on the show, and that relationship was too good to end so sadly.

Beth would have lived and married Quentin. I think they truly loved one another.

I'll probably think of more...  [hall_grin]

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Burke him or hate him?
« on: November 01, 2006, 04:15:08 PM »
Several ppl have mentioned Burke bossing Vickie around when I don't think he did.  He'd offer his opinion sure, but she did whatever the hell she wanted anyway, like continuing to be friends w/Barnabas, being interested in the past etc...when did he rule over her?  I don't recall that.  And she was VERY vocal w/him when he went too far and pissed her off.  Like when [spoiler]he had Barnabas investigated.  That did not sit well w/her at all, and she let him have it.[/spoiler]


I agree with this. She was furious with him, and he knew it!  [hall_cool]

He did end up apologizing to Barnabas on Vicki's demand, so that's got to make you wonder, who's bossing who? LOL!  [hall_grin]

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Burke him or hate him?
« on: November 01, 2006, 12:47:51 PM »
I know I'm in the minority here, but I really like burke. I'm not too fond of the first Burke, IMHO, he was a bully. but the second Burke, even though he was a bit bossy with vicki, was more gentle, more the family man type of person. And his subtle arguments with barnabas were great to watch. Also, I think if Burke and vicki would have married, she wouldn't have allowed him to boss her for long. In any marriage, it's a learning process, and I think Burke would have come to realize that Vicki needed some hobbies and activities of her own, and wouldn't have begrudged her them. I believe Burke was the best match for Vicki.

I was really sad to see him leave, and I always wished he would have returned, especially considering that his plane crashed and we never really learned if he died. [hall2_sad] It was open to a great deal of interpretation.

And IMHO, Barnabas didn't cause burke's plane crash. I think it was just one of those unfortunate tragedies the Collins' family had to face.

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Other Barnabases (Barnabii?)
« on: October 31, 2006, 09:47:50 PM »
Yeah, well, DC took a lot of credit that wasn't due him, including making Barnabas 'sympathetic' when we all know it was Jonathan who decided to do that on his own--to play the guilt-ridden guy w/a 'hang-up'! [hall2_rolleyes]

Hats off again to Costello for disobeying DC and Jonathan for doing his own interpretation of the B-man! [hall2_grin]

Is that really true? I had no idea, I just thought what DC said on the DVDs about being sent a picture of Jonathan Frid in a cape, and him being chosen was true.

And was it really Jonathan Fridd, not DC who decided to make Barnabas a sympathetic vampire?

 [dancing_bones] A happy and safe Halloween to everyone! [bonny_hand] Andbecause we watch Dark Shadows, a bit of Halloween is to be had all year! [candle_in_skull] [candle_in_skull_2]

David Selby's performance sounds like it was excellent! I'm glad so many of you were able to attend!  [hall_cool] Thanks to all for the reports!  [hall2_smiley]

 [hall2_grin] Barnabas'sBride and Murph, hope you both had a wonderful birhtday! [hall2_grin]

 [hall2_smiley] A very happy birthday to you, RachelDrummand! [hall2_cool]

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: Vampire Documentary
« on: October 26, 2006, 06:19:57 PM »
I didn't see it, but it sounds interesting. Too bad I missed it.

I liked Randall Drew during his time on the show. A happy birthday to him!  [hall_smiley] [hall_cool]

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