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Messages - Jackie

Games / Re: The Dark Shadows Alphabet Game
« on: January 24, 2007, 02:34:36 AM »
G is for gaol, what they called the jail in 1795.  :D

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0215
« on: January 23, 2007, 07:51:43 PM »
Because Joe said there were no foot prints, no blood or evidence of anyone around to take the calf, that leads me to believe that it wasn't Willie who stole the animal or disposed of it.  I think something dreadful was happening that involved Willie but what?  I also think Barnabas was directly involved with the calf theft but will soon get tired of "cow's" blood.  Of course just knowing what Barnabas wanted him to do can freaked Willie out.  It is disgusting. [tongue6]

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0215
« on: January 23, 2007, 06:05:16 PM »
How do you think Willie brought back the blood. Or did he bring back the calf to Barn. I have a funny picture of Barn biteing the neck of the calf.

I don't know.  [confused_ani] Maybe Barnabas flew in as a bat, grabbed the calf, disappeared and flew away as a bat again carrying his meal.  Therefore, no foot prints, no blood. [cheesyg]

Sorry I forgot to reduce this and the other ep 216 pix down.  :-[

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0216
« on: January 23, 2007, 05:45:10 PM »
Another great episode by the changed Willie.  He knows he doesn't belong at Collinwood but he also knows he can't leave town.  He wants to leave immediately, on the next train, bus or boat, but again, he is pulled back by some unknown [to us] force to stay where he is.  His entire demeanor has done a 180 degree flip-flop and this baffles everyone especially his only friend, Jason.  I was amazed by Carolyn's concern for Willie after he sincerely apologized to her in the foyer.  Here's a man who almost raped her and now she shows concern for him.

JK was wonderful with his display of emotions in this episode.  I know this gets to many fans, draws them into the deepest sympathy for a once brutal beast turned into jello.  Looks like karma to me; once Willie was the attacker and now he is the victim.

The scene with Willie, alone, in the foyer was priceless.  He is confronted with his tormentor, in the form of the portrait, and only one wins the "battle" of the minds.  It's not Willie.

Games / Re: The Dark Shadows Alphabet Game
« on: January 23, 2007, 07:09:35 AM »
A is for Humbert Allen Astredo

Maggie:  Willie, this isn't my idea of a fun date.  [disgust]

Carolyn: "HEY MOM, look what I found at the zoo.  Can I keep it??  [bow]

  ::) "Damn that spider, I hate spiders, I hate spiders almost as much as I hate bats.  This is what I'd like to do to that "BAT" in the basement if I could..."

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Favorite line of dialogue?
« on: January 23, 2007, 04:40:18 AM »
When [spoiler]Evan and Quentin called up the devil, who showed up but Trask![/spoiler] and he said, "You called for the devil and you got me!" I thought it was fitting. I thought he'd say, "The devil couldn't make it so he sent me, his head henchman!"

I LOVE this one!  [laughing_devil] Priceless since they were calling for the devil and Trask walked in. [and the difference is??] Very fitting.

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Where's The Caption This! Board?
« on: January 23, 2007, 04:15:49 AM »
:D I got that message today as I was fixing to do yet another caption. I've been having fun with that, and did not know there was a 20 per day rule. So now I have to wait til tomorrow to do any more captions.
Well I knew you'd step up to the next level in no time.  Having so much fun, are ya?  Is that a 24 hour restriction?  [cheerleader]

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Where's The Caption This! Board?
« on: January 23, 2007, 04:13:25 AM »
As for the Caption This! error, there's absolutely no need to worry about it. If you get it - and it's very unlikely that most cousins ever will - you'll see what it's all about.  :)  Until then, just keeping posting as you always have been...

OH one of those DS mysteries, can't find out until I step foot into that arena.   [b054]