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Messages - Stuart

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Current Talk '02 I / Re: All Help Needed!!!!
« on: May 21, 2002, 02:53:10 PM »
The piece was indeed a stock piece by Canadian composer Robert Farnon.  It's worth remembering that the music box was the first time in the show's history that a piece of music was required as a thematic "prop", so I assume that it was time-related issues that prevented Cobert providing it initially.

Cobert's composition was not composed for the soundtrack album, which did not debut until nearly a year later.

I think they're both nice compositions -- Farnon's has a more delicate, spectral quality, whereas Cobert's is a starker, more melancholy tune.

Oops!  And I forgot to add, there's also a page of photos of Kathryn Leigh Scott and Marie Wallace from the recent Frightvision convention...

And yeah, I was thrilled with the Humbert photos -- now, if I could only find out what plays they were from...


After a long hiatus, I am pleased to announce the Dark Shadows Journal Online has moved to its new, permanent home at . It will continue to be accessible from, but for fastest access, the new URL is recommended.

New features on the site include:

* MULTIMEDIA: A selection of video and audio highlights from the original series are now available to download. You can also enjoy the beginnings of the new photograph gallery, which includes three rare photographs of HUMBERT ALLEN ASTREDO in some of his final theatre roles before his retirement, along with rare South American promotional material for "House of Dark Shadows".  [If anyone is able to identify the productions the photos of Humbert originate from, please get in touch]

* ARTICLES & FEATURES: Reviews of "Trilogy of Terror II" and the "Dark Shadows Comic Strip Book", along with "Dark Days at Collins House", a classic factual article on the origins of the show from the archives of the Dark Shadows Journal.

* NEWS: Many updates, including news on the new DVD range and BEN CROSS' London West End role in "Art"

* CAST BIOGRAPHIES: A new page on Kate Jackson's career and many minor updates to the existing pages.

* ILLUSTRATED EPISODE GUIDE: Over 50 new summaries added, taking the guide into Summer 1967.

I'd like to thank everyone for being so patient during the changeover in servers and I really hope you'll enjoy the new features it has allowed. Regular updates will now recommence and your interest and support is appreciated as always.  Let me know what you like about the site [and what you don't] and if anyone is interested in contributing, please get in touch.



Donna's very nice -- I met her a few years ago with some other DS fans after seeing her show in London and she was very gracious.  She obviously didn't have a lot to say about "Dark Shadows", but kudos to her for signing everyone's books and the like and answering questions on it nevertheless :)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: ROMANTIC HINTS
« on: May 18, 2002, 03:24:19 PM »
The most alarming ones that come to mind are John Yaeger in 1970PT and the early Willie Loomis, where rape is hinted at in no uncertain terms.  That stuff is pretty harsh even by today's daytime standard, and I guess something that jars pretty harshly with the fairytale cosiness of the series elsewhere.

"Night of Dark Shadows" does the same in places too -- I'm in too minds about it.  On one level, it brings "Dark Shadows" more in the "real" world, but on another, I think it spoils the quaint enclosure it occupies.

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: DS mention in BUFFY mag
« on: May 18, 2002, 03:18:47 PM »
I'll just cite a famous quip: "There's no such thing as bad publicity except your own obituary"

Ahem  :D

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: Ben Cross Resurfaces
« on: May 17, 2002, 02:10:31 PM »
Yeah, I think a lot of the flak had more to do with the fact that he wasn't Jonathan Frid than his actual portrayal.

At the end of the day, aping Frid was a pointless route to take, but I think Cross succeeded in making the role his own pretty easily.  And, most importantly, he projected the sort of timeless ambience that is crucial to Barnabas, without playing it in a "contemporary" manner.

I'm looking forward to seeing him on stage a great deal either way :)

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Ben Cross Resurfaces
« on: May 16, 2002, 05:33:37 PM »
From BBCi's soap website at :

"EastEnders wife-beating husband Trevor Morgan is to make his [London] West End debut in award-winning play Art. Alex Ferns, who plays Trevor in the BBC soap, will join the cast of the production on May 27... Also in the new cast at the Whitehall Theatre will be Chariots Of Fire actor Ben Cross and Goodness Gracious Me star Sanjeev Bhaskar.

The new cast will be the 25th and will remain in the show until September 14."

If any UK fans get the chance, they should try to get along and see it -- it really is an excellent play, and it's nice to see that Ben Cross hasn't entirely dropped off of the face of the earth ;)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Volume 28
« on: May 16, 2002, 05:00:22 PM »
In terms of picture and sound quality, the MPI masters are streets ahead of the versions that usually air on SciFi -- the compilations are a bit of a mixed bag, but the "Behind the Scenes" tape is very nicely done, with some cute home movie footage of the actors outside the studio :)

She has a cameo in "The Possession of Joel Delaney", which also features Peter Turgeon and possibly another DS alumni I can't place at the moment...

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Fave Character?
« on: May 09, 2002, 02:52:23 PM »
I think Professor Stokes was the best character -- the impact he made out of such a small number of appearances says it all, really.  He was just such a wonderful theatrical character, with that wonderful ability to make sardonic quips in a desperate situation sound like the most natural response imaginable.  And of course the majority of that is due to Thayer David's perfect delivery, along with the natural poise and class he brought to the role.

From an actor's point of view, John Karlen was such an accomplished performer in the role of Willie -- the ability to convey high intensity without scenery chewing or histrionics really stands out for me when I view the show nowadays.

[Cowers and averts eyes...]  :o

Oooooh!  Curse you, evil Svengali that you are... ahem.

Consider moi profoundly disturbed  ;)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Who's Responsible for that Haircut anyway?
« on: May 07, 2002, 04:56:40 AM »
I heard that Grayson's wing was finally consigned to the bin at the behest of Dan Curtis' wife, who told him Grayson's own hair looked better, even though he felt the style was wrong for the character.

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: Ds Festival In Anaheim
« on: May 07, 2002, 04:54:19 AM »
I'll be there and I'll be doing a photo essay thingy like last year on my site or something for the creatures of the web.

Or something...

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