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Messages - Cousin_Barnabas

An Ellen ad just ran on the radio.  And there was a very ominous pronunciation of the words "Dark Shadows."  It kind of brings you back a bit. 

Very interesting.  I actually understand his concerns and have similar fears over what they have done to Grayson's most iconic character.  Thank you for sharing. 

Reminds me of a Moody Blues song.   [ghost_wink]

True. It would be interesting to compare the two screenplays.  I know that SGS worked mostly on Barnabas, though.  And the Barnabas story is not making me see this film.   [ghost_wink] 

Current Talk '11 II / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Spoilers
« on: May 08, 2012, 07:51:33 PM »
That's why folks have to think of the...
[spoiler]BIG secret.[/spoiler]


It's out of nowhere.  And I think much too much. 

Okay...  I have got to admit that I have learned a plot detail that actually piqued my interest enough to want to see this film again.  Because I think it's a perfect accommodation.  I am sure that a lot of things will fall flat with me or disappoint me, but I am thinking John August's story has the potential to be very good and fit perfectly into the Dark Shadows universe we know.  Now... if only there was more of the script that seemed to do the same.   

Current Talk '11 II / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Spoilers
« on: May 08, 2012, 08:51:07 AM »
[spoiler]Windcliff, Maggie Evans, and a couple lines lifted word for word from Mr. Frid's original performance.[/spoiler]

I am fairly sure I have figured out the whole thing with the Collinwood governesses as well. 

Current Talk '11 II / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Spoilers
« on: May 08, 2012, 08:48:58 AM »
Would anyone like to speculate on the [spoiler]werewolf[/spoiler] character we have read about recently?  Is this a real character in the film?  Perhaps just a mistake?  or something in-between?  Could this be the "end-of-credits" surprise we have been warned about?  I even remember, many months ago, it was reported that [spoiler]Quentin[/spoiler] would appear in the film as a "bearded cousin."  I'd enjoy hearing your ideas about this supposed spoiler.

Just think about the [spoiler]"big secret." [/spoiler]  [ghost_wink]  And even though I suspected it, I am not too happy with it.  It's really kind of over-the-top and out of nowhere. 

I'll put this in the spoiler tags, because I know some of you will put two and two together.  Chances are you will, so I'd recommend not reading it until after seeing the movie.  But I just have to brag a bit. 

[spoiler]I was right about Carolyn's secret.  [/spoiler]

That is all. 

Too bad this was not the logo used in the promotions.  Maybe in the film?

And because I had fun with the first three, here are two more... 

Joan Bennett as Elizabeth Collins Stoddard and Alexandra Moltke as Josette duPres.

I just used the pictures I had on hand.  I am sure someone who really wanted to could make them look really good.  But it was a quick and fun diversion.  Just couldn't get Angie to work...

Warners has just announced that they have fired Depp, HBC, and Heathcote!  And look who they have replaced them with!  I guess this movie is gonna be great after all!  No doubt about it now...

(Courtesy the DS site Portrait Maker)

Oh, I absolutely agree.  I just think that undercutting the fanbases could have an effect on their long-term profits.  Who knows?  Clearly they did what they thought was best.  We will see how it works for them. 

Totally.  But the creative direction was inspired by the need to bring in big box office numbers and differentiate it from Twilight.  Still, I can't imagine how a straight Johnny Depp vampire film would have had any problems doing well - even if it looked just like Twilight.  Mixing it up a bit is important, but completely altering the mood and genre is what has turned off a lot of the fanbases (And we aren't just talking about DS fans here).  And while they are not important to initial profitability, they do drive the success of a picture.  To 95% of the population, it's just another movie (regardless of the content).  To Warners, establishing a fan-base (tapping into the one that already exists ain't half bad either) is important for continued box office success and possible sequels.  21 Jump Street discounted the fans of the original and did well.  Shadows may do the same.  But there are a lot more Shadows fans (far more casual than diehard) than Jump Streeters.