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Messages - GooberCollins

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Current Talk '08 I / Re: Top Ten Horror Themed Series
« on: June 11, 2008, 12:37:23 AM »
I strongly disagree with the list. As many horror series as I can come up with here now:

1. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
2. Angel
3. Dark Shadows
4. Twin Peaks

And I kind of dawdle off from there. I love Buffy and Angel because of everything about them; the characters, the mythology, the plots, the level of intelligence... yeah, everything. Dark Shadows I place at #3 because, for all my gentle poking at the show (or outright mocking in the case of a few areas which I won't go into here), I really, really like the show. It's not as good as Buffy by any means, at least in my opinion, but you have to consider what they did. Buffy and Angel together racked up 266 damn fine hours of television over 8 years; DS managed to do over 600 of generally good quality in around 5. Speaking of damn fine things, #4. I feel Twin Peaks was probably a better show than Dark Shadows, but I find Dark Shadows far more endearing, and this is my favorites, not what I think is the best. The X-Files and Death Note make honorable mention due to me not having seen all of them but knowing that I basically like them. If I saw all of them and liked them as much as I have what I've seen, I'd probably slide Death Note into #4 and The X-Files into #5, knocking Twin Peaks down a bit.

Those are really the only six horror shows I've watched to any extent, not counting anthologies like Tales from the Darkside and The Twilight Zone. I've watched shows with various degrees of the supernatural, from Lost to Beauty and the Beast to Charmed, but I wouldn't consider any of them horror shows. I definitely feel DS deserves to be higher up on the list than some of the shows on there, particularly shows like Friday the 13th. I've never liked "wanderer" shows where the main character(s) are off on some sort of adventure that has no real meaning in the grand scheme of the series; they're anthologies under the veneer of true series. But those are just my opinions.

And calling DS dry is a bit ridiculous. Even when they were repeating past storylines, like the ghost of whatever couple it is this year, or in a rut, like during HoDS's filming where every episode began with Barnabas's chained coffin, as if to say, "Here he is!", the show didn't feel dry to me.

Current Talk '08 I / Re: Nicknames for DS characters....
« on: June 08, 2008, 04:48:59 AM »
Quite frankly, the characters of DS, not the supernatural elements, are why I enjoy the show, and a good deal of that is the friendship and jealousy between Barnabas and Julia. It's quite clear with Julia, from the minor things (her "Here we go again!" looks when Barnabas finds Josette in 1897 and finds Roxanne in 1970PT, as well as her "What else have you had, Barnabas?" in relation to Megan) to the major (her outburst over Angelique, and did it look to anyone else like [spoiler]she shoved Roxanne out of the PT room at the end of 1970PT?[/spoiler]). It always provided a good amount of entertainment from those two. Of course, the fact that Barnabas was thoroughly unwilling to let Julia get swept away by some other vampire is an interesting parallel to that.

Back on topic...

"Got-the-Willies" Loomis
Rev. "Mutant Michael Jackson" Trask (revival)

Current Talk '08 I / Re: Who Would the Collins Family Vote For?
« on: June 08, 2008, 04:38:39 AM »
Going back to my previous statements now, the reason I see Elizabeth as a McCain backer is that she seems to be something of a traditionalist in many regards. Roger, at least in my opinion, might have sucked up his annoyance about his country being led by a woman due to the fact that he simply strikes me as a liberal for some reason. But not an Obama liberal; he seems more like someone who'd agree with Clinton's slightly less liberal liberal-ness. Wait, what did I just say? Anyway, Carolyn is young and hip, and seeing as how the young hepcats these days seem to be mostly backing Obama, that's where she'd go.

Since Clinton is out of the race now, I can pretty clearly see Roger sullenly claiming to refuse to choose between Obama and McCain, but eventually breaking down and voting Obama.

Just my opinion, though.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Movie Cast Ideas
« on: June 08, 2008, 04:31:33 AM »
They could make Maggie's alcoholic artist father into her alcoholic artist grandmother and use KLS there. :P

I would be quite pleased if Jonathan Frid played Old Barnabas, but Frid actually looks rather youthful for a man in his eighties, and since he is still a man in his eighties, he might not be able to wear the proper prosthetics. Then again, perhaps by 2010 CGI will have replaced make-up entirely and they'll just be able to manipulate the film, no make-up needed. I agree it would be great.

Charlize Theron as Angelique... I like it. I really do. I'm also pretty sure some people will throw Angelina Jolie out there, which I'd be less than pleased with. Gillian Anderson could also work as Angelique if she was a bit younger.

As far as the whole Crazy Jenny bit, as funny as HBC could be as her, I highly doubt they'll even get to the Quentin Haunting storyline, let alone delve that far into 1897.

Finally, forgive my screw-ups with Vicki's various ages. I couldn't recall that being mentioned anywhere, but had guessed at 18 or so.

The Wikipedia article for the movie says that WB has officially confirmed it, and they provide no sources to back it up. But hey, it's Wikipedia, so it must be true! [ghost_rolleyes]

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Movie Cast Ideas
« on: June 07, 2008, 02:22:40 PM »
I don't have any problem with British actors/actresses playing Americans or vice versa.

Oh, I wouldn't really mind that much if it didn't seem that the way it happened was "American plays British person, accent gets picked apart on forums; British person plays American person, accent gets rabidly praised on forums." Hearing about Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins or Renee Zellweger in Bridget Jones constantly while almost never hearing about Jude Law in Cold Mountain or similar cases gets old really, really fast. And I respectfully disagree with you on Kate Beckinsale, again, not because she's British, but because I think that she's a woman in her thirties and it shows. It would stretch credibility for her to be playing the 18-year-old naive governess fresh out of the orphan shack.

And also, I'm going to backtrack here and change my opinions on a couple of things. As far as Susan Sarandon goes, I've changed my mind. I think she'd be great for the part if she wasn't too old for it, which is another reason I disagree about Helen Mirren. So I'd like to say Gillian Anderson for Elizabeth, not Julia. I hadn't seen it in any photos or films before, or since then for that matter, but I saw a photo of Joan Bennett that looked so much like Gillian Anderson it's scary. So, borrowing previous statements about the cast where I'm happy with it, here's my ideal cast:

Barnabas Collins - Johnny Depp
Dr. Julia Hoffman - Juliet Landau
Willie Loomis - Shia LaBeouf
Victoria Winters - ???? (this one still has me stumped)
Professor Timothy Eliot Stokes - Philip Seymour Hoffman
Elizabet Collins Stoddard - Gillian Anderson
Roger Collins - Kelsey Grammer
Carolyn Stoddard - ???? (Evan Rachel Wood looks the part, but I don't know how well she can act, as I've never seen her in anything)
Burke Devlin - Josh Brolin
Maggie Evans - Emmy Rossum
Angelique - ???? (See Carolyn)
Tony Peterson - Joaquin Phoenix
Sarah Collins - ???? (I don't know any child actors nowadays, and though Abigail Breslin is a good actress, she's the new Dakota Fanning in that she's getting EVERY role for a litle girl)
Nicholas Blair - ????
Sam Evans - ????
David Collins - ???? (see Sarah)
Joe Haskell /Lt. Nathan Forbes --- James Franco
Jason McGuire - Pierce Brosnan
Eagle Hill Cemetery Caretaker - Jonathan Frid
Dr. Dave Woodard - Michael Keaton
Mrs. Johnson /Abagail Collins - ????

I left out my previous suggestion of Keshia Knight-Pulliam for Maggie here because that'd definitely require changing it to Vicki looking like Josette, as a young woman of aristocratic French descent being black would be beyond unbelievable, historically.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Movie Cast Ideas
« on: June 06, 2008, 10:24:35 PM »
Some here I love, some I like, and some I just don't really get. I agree with Brandon Collins about Ellen Page just not seeming very Vicki to me. I also just don't see Helen Mirren as Elizabeth. I know I mentioned my pet peeve about British actors playing Americans on another thread, but that's not it here. It's just... I don't know. Joan Bennett, though not fat, was... well, I don't know how to say it, but by the time DS came around, she wasn't delicate by any means. Helen Mirren, and Jean Simmons, for that matter, while excellent actresses, both just seem a little too delicate to be Elizabeth.

I'm just going to throw out random ideas for characters that may or may not be in the movie here. I'm going to skip Barnabas, as Depp is a sure thing there.

For Julia, the previously mentioned Helena Bonham Carter or Gillian Anderson would suit me just fine. Both are talented actresses that would do very well with the part. My ideal choice would be Juliet Landau (aka Drusilla). She's about the right age for it (early forties) and bears a resemblence to Grayson Hall.

Lots of people on other boards have already thrown Josh Holloway out there for Quentin, and though I highly doubt Quentin will even make it into the movie, it's a very good choice.

As far as Jason Maguire goes, I think Pierce Brosnan hits it right on the head. Good choice there.
Kelsey Grammer is so perfect for Roger that Burton is a dope if he doesn't ask for him or find someone who can do better.

For Maggie, I'd like Emmy Rossum or, to take a pretty huge jump from KLS, Keshia Knight-Pulliam.

Already given my opinion on Helen Mirren as Elizabeth, so now I'll add that I concur that Susan Sarandon would be a good choice.

As for Angelique... dunno. Maybe, though she's a bit old for it, to throw another Cosby kid in the mix, Lisa Bonet. Having a black Angelique also makes a lot more sense given the character's background (well, that particular incarnation of the character, that is).

Current Talk '08 I / Re: Virtual Collinwood: DS as a Video Game
« on: June 03, 2008, 10:44:22 PM »
I can see the Xbox 360 version going *ding* "Achievement Unlocked: Annoy Elizabeth with Horrible Dates for Carolyn 15 Times."

A dancing mini-game is a funny idea. Even the characters who initially seem the most worthless in video game form drip with potential. Perhaps Sam could let you play mini-games where you have to paint whilst trying to shake off a hangover. [ghost_azn]

Sleepy Hollow, though generally serious in tone, did have quite a lot of "splatter comedy," something I can't really see applying to DS. HoDS had those enormous buckets of raspberry sauce blood, but that carried on in the original show's tradition of being unintentionally funny at times.

I'll be honest here. I'm a big fan of Tim Burton, and I have most of his movies on DVD. That said, I hate his policy of filming American stories overseas with foreign actors that he started with Sleepy Hollow; there were at least a dozen major and supporting characters in that film, and if I remember correctly, only three were actually played by Americans (Depp as Crane, Christina Ricci as Katrina, and someone else I can't remember at the moment). Granted, this is Dark Shadows, where Quentin from New England speaks with a West Virginia accent, but it annoys me all the same. Also, though I love Burton's brand of dark comedy, I simply don't want that applied to Dark Shadows, at least not in huge amounts. If he films it here with a pinch of his trademark humor, local actors, and a lot of visual flair, I'll be pleased. If he uses a nearly all-British cast and/or overdoes the humor, I'll be disappointed.

However, one Brit I definitely wouldn't mind seeing involved (and if Burton is the director, it's a sure thing) is Helena Bonham Carter. Did anyone else think "Barnabas and Julia" during the wedding bit in Sweeney Todd?

Current Talk '08 I / Re: Virtual Collinwood: DS as a Video Game
« on: June 03, 2008, 01:21:17 AM »
Perhaps I spoke too soon about having a popular topic. I know we haven't exhausted all the possibilities yet. Even though it would make the game ridiculously hard to program, it would be absolutely fantastic if all you had to do to play as someone would be walk over to them and push a button. Go from Barnabas to Carolyn to Angelique to Julia in just a few quick button pushes, along with the ability to utilize their unique dialogues and skills. Although, Carolyn's unique skills are a bit hard to come up with. The ability to get more bang for your buck at stores by maxing out Elizabeth's credit card, maybe?

Current Talk '08 I / Re: Bill Malloy and the early days of Collinwood
« on: June 02, 2008, 01:59:19 AM »
This thread is going in a weird and somewhat frightening direction. XP

I've watched all the Beginning collections out so far to non-MPI subscribers and am loving it. I can't get over the fact that Roger married his grandmother, but that's technically 1897's fault. But anyway, the show had a good deal of sharp wit in the original episodes that they sadly neglected to use later on, when the humor became mostly unintentional via lines like Adam's "I don't like it when men try to handle me" and Barnabas's "When your husband... disturbed me... he was looking for the family jewels..." (notable exception being one of my favorites, from the Leviathan arc, where Julia quite plainly asks Barnabas what else he's had besides a chat with Megan, but I'm going way off-topic here). Carolyn has so much more personality now than she did when she became "the rich girl with the heart of gold." Nutty David and snide, sarcastic Roger are also great. Maggie and Vicki seem mostly the same, but with a few IQ points added (or a few dozen, in Vicki's case). Elizabeth also got her best moments here.

Current Talk '08 I / Re: What happened to Willie's "fiance"?
« on: June 02, 2008, 01:42:35 AM »
And their evil cousin Luanne.

There were a lot of threads that were just left loose around that time period. That was about the same time that Angelique [spoiler]cast the spell on Quentin and Maggie,[/spoiler] and we never saw that resolved, either. Wonder why.

Current Talk '08 I / Re: First Impressions of the Remix
« on: May 30, 2008, 12:38:39 PM »
Yes, I meant for filming. And I think that they might have used the same house for the interiors, as well, not just the exteriors.

Current Talk '08 I / Re: What happened to Willie's "fiance"?
« on: May 30, 2008, 12:30:01 PM »
We had no confirmation that 1841PT was the same band as 1970PT, correct? If they aren't the same band, it's entirely possible the PT room just "hangs" on one time band until someone enters that band. Regardless, I was kidding about that.

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