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Messages - Cassandra Blair

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Current Talk '02 II / Re: Where DS and Buffy fandom intersect
« on: December 16, 2002, 06:18:30 PM »
You're right, Minja - Ethan would be a great Nicholas Blair!  And it's funny, after I started this thread it occurred to me that Faith would make a good Julianka, and I'd want to see them develop that character more with her in the role - and if they also cast her as vampire Roxanne, that might be cool too.

Carolyn as Buffy is absolutely brilliant!  Nancy Barrett really could have pulled that off, she definitely has the sass and scrappiness that role demands.  Maybe someday there will be some sort of sophisticated CGI for the personal PC that will allow us to realize some of this fantasy casting! ;)

Your choice of Maggie Walsh as Dr. Lang is inspired, it would be really interesting.  And Harmony as Hallie/Carrie is just perfect, they both have that annoying edge.

It's soooo interesting to note that there is actually an actor who had the good fortune to do both shows - you're the queen of interesting trivia, Minja!

And yes, Raineypark, this is said to be the last season of Buffy, sad to say.  Thank goodness for those reruns - although 7am is rather odd for such a show the same could be said for DS new (2003) time slot!

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROBIN!!/OT
« on: December 16, 2002, 05:50:49 PM »
Happy Belated Birthday, Robin!  You're the tops!!!

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: OT-Luciaphil, M.L.S.
« on: December 14, 2002, 02:15:39 AM »
Luciaphil, let me be the first to congratulate you on a job well done!!!  Pat yourself on the back several times, and have a cocktail for good measure, if that's your bag, baby!  A friend of mine went through the M.L.S. program in the early 90's and I know it was rough!!!


And best of luck in finding a job, I will keep my fingers crossed for you!

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: OT--Holiday Spirit
« on: December 14, 2002, 12:56:54 AM »
Love it!!!  I'd REALLY like to jump those bones (snicker snicker). ;)

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Where DS and Buffy fandom intersect
« on: December 13, 2002, 09:25:36 PM »
Not so much that I see the character of Buffy being anything like KLS's characters- more that it would be interesting to see a different side of Sarah Michelle Gellar as an actress - remember her as the 18th century maiden in the first BtVS Halloween episode?  Kind of a Josette turn, IMHO.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Reminder - it's back for a week!
« on: December 13, 2002, 08:27:47 PM »
Thanks for the reminder!!!  I can't wait to see the show again.  Think I've forgotten what the heck was going on last time I watched LOL!!!


Current Talk '02 II / Re: DARK SHADOWS and S-E-X!
« on: December 13, 2002, 08:23:04 PM »
For me, I think the best love scene was between Barnabas and Angelique, when she first came to Collinwood in 1795.  Even though he told her to go away, these two are just genuinely hot for each other.  They didn't fuel any fantasies for me, however.  Most of my 1795 fantasies involve bad boy Nathan Forbes, who sadly didn't have much of an outlet for his sexy self!

As to boring love scenes, I have to vote for Burke Devlin #2 and Vicki - no chemistry.  Don't buy these two together at all!

Julia would ordinarily be my choice for who should've gotten some touch but did not.  However, I'm going to choose Liz Collins Stoddard.  She deserved some loving!  Wonder what she would've been like matched with Nicholas Blair?

For the baby-making duo, I'm curious to know what interesting plotline might center around a baby born of the Carolyn Stoddard/Jeb Hawkes pairing.

Thanks for the fun questions, Robin!

Current Talk '02 II / Where DS and Buffy fandom intersect
« on: December 13, 2002, 07:40:23 PM »
Okay, so I was really missing Dark Shadows, and couldn't get to sleep last night.  I lay awake recasting DS with characters from another of my favorite shows, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, of which I think some here are also fans.

It's kind of weird, because there are a few parallels between the shows - reluctant vampires,  a Frankenstein type character named Adam; BtVS even has a (minor) character named Quentin.

Maybe this is kinda lame, and maybe someone has already thought of this, but here is what I came up with:

Buffy - Maggie Evans/Josette Dupres/Rachel Drummond
Angel - Barnabas Collins
Spike - Quentin Collins
Drusilla - Eve/Crazy Jenny
Xander - Jeremiah Collins/Burke Devlin (?)
Jenny Calendar - Dr. Julia Hoffman/Countess Dupres
Rupert Giles - Prof. Stokes/Joshua Collins/Edward
Ethan Raine - Roger Collins/Rev. Trask
Darla - Angelique
Willow - Victoria Winters
Cordelia - Amanda Harris
Anya - Carolyn Stoddard/Millicent Collins
Joyce - Liz Stoddard/Naomi Collins/Judith Collins
Glory - Laura Murdoch Stockbridge Collins
Dawn - Sarah Collins/Amy Jennings
Quentin Travers - Andre Dupres/Sam Evans
Oz - Willie Loomis/Carl Collins
Riley Finn - Joe Haskell
Adam - Adam
Parker Abrams - Tom/Chris Jennings
Amy (rat girl) - Beth Chavez

Let me know what you think.  Could not for the life of me come up with who (from Buffy) would play Ben Stokes - suggestions?

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Relatives that make fun of you
« on: December 12, 2002, 12:51:40 AM »
My daughter is now grown and married and thinks I am obsessed and weird but doesn't hold it against me.

This really tickled me!  That's the attitude most of my friends seem to take with my DS infatuation.  However, sometimes I've gotten a little validation.  

My hubby and I threw a party a couple years back, right after we moved in together.  We had the movie Barbarella running continuously (with the sound turned off) on the tv in the living room as wallpaper.  In our bedroom, I did the same thing with Dark Shadows.  Towards the end of the party, I went into the bedroom and several guests were there watching the tape (some 1897 eps.) Turns out several of our guests were closet DS fans, and we laughed and talked about the show for the rest of the party.

My husband teases me about some of the more melodramatic aspects of the show; he loves Grayson, and thinks Angelique is a hoot, but doesn't really watch with me.  But last Christmas, he gave me a copy of the Dark Shadows Companion as a gift.  The accompanying gift tag said it was from 'the Collins family.'

When I was very young (6 or 7) and the show was in its original run, I used to try to watch Dark Shadows at my Grandma's house, where I went after school each day.  Though it creeped me out, I was intrigued by the show.  But it scared the hell out of my slightly younger cousin, who would let out a scream every time she saw Barnabas' face!  Gram would then yell at me about trying to watch that scary show.  Guess DS has just been in my blood for a very long time!

The name I've picked was that of David Collins.  I'm giving him a basketball and a hoop.  The boy could certainly use a healthy activity to occupy himself, since chasing ghosts with Amy did no-one any good. ;)

Current Talk '02 II / Re: It's Dead
« on: December 10, 2002, 05:14:28 PM »
I could see Quentin getting expelled.  There are some things it's hard to finesse your way out of - like getting caught in bed with the Dean's comely young wife!

Polls Archive / Re: Favorite 1897 Moment - Poll #4
« on: December 07, 2002, 01:33:21 AM »
I'm with Josette on this, these are hard to decide on, and they each feature really strong moments from the 1897 storyline; Jenny and Carl are really inspired characters, so they sort of cancelled each other out for me.

I had to go with Edward welcomes Laura home.  Think that Louis Edmonds was just brilliant as Edward - such a self-righteous stuffed shirt.  And I enjoy Diana Millay's Laura in the 1897 setting better than the 1960's version.  The characters' exchange here is priceless; you can read so much between the lines about what their relationship must've been like when they were together.  And none of it's pretty.

Yippee!  Thanks for posting about this, Julia99.  Am excited to read the concluding segment of this really fun story!

As to whatever shall you do now - may I suggest a holiday themed Juliacentric story?


Cassandra Blair

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: WE'RE BACK!
« on: December 07, 2002, 01:22:36 AM »
HOORAY!  I was worried that I'd done something silly and would be locked out of the magic land of DS Forums forever.  Glad to see that the site is back up!  Thanks to MB and anyone else who had a hand in the hard work getting it online again!


Cassandra Blair

Polls Archive / Re: Favorite 1897 Moment - Poll #5
« on: December 07, 2002, 01:19:19 AM »
 However, I love Laura's appearance at the school and how she speaks to Trask, so I had to go with that.

I voted for this one too.  Almost makes me wish that everytime there was a Trask to tangle with, Laura could be called upon to dispatch him to some fiery oblivion with the same sense of fun she showed in this scene.

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