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Messages - Sunny_Collins

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Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: Happy Birthday barnabasjr
« on: December 27, 2006, 04:02:03 AM »
I hope you have the best birthday ever, barnabasjr!!  [santa_cool] [8_2_81]

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: Happy Birthday angeliquefan73
« on: December 27, 2006, 03:48:47 AM »
A very happy birthday to you, angeliquefan73!!  [8_2_81]

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: Happy Birthday arashi!
« on: December 25, 2006, 07:32:37 PM »
Happy birthday, ARASHI!!  [santa_smiley] [8_2_81]

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: Happy Birthday jtfolden
« on: December 24, 2006, 11:28:40 PM »
A very happy birthday, jtfolden!  [santa_smiley]

 [santa_smiley] [ChristmaS0] [8_2_76] [8_2_74] I just wanted to wish everyone a very merry Christmas/Happy holidays, and much joy in the coming year!!!  [8_2_77] [8_2_81] [ChristmaS15] [santa_cool]

Well.. yeah, I think the same thing... but we would require some adjustment time ourselves. If we really found ourselves in 1795... really... it would be a hell of a lot more jarring and hard to take in than it was for Victoria I think. Sure, you can see there's a pattern, in one character after another looking like familiar people, but you don't get used to something THAT crazy very fast. You don't start expecting it. You don't get blase, and think, oh sure, that guy looks just like Maggie's father, big deal...

This is an excellent point, Magnus. Vicki might have seemed completely mad to keep spouting off how much everyone looked like people she knew, but honestly, we the viewers were able to see her predicament from the outside, only experiencing her shock and bewilderment vicariously. And after all, she, unlike us, didn't have the daily reminder recited to her, "A seance has been held at the great house of Collinwood...the faces are the same, but the names and relationships have changed..."  [santa_grin]

Thank you so much for the update, Nancy! And a merry Christmas to you!  [8_2_77] [ChristmaS15]

Current Talk '06 II / Re: What if...a Dark Shadows Holiday fantasy
« on: December 19, 2006, 11:44:31 PM »
I think Louis Edmonds would have made a good Scrooge. He played Joshua so well, and we all know Joshua could be a bit scrooge-like.  [santa_grin]

Grayson Hall would have made a good Mrs. Cratchit and Don Briscoe could have been Scrooge's uncle.

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: Happy Birthday Irishcoda
« on: December 19, 2006, 11:18:47 PM »
 [santa_cool] A very happy birthday, Irishcoda!!! [santa_thumb]

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: Happy Birthday to CastleBee
« on: December 19, 2006, 11:16:18 PM »
 [santa_smiley] I hope your birthday was filled with lots of fun, CastleBee!!!! [santa_cool]

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: Happy Birthday BARNABASLIVES!
« on: December 19, 2006, 11:12:50 PM »
Hope you had a cool birthday, BarnabasLives!!  [santa_grin]

I'm with you on that one. I think most of the characters have, at some point, been the cause of me yelling at the screen, "Would someone just slap him/her already?!"

One particular moment that comes to mind, though, is when Jason is trying to remember the words to a toast while Liz is talking to him. I swear, if he'd gone on one minute more about what type of fruit tree it was that he had seen, I was going to reach through the screen and backhand him so hard it'd knock the brogue right out of him.

Too funny!!  [santa_grin]

Angelique, but Julia already took care of THAT!

Good one, Charles!  [santa_grin] [santa_cool]

Current Talk '06 I / Re: Favorite and Least Favorite Child
« on: December 14, 2006, 06:26:13 PM »
Favorites: David: He could definitely play a number of emotions, bratty, scared, innocent, and yes loving. It was completely believable, and I am impressed by his acting skills at such a young age. Not to mention it was great watching him portray when Jamison was taken over by Petofi.

Amy: She is so very sweet! I love watching her. IMHO she performs everything perfectly! With her sad little voice or angry high pitched tones, she is excellent! I can't say enough good about her!  [santa_cool]

Now here's where it gets complicated... I like Sarah as a character, she was sweet and earnestly loved her big brother, but the actress who played her, for some reason I just can't quite get accustomed to her. Don't get me wrong, I am sure she's a great person, it just seems like she didn't quite fit the ghostly, longing little girl who only wanted her family back. That having been said, I still very much enjoy Sarah, and I don't mind watching her.  [santa_undecided]

Hallie: I don't quite understand why there is such a strong dislike of Hallie. I never found her shrill or annoying. IMHO, she played her character quite well, and it is especially creepy when she gets completely possessed by Carie.

Least favorites: The little kid in leviathan who spoke with an accent, (apologies for not remembering his name) His character drives me nuts! In fact, most of the characters from leviathan drive me crazy!

I would have liked to have slapped Angelique for medaling in people's affairs, mainly Barnabas's, Josette's and Jeremiah's! Not only did she ruin the relationship between Josette and barnabas, but she also changed Jeremiah's life forever, eventually leading to his death!  [santa_angry] Boy, she really deserved a slap then!

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