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Messages - Pansity

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D. Friedlander, thank you SOOO much for the instructions on finding the ghost page!  And also to Midnight for refining the info.  [9050] [9050] I've been wanting to recover this for the same reasons everyone else cited:  it's probably THE BEST of the attempts to continue the series, bar none.  Think the others may have gone too, come to think of of it; original fanfic is not doing well in this fandom right now.

And triple thanks, cause it just occurred to me that I might be able to recover the Falcon Crest virtual series this way as well!!! (Hopefully I still have the bookmark on one of the computers.)  [occasion18]


Janet, I took LABYRINTH down from my Web site at Big Finish's request, since it's a possibility that it will yet be done as an audio book. Your best bet is to contact Big Finish and tell them how badly you want it.  [snow_wink]

Thanks for the idea, Mark.   [snow_smileydevil]  Nothing like letting them know there's a market for it.  FYI I really enjoyed reading the book when you had it up in pdfs, and would LOVE to see it made into an audio book.


ARRGH!  28th St. is actually reachable by my express bus from outer slovovia.  But, with the time frame, if only there was a matinee (as Charles says). That I could try to shoehorn in, even if it is just before I'm leaving for my next trip to DC. 

Thanks for the update, and more thanks for moving the page and keeping it alive! 

It's encouraging to see that you're even considering another edition of Karlenzine.  As has been discussed a few times over here, zines are greatly missed, and I'm not optimistic on us ever seeing another WODS (and this from someone who has a novellette and a short story accepted and waiting for future publication for about three years now).

Best of luck with the pro novel.  [deal2] Don't know how widely it's known in DS fandom (since DS seems to no longer have many ties in common with the rest of media fandom), but many many fanzine writers have gone pro over time.  Folks like Peter David, Jackie Lichtenberg, Diane Duane, Susan Garrett, Roberta Rogow, Susan Matthews and Misty (Mercedes) Lackey. [computer] ALL started out writing for zines -- and some continued writing for them for FUN after they broke out as pro writers.   [book2]  That's not even mentioning non fiction writing credits by folks such as the late (and dearly missed by all who knew her) Joanie Winston. [sad10]


Calendar Events / Announcements '09 I / Re: Exquisite drawing of Magda
« on: February 16, 2009, 07:03:24 PM »
Fantastic art.  That young fan is very talented.  Oh, what a lovely zine cover or story illo that would make.  (One of the great things about fanzines -- ART and ILLOS, as opposed to screen caps!)


Current Talk '08 II / Re: DS Collector Plates by MPI
« on: February 16, 2009, 05:49:22 AM »
Sorry I missed your post Jeannie. Thanks for the informative post.

You're welcome, Jimbo, even if I am acknowledging you how many months too late.... [bagoverhead].  It's been a bizarre few months what with insanity at work and sheer exhaustion when I get home.  Glad you found the info helpful.


Current Talk '08 II / Re: TV Guide's "Moments That Spooked Us As Kids"
« on: February 16, 2009, 05:36:36 AM »
 [toast] [thumb] [a1f5] [gramophone]

Glad you had a good time at the event, and that sucks about your fender bender.

Sorry for the obnoxiously late reply on this, but between work and health issues, I've had a perfect storm and haven't been on since October.  [embb] [a2a3].  It's been a case of getting home from work with brain like pudding, and going right to sleep. I have this thing about not wanting to read because I'd want to post, and I don't like to post unless I have at least a FEW braincells working. [crazd] [deadg]

Thanks so much for the sympathy on the fender bender --which actually is a dent no bigger than that from a baseball. It was the jerk I hit took most of the damage, and I found out that Maryland has a weird law (FYI for anyone driving through there).  My insurance says its called a boulevard law, and if you're travelling behind someone else and hit them you're at fault no matter what moron maneuver they did.  GRRR good thing I had a squeeky clean driving record. [plasma]


This has now been published as an op-ed piece in the Sunday Gazette-Mail in Charleston, West Virginia:

Thanks Ms.C -- That explains something I was wondering about. The style of the piece and the citation of his degrees made me think it was published somewhere, but I saw no citation on the site.  Mystery now solved . [supergrin]


Glad to have provided the bait.  Welcome to non lurkerdom  [crowdhappy]

I just got lucky with that one -- then again if you see the ungodly number of pics I took and posted on my site, you'll see the odds were with me.  Of course, I'm greedy enough to grump over missing the shot of the Abe the babe pic.....


Current Talk '08 II / Re: What were they thinking?
« on: October 20, 2008, 01:50:32 AM »
Perhaps I should, but I dont know how to do all that stuff!  :(

You're confusing me-- I DON'T UNDERSTAND!  [angel4]   Seriously, it looks to me like you already have an avatar pic and a saying up, why couldn't you change it to a Q screen shot with your caption?

And as anyone who has seen my non-graphically fancy websites can attest, I'm the last one to laugh at anyone else's inability to do the whiz bang snazzy stuff.


Looks like the $119 rate on the web site requires prepayment of the full room charge. The AAA rate doesn't.

Those prepay non-refundable hotel reservations are a new thing in the travel business (I worked in  travel  for 7years).  I first ran into them when booking my trip to WV in September.  The catch is that the ENTIRE STAY is non refundable if you have to cancel, not the one night which has been the norm.  I'd recommend against taking that chance,myself.

And FYI either the rates on Marriot's site have changed, or John in NC checked differnt day combinations than I did.  AAA's site gave me a quote of $129/night for a week's stay, which is what we want so I can play native guide for the out of town gang.

A FYI to anyone else who wants to book extra days for tourism in NYC:   They told me that the con had blocked the 10th-20th, but the only nights still avaliable at con rate were the 13-17th, or Thursday thru Monday.  They claimed the only rate avaliable for the remaining nights was the NONREFUNDABLE $159/night.

Oh and another fact people who have never attended a con in this area need to know is the NON avaliability of outside restaurants unless you have a car.  I've been general dogsbody or committee on a number of cons which used both the Holiday Inns and the Ramada at this airport, so I know for a fact that food outside of the hotels is NOT walkable.  What we did at Eclecticon was include in the hotel contract that they would take people to the airport for food runs, but its anyone's guess whether this hotel will be that accomodating.


Current Talk '08 II / Re: TV's Top 10 Vamp-Tastic Series
« on: October 15, 2008, 04:16:21 AM »
Something I missed from the 70s!   I didn't see much from Canada, though I remember the first Strange Paradise, and Starlost.  Mark Lenard was in this?   Egad, I want it!

This wasn't from Canada, a la Strange Paradise.  It was one of those extravaganza things, backed bigtime by (If memory serves me correctly), Brandon Tartikoff, when he worked for NBC.  There were three series in each ep, and each one ended each week like the Saturday Morning serials, with a CLIFFHANGER (thus the name). 

LOL in a way you could say I have this, but not in a usable form.  Way back then I had a Videorecorder which I had gotten cheap   [signerror] -- turns out because it was a THIRD format that came out the same time as BETA, and was killed off by VHS waay before Beta.  I have a TON of stuff with the Trek actors back in the day, all stuck on this format (one inch tapes, and tapes that came in 3 types according to length of time on them.  Did I also mention that the Quazar tapes were the size of a LARGE hardcover book?   [eek]

Sigh, I wish I could watch some of that old stuff, esp the Mark Lenard guest starring stuff.  For a period of time there, it was a toss up whether he or Malachi Throne played more evil South American dictators on Mission: Impossible.   [lol2]

Then there was the Sunday morning show Insight, with one ep that had no less than FIVE Trek Guest Stars -- and Ephraim Zimbalist Jr. --  in an excellent ep called "The Day God Died".  That ep came to mind lately, and even has a DS connection to keep this SORT OF on topic.  The plot centered on the mid 60s question of whether God was dead, and the upshot (moral) of the piece was the holier than thou types were the ones who saw God in the coffin, and the only one in whom He was alive was the purported atheist, who was the only one living by the teachings of right and wrong.   Remind you of any REVERENDS we all know and hate?   [devil] [firedevil]


Current Talk '08 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0651
« on: October 15, 2008, 03:49:37 AM »
To explain Elizabeth's condition, Dr. Julia seems to have introduced a new disorder-- Post Traumatic Curse Resumption.  In PTCR, a patient witnesses one too many traumatic events, which jump starts the curse placed by a now-dead witch or warlock.  I'm sure it got the attention of the New England Journal of Medicine back in the day.  [hall2_grin]

 [stfl] [laughing4]

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