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Messages - Heather

Caption This! - The Werewolf-Quentin's Ghost / Re: Episode #0677
« on: June 14, 2005, 06:08:20 AM »
B: Julia...!

J: I'm ready boys... {cracking whip}

GRAYSON: Damn, I'm stunning in green - so glad we went to color.

Chortle, chuckle... ;D

Caption This! - The Werewolf-Quentin's Ghost / Episode #0677
« on: June 13, 2005, 05:05:27 AM »

Caption This! - The Werewolf-Quentin's Ghost / Episode #0677
« on: June 13, 2005, 05:00:12 AM »

Caption This! - 1796_3 / Episode #0665
« on: June 13, 2005, 04:54:07 AM »

Caption This! - 1796_3 / Episode #0664
« on: June 13, 2005, 04:50:40 AM »

Caption This! - 1796_3 / Episode #0664
« on: June 13, 2005, 04:47:37 AM »

Actually, vampires are often depicted exerting their will over people they haven't bitten.

Very true. And good example, Bette... ;)  :-* Another example (or at least what's stuck in my brain for some reason):
[spoiler]A couple of times Barnabas used his hypnotic influence on little Nora (in 1897). One time, Nora caught the old bat biting Charity at Worthington Hall. Nora was frightened out of her wits but Barnabas eventually hypnotized her, convincing her that he would not harm her and made her forget that he was there in the first place.[/spoiler]

How sad... :'(  He will be missed.

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: DS and Sixties Styles
« on: June 09, 2005, 07:56:05 AM »
Steve you crack me up...nice link.  lol   xo

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: Dreams of DS
« on: June 09, 2005, 06:36:13 AM »
I also dreamt that I was watching an episode featuring Nicholas and Julia.  Nicholas was explaining his latest scheme to Julia and ended by saying, "...and then Barnabas will die!"  Julia responded by screaming, "YOU SON OF A BITCH!" and then proceeded to hit Nicholas with her purse, much in the style of Ruth Buzzi as Gladys on LAUGH-IN.

LMAO! OMG John, that made my day... >:D  :-*

I've had several dreams revolving around Julia's lab (yeah, go fig. ::)); always a mysterious experiment going on. A couple times I was poking around - for some reason Julia had a huge table full of mixed drinks (no not the colorful tubes and whatnot, actual drinks) - some kind of snazzy experiment...alcoholic-based super sedative or hypnotic potion I don't know. For some reason I had to deliver these to another part of the Old House...??? 
A few times David was in the dream...acting like a prankster...messing with stuff. Julia always catches him. One time she yelled, a la Judth in 'Night of The Iguana', "Daaaaaavvvvviiiiddd!" And then she grabbed the notes he confiscated and said: "Give me that, you little...beaasssssttt!"  I'm serious. Yeah, I have some odd dreams now and then... 

My mom has had nightmares influenced by DS. In one of them the 1840 characters infiltrated her dream...Judah and his followers ransacked our house while a riotous mob formed outside; then the mob broke down the door, stormed through the house, looking for the 'heathens'. Fire and torches and pistols, oh my... apparently it was quite scary because it was one of those dreams that seemed so real, and brutally graphic..  :P

Heather, that second picture is too shocking!

DVD Capture made me do it... {wink}

I don't know which it is--Grayson gets called to replace Julie Newmar as Catwoman at the last minute, and meows in sensuous glee; or Grayson's screen test for the Hammer classic, Kiss of the Vampire!

LOL...good one!
Anything to warm the cockles of your heart, sweetcakes... {wink} xo

{cough} Now back to J99 and her fantastic article....


Luciaphil's Idle Thoughts '05 / Re: Hide-n-Seek -- Episodes 83 & 84
« on: June 03, 2005, 11:38:12 PM »
At moments like this, DS is truly the equivalent of comfort food...

Couldn't agree more! Luciaphil, you rock da house with your witty synapses...sorry I don't get around to comment more, but I just had to say that your articles are always a JOY to read. Makes me wanna pop in a tape and replay some of those great 'DSBB' moments {Dark Shadows Before Barnabas... yeah, I crack myself up. ::)


You can access the article...

P: What in the--?! Paul, catch me.... {pratfalls dramatically}

[5 minutes of deep perusal later]

P: Yup, that hit the spot...{purring}


Fantastic, J99!! I loved the pictures and the article was to LIVE for...{wink to Steve}  [hello]  :-* So the legion gets advanced notice of this book, right...?  ;)

Big Hugs after a stressful week,


[/size][disclaimer: 'twas captures of Grayson Hall as Pepe in "Satan In High Heels."
Yeah, I'm a appreciative nut, but a nutjob nonetheless.  [smiley_profileright] [silent] [smiley_profileleft]]

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: Grayson in Kojak, Pt. 3
« on: May 30, 2005, 08:34:10 AM »
Nice grabs, Midnite. And Since I've NEVER seen this episode...**THANK YOU!**

 :-* :-*