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Messages - Stuart

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Just a quick note to say that I've added a few new features to the site.

* Original Series Epilogue -- Sam Hall's classic TV Guide article, illustrated with rare photographs

* Episode Guide -- Now with cast and production credits

* Cast Biographies -- New page on Jerry Lacy added


Stuart :)

Wow, thanks for all the nice comments  :)

I've also just added a new biography of Donna Wandrey to the site, and stay tuned for a major update to the episode guide this week, courtesy of this forum's very own Mysterious Benefactor :)

378 | | The Dark Shadows Journal Online:

New on the site this week is a major update to the site's image gallery, which now features rare photographs of Thayer David, Jonathan Frid, David Henesy and Lara Parker -- enjoy :)



Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Meeting Ben Cross
« on: June 08, 2002, 12:17:19 AM »
I just got back from seeing the latest London West End production of "Art", which currently stars Ben Cross (1991 Barnabas).

For those who don't know, it's a three-hander play about three friends torn in their relationship when one buys a white canvas at an exorbitant price, drawing conflicting opinions.  I've seen a couple of productions of it, but this one is -- unbiased opinion, honestly -- the best by a long way, with excellent performances and timing.  

Afterwards, I went to the stage door to get signatures.  I was a bit apprehensive, as I get the impression "Dark Shadows" was a somewhat inauspicious career entry from Cross' POV, especially as one of the pics I had was the most OTT fanging shot imaginable.  However, he signed very graciously and chatted graciously enough, though clearly, perhaps unsurprisingly, had nothing much to say of the series.  He looked very well, having not aged much, aside from a few flecks of grey

The production runs until the end of July and is a great play anyway, so I recommend any UK fans get along and see it.  It's at the Whitehall Theatre, and the Box Office number is 0207 369 1735 -- if you quote "Inside Soap" magazine when booking, you can get tickets for £9.00 rather than the usual £18.00.

I've even toyed with the idea of re-shooting a choice deleted scene or two (Quentin finding the skeleton, poolhouse dream scene) with the actors as a fun inclusion in a 'making of' featurette... we do a jump cut to Selby and Karlen (in brand new footage, in costume) tearing down the basement wall, opening the door, with candelabra and finding the skeleton, etc. Then, after Selby's line reading, just where the scene would cut,

Hmmmm...  I'm not entirely bought on that -- the years haven't exactly been kind to John Karlen, for instance.  However, I think that if it was redone with extras, maybe in sillhoette, or at least partially obscured with the actual actors doing their line reading, it could be amazing :)

BTW, Darren don't hate me for this, but I've long thought that it Dan Curtis should remake anything, "Night of Dark Shadows" would be a prime candidate -- it needn't even be done under the "Dark Shadows" banner, and might even do better in its own right for not been tagged with it all...

The problem with DC and "Dark Shadows" is that he seems to assume that "House of DS" was the distillation of all that worked on the show, when in fact it was the product of people who probably hadn't really worked out what was needed to transfer the format to a new medium...


Dear Dark Shadows fans -- The Dark Shadows Journal Online:

New on the site this weekend:

* News: Updates and new stories
* Cast Biographies: Roger Davis and James Storm



Not sure -- the John Karlen one was done from the offices of Dan Curtis Productions, IIRC...

Current Talk '02 I / Re: DVD Review in EW
« on: May 31, 2002, 12:28:46 AM »
Thanks for the link to Alan Hayes' review of the DVD set, Stuart...  I'd also figured that the trumpeted "new" extras would be recycled from material previously presented on video, and such proves to be the case.

A bunch of new interviews have been shot for the discs, which I guess we'll be seeing on future releases.  I can't remember all the names, but Alexandra Moltke, Robert Costello and Lela Swift were interviewed last year for MPI DVDs...

Current Talk '02 I / Re: DVD Review in EW
« on: May 30, 2002, 02:36:02 AM »
Steve, there's a very detailed review on the new discs on my site, which goes into the technical stuff in great detail.  Alan Hayes, the guy who wrote it, really understands his stuff on technical matters, so his opinion is one to be trusted, IMO.

Check it out on

And shame of EW ;)

It's a bit of a mongrel, in terms of design tools...  Originally it was done in Microsoft Publisher, when I had zero html understanding...  I've been using Dreamweaver since last summer, and it's now used for 99% of the new stuff, with Photoshop providing the graphics.

The domain is mine... groan... after getting kicked off of my ISP webspace for bandwidth abuse.  Ick.  But that's sorted, the site's back and will be developing apace over the summer, with lots of new features and two sister sites, which I'm just beginning work on.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Was There Bad Acting on DS?
« on: May 29, 2002, 05:55:15 AM »
Of course there were bad actors and performances on "Dark Shadows" -- no one should have to pull a performance together in less than 24 hours with changes being made up until the last minute, but those were the limitations of the show and the conditions it was recorded under.

There are some painful performances along the way, but generally the results were a lot better than they should have been.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Biggest Cheeseballs in Collinsport
« on: May 29, 2002, 04:48:43 AM »
Sabrina Stuart would easily win the award for Dullest Character Ever...  Even bringing the laugh-fest that was the Moon Poppy to Collinwood couldn't make up for her terminal dullness...

I always think that the writers were knowingly tongue-in-cheek where Buzz was concerned -- the whole "If you feel it, sit it..." vibe in that bribe scene with Jason is played for every laugh it can muster :)

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: Dark Shadows Clue Game
« on: May 28, 2002, 08:11:09 PM »
Ah, happy days...  Bob and I played the DS Clue game once and much fun was had -- I even think I won...

[waits to be told that I didn't] ;)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: David and Barnabas
« on: May 28, 2002, 05:55:41 PM »
No, Sarah is gone by this point in the show.  Sharon Smyth was considered to be getting noticeably older, so the character was dropped, even though she had probably served all her potential by that point.

Agreed that the David thing post-1795 is sloppy, but considering that the present day storyline was suspended for close to six months, I think it's pretty impressive how well everything was picked up overall, especially given the usual DS standards of continuity.

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