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Messages - Joeytrom

Current Talk '11 I / Re: Laura The Phoenix --Your Thoughts?
« on: January 31, 2011, 04:35:30 PM »
What also makes the Laura storyline so unique is that it features different characters who never appear again on DS afterwards- Dr. Guthrie, Frank Garner, Lt. Riley from Phoenix (played by two different actors with no announcement about the change to the viewers).
There is even a live shot of a Phoenix street as well as a morgue scene!

Seeing this storyline a second time, I didn't realize that Dr. Guthrie appeared in an almost uninterrupted run from his first appearance until his last, I think he misses only one episode.  I loved the live shot of his car in flames! 

He was featured so prominently, one would think he would have been kept on the show after this story came to an end, a Prof. Stokes type.   Removing him from the show was a huge mistake I believe.  If you're watching the syndicated series only like I was the first time around, you never would have known he was ever there at all.

Current Talk '11 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #1133
« on: January 24, 2011, 02:34:50 AM »
Actually, there already were two versions of Angelique in the present time.   After 1897, she spent the years traveling the world and eventually met Sky Rumson, most likely around 1969.  So while in 1968 Cassandra/vampire Angelique was causing mischief, the later Angelique (post 1897) was in New York modeling.

You brought up 1840 Ang chasing Barnabas into 1970, raising the possibility of two Angeliques existing at the same time because of time travel.   She wouldn't have been the same Ang with the same experiences who followed him directly from 1795.   When my eyes and weird insomnia and wrists permit (I have to mention it somewhere), I'm starting a thread on explaining 1840 Ang.   There must be two of them.

Current Talk '11 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #1127
« on: January 17, 2011, 06:02:35 PM »
Flora is indeed a mystery.  She can't be a closer relation to Quentin than a cousin, but surely if Joshua had had more cousins than Daniel and Millicent, then those additional cousins would have been invited to the wedding in 1795.  I toyed just now with the idea that Desmond's father was a son of Joshua and Naomi who came in between Barnabas and Sarah and who was off seeking his own, independent fortune in 1795, but that can't be right because it would have been mentioned when Julia came on the scene.  I always get the feeling that Flora is a blood cousin, which complicates matters even further, because, as DarkLady says, it is unimaginable that she would be an unwed mother, so Miss Flora Collins would have had to marry her cousin Mr. Collins, so now we have two branches of the family who were not invited to the big wedding.  Maybe the Mr. Collins whom Flora married was no relation to the Collinsport Collinses - after all, Collins isn't so very uncommon a name (which reminds me, it amuses me to imagine that Senator Susan Collins of Maine is a Collinsport Collins) - but that's another thing that would surely have been mentioned.  All I can say is, Flora's place in the Collins genealogy is just about as difficult to figure out as the question of how 1795 Trask managed to father Lamar Trask.

Perhaps her husband's side of the family was too far away to attend the 1796 wedding or they couldn't make it for whatever reason.  I always thought that Abner Collins may have been her husband.  Perhaps Flora & her husband came to Collinwood at Daniel's invitation sometime in the early part of the nineteenth century.

Current Talk '11 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #1126
« on: January 11, 2011, 04:53:27 PM »
There will be one more Braithewaite who we will meet- Tim Braithewaite of 1841 Parallel Time.

[spoiler] He also has the bad luck of his Real Time counterpart. [/spoiler]

Calendar Events / Announcements '10 II / Re: The Doctor Woodards in Movies
« on: December 24, 2010, 02:22:20 PM »
Peter Turgeon was in Airport from 1970, playing the infamous dumbest plane passenger ever!

Current Talk '10 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #1119
« on: December 10, 2010, 06:46:46 PM »
I am surprised the writers remembered about Edith after all this time, especially since she was in only a handful of episodes in 1897. 

They should have had Edith & her husband & sons away in Europe and Terry Crawford play a different character, avoiding the continuity mess.

In 1980, Addison Powell and David Selby were in a movie (Doctor Franken) together in a story similar to the Adam storyline in which the Powell character makes a body come to life.

There was a precursor to DS: The First Year called "The History of Dark Shadows 1966-1967" summarizing the first year of episodes.  There was also "The Introduction of Barnabas" summarizing episodes from the first syndicated episode to the episode of the seance sending Vicky to 1795.  They both came out in the mid 80's.  These were from the Dark Shadows Festival and used to be available on the festival form price list.

Current Talk '10 II / Re: Roger Davis as Ned Stuart?
« on: November 22, 2010, 11:25:01 PM »
Being so close to 1897 and as was stated Ned Stuart was a minor character, they really should have gotten another actor to play the part.  It's unfortunate DC liked him so much, he played too many characters IMHO on D S. 

He plays 2 characters in 1897 with the second appearing only two weeks after the first was written out and no one mentions any resemblance at all!

Once Peter & Vicky were gone from the story, so should he have been gone from DS.

Current Talk '10 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #1105
« on: November 13, 2010, 04:56:42 PM »
Barnabas is never seen biting anyone ever again on DS after PT (not counting an 1840 plot point- this is chronological Barnabas).

Here's another link to Depp's Dark Shadows, looks like shooting will be starting in February:

In regards to Roger marrying his grandmother, could the writers have not realized Laura Murdoch was Roger's wife in an earlier storyline as none of them were writing the show at the time?

Current Talk '10 II / Versions of werewolves
« on: October 01, 2010, 02:32:17 PM »
On the Vampire Diaries boards in IMDB, there is a debate on which type of werewolf is preferred, a real wolf or a wolf-man.  I posted something similiar there as I like the real wolf better, though on DS it would not have been possible to use.

I was wondering which version others on this board like better.

Current Talk '10 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #1074
« on: October 01, 2010, 02:25:43 PM »
Could Abner have been Flora's late husband?

Current Talk '10 II / 1795 photo of the Old House
« on: September 11, 2010, 05:01:05 PM »
When Vicky first arrives in 1795, we are given a glimpse of the Old House as it was then.  It is all new and pink colored with flowers and in the daytime. 

was this the way that house actually looked or did they doctor the photo to make it look that way?