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Messages - Gerard

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: ** Forum Time **
« on: March 07, 2019, 02:04:09 AM »
MB, just be careful you don't get sucked into your cellphone or computer.  None of us can really afford to call the microsoft supernatural system support.  Our credit cards can only handle so much! 

"Thank you for calling microsoft's supernatural system support.  You're patronage is important to us.  Please wait until we connect you to our next available representative.  Your wait time is...45 minutes.  If you need immediate assistance, start sprinkling holy water." (Background-holding music - Tubular Bells.)


Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / Re: 1970s cult TV movies
« on: March 07, 2019, 01:51:10 AM »

The Joan Crawford one is an episode of The Sixth Sense, with the amusing title Dear Joan, We're Going To Scare You To Death. Gary Collins does not appear in the story itself, just acts as host and discusses ESP with Joan afterwards. Anne Lockhart did work with Joan and told me that Joan could not have been nicer to her and went out of her way to see whatever Anne was appearing in. This was one of Crawford's last performances, maybe even her final one. Not her finest hour but definitely a step or two up from Trog.

Joan's daughter, Christina, had landed a part in a Marcus Welby, MD, episode.  In her excitement about her hopefully advancing career, she called her mother to tell her the news.  Her mother responded in a direct opposite way.  After several phone calls to mutual friends, she discovered why Joan was so upset.  A friend told her that she had been "gloating" about being on that show when she supposedly knew "that's the one show Joan wanted to be on but could never get a part."  Afterwards, Christina got a part on a The Sixth Sense episode.  And then, guess what?  Joan gets her own episode, the last thing she did after doing that terrible Trog.  Guess she had to show her daughter up one last time without wire coathangers and exploding bottles of cleanser. 

Meanwhile, the urban-legend rumor that Dan Curtis initially wanted Joan to play Elizabeth Collins Stoddard but decided not to because of Joan's - ahem - "problems" lives on


Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / Re: 1970s cult TV movies
« on: March 07, 2019, 01:35:21 AM »
For me, the most frightening were Don't Be Afraid of the Dark and Bad Ronald.  Regarding the former, my dad watched it while I did.  He always thought that "spooky movies" were "junk."  But with this one, he was totally freaked out.

One fairly notable made-for-TV spook-film that came out in the next decade ('82, to be exact) was Don't Go to Sleep, with Valerie Harper, Dennis Weaver, and the great Ruth Gordon.  It could've been better, but had its terrifying moments.  It's about a family haunted by a deceased daughter's ghost that became a murderous, vengeful demon. 


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: ** Forum Time **
« on: March 06, 2019, 02:43:56 AM »
MB, I think it's time to call in Tangina.  Wait until she says:  "This house is clean."


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: ** Forum Time **
« on: March 05, 2019, 01:20:41 AM »
MB, I think you've stumbled upon a new DS plot for 2019.  Instead of PT (parallel time), there's TT (technology time).  Residents of Collinwood, when they turn on their computers or smartphones, start receiving messages, e-mails, texts and voice recordings out of time.


Annie, you are our board's sweetheart.  You and I and others here know what our beloved Denise's family is going through,  Life isn't fair and many of us have to face that.  To Denise's family, our love is with you.

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: ** Forum Time **
« on: March 04, 2019, 03:35:25 AM »
Normal, MB?  Since when have anything been normal with DS?  Let's enjoy the ride!


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: ** Forum Time **
« on: March 03, 2019, 06:30:27 PM »
Just wait, MB, until daylight saving time hits!  Our forum might be off for seven years!


As I'e stated. I dealt with my mother who had dementia.  Not to sound remose, but I hope our beloved Denise passes on soon, and her family can then continue with their lives.  Unless one has been there, no one knows what it's like.  When my mom passed away from a ten-day coma, all I could think immediately afterwards was:  "Thank god it's over."  No grief.  I had stopped grieving years before when I actually lost her.


Current Talk '24 I / Re: I'm Baaack
« on: March 02, 2019, 09:15:47 PM »
Patti, I have to add what MB said.  Let me add that "modern technology" sucks.  It's awful.  That's why I'm one of the 3% who won't get a cell/smartphone.  I'll rely on my old land-line.  There's even a cord.  I rely on it for work, being a substitute teacher.  Have I ever had a moment's problem?  Nope.  Okay, I'll admit on snow days I don't get the "texts."  Bring back rotary dials.  So much better then.


What is it about plants that brings out the worst?! Lost in Space's The Great Vegetable Rebellion!!   [shiver]
OMG, MB!  The worst LiS episode ever!  And I was a kid who never missed an episode.  In one scene, there's a "blooper" when Mark Goddard had to turn away and cover his mouth because he started to laugh. 

Ironically, it was the last episode made, but was the second-to-last to air.  The last one to air was Junkyard in Space, an appropriate title for how CBS and Irwin Allen abandoned the original concept for the show which was to be serious sci-fi and drama. 

LiS became Gilligan's Island in Space.  In that notorious episode, they were having a birthday party for the robot with party hats and noise-makers.  Who takes those things on a mission to colonize another planet?  It's like how Ginger and Mary Anne had top-hat costumes to wear to sing Bill Bailey. 


I initially enjoyed it when it first aired but then also tired of it.  All the plots were similar, recycled monster-of-the-week.  Somehow, The X-Files made it work for years.


Current Talk '24 I / Re: Innovation's '91 DS Comic, Book 2
« on: January 24, 2019, 02:27:41 AM »
In hour 4 of the '91 Series we learn that things have skipped ahead 10 weeks during Barnabas' treatment. It's during those 10 weeks that Book 1 and Book 2 of the comic take place.

MB, that helps explain to me why I couldn't follow this gobblygook plot that made no sense.  I thought the comic book series was to pick up where the '91 series left off. 


Like Annie, I, too, know what this is like.  I mentioned it before how I had to deal with - emotionally and financially - when my mom suffered in her later years with dementia.  Care-giving drains everything out of one.  Denise's wonderful family took it as far as they could; nothing more can be expected to come from them, but all our support, love and understanding can be given to them.

Gothic. I don't know if you're in contact with Jasmine through facebook or other means, but if you are, please let her know that she and her family have all our support, love and understanding.  Their mom gave us so much joy growing up.  Her life and career enriched us all - it still does.


Current Talk '24 I / Re: Innovation's '91 DS Comic, Book 2
« on: January 21, 2019, 05:02:07 AM »
Though the green in the panel is obviously not from palm trees.  [b003]

But, MB, the trees are still green!  In Maine!  In December!  That means the comic book was filmed in California with can't even say it!  Get my DS '91 meds now!  (A vodka chaser would be nice.)
