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Messages - GooberCollins

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Current Talk '08 I / Re: Observation About Today's Quote Capture
« on: June 29, 2008, 11:32:56 PM »
Seeing as how Collinsport's climate was able to support palm trees, she really shouldn't have been wearing that turtleneck.

Current Talk '08 I / Re: Drunken Sailor Song
« on: June 29, 2008, 07:08:39 PM »
Carolyn had to get it somewhere, and I always just got the impression that Paul was not really that wild. Elizabeth probably was a "funny drunk." [ghost_cheesy]

Calendar Events / Announcements '08 I / Re: Deep Discount Sale
« on: June 29, 2008, 03:40:11 PM »
Sadly, most of the first DS Collections are on back-order, and therefore ineligible for UPS Shipping, which I desperately need, because my local postmen are idiots who misdeliver quite a lot of what they get. [ghost_mad] [ghost_tongue2]

EDIT: I'd guess September.

Bleh, this whole generations thing confuses me to death. First-generation would be people who saw the show in its original airing. Second-generation would be the revival, or would it be the 1980s reruns/VHS releases of the original? If that's the case, revival fans are third-generation, which means... guh! Okay. 1: Original, 2: Revival, 3: Film Revival. In chronological order:

Generation 1.0: Watched the original first at its first airing
Generation 1.5: Watched the original first, but in reruns or on the VHS release
Generation 2.0: Watched the revival first at its first airing
Generation 1.9: Watched the original first in reruns or on VHS/DVD after the revival's first airing
Generation 2.5: Watched the revival first, but in reruns or on the VHS/DVD release
Generation 3.0: Watched the upcoming film first

Anyway, that was a bit off-topic. As a version 1.9, I prefer the original to the revival, but I'll gladly see the movie. The movie, however, will just be a novelty. In my mind, that's not the real Dark Shadows. The real Dark Shadows, to me, will always be the original series, not the revival, and not any of the three films. I will compare it to the original, but hold it up as its own film, as well.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Movie Cast Ideas
« on: June 29, 2008, 03:13:46 AM »
Yes, she's already played the dignified lady of the house very well, so she's a good choice for Elizabeth.

Current Talk '08 I / Stokes in 1840
« on: June 27, 2008, 12:52:48 AM »
[spoiler]Was it really necessary? It seemed to me that he came, Julia and Barnabas tucked him away somewhere, the storyline ended, and he came back with them (with a bit that was potentially rather insulting to Thayer David, as the writers had Stokes check the refrigerator first thing after his return to the present!). I was wondering if anyone felt the same way, or if the writers provided some sort of explanation for this in interviews, as it just seemed odd that they would do that.[/spoiler]

Current Talk '08 I / Re: barnabas and jeff clark
« on: June 27, 2008, 12:43:33 AM »
*bows* Thank you, thank you. [ghost_tongue2] Jeff, being a [spoiler]law enforcer, or close to one, in a past life[/spoiler], would never have stood for prostitution! [ghost_rolleyes] Of course, the ABC execs at that time would probably have claimed that those were just "very gaudily-dressed women who merely wanted to date Barnabas, or in the case of Marsha Mason, play with his ears."

Yes, the coma was supernaturally induced, and so Julia probably shouldn't be at fault there. But she did stop being Super Doctor. At first she was just a blood specialist, then she was a psychologist running an insane asylum (and a psychologist running a funny farm as opposed to a psychiatrist doing it is about as likely as Willie's arm actually being "totally drained of blood" is in the real world! [ghost_rolleyes]), then she was Dr. Julia Hoffman, M.D., D.D.S., OBGYN... everything under the sun. And then her mad scientist phase where she raised the dead not once, but twice! And all that just disappeared suddenly. [ghost_tongue2]

Current Talk '08 I / Re: Drunken Sailor Song
« on: June 27, 2008, 12:27:47 AM »
And to this day, Mrs. Johnson still cries for her beloved Bill whenever she hears Peter, Paul, and Mary.

Current Talk '08 I / Re: barnabas and jeff clark
« on: June 27, 2008, 12:20:03 AM »
Barnabas probably could have killed Jeff, but put it off due to the fact that Jeff (as far as we know) was not a prostitute, and in addition to not being a hooker, he was someone who several could likely identify as a contender for Vicki's affections, which anyone with half a brain could tell Barnabas wanted (of course, Vicki had somewhere in between 1/3 and 1/4 of a brain at that point, so she can be excused [ghost_rolleyes]).

On the subject of panty shots, Carolyn had a camera pointing up her dress for practically the entirety of the bit of the Leviathan Arc where she and Elizabeth were staying at the Rumsons' house.

Current Talk '08 I / Re: Drunken Sailor Song
« on: June 27, 2008, 12:15:07 AM »
But that's not what they said. As I said, if they had said it was his favorite drinking song or something like that, then I could buy it. But the very notion of that being anyone's favorite song in the traditional sense of the phrase is hilarious.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Movie Cast Ideas
« on: June 26, 2008, 06:19:22 PM »
Back on topic, what about Sarah Michelle Gellar for Angelique? She's physically right for the part, in both age and appearance, and she's shown that she can play bitchy with her time on All My Children.

Julia turned into a pretty crappy doctor, if you ask me. She went from raising the dead to pronouncing Elizabeth dead repeatedly.  [ghost_azn]

On the subject of the indecency of Julia spending most of her time at the Old House, I've always thought Roger and Elizabeth gossiped about that a lot. "Oh, Liz, Julia is over at Barnabas's house working on that book again." "Yes, those two spend a lot of time alone together, just the two of them, working on the book." Of course, if Julia heard all that, her first thought would probably be, "If only!"  [ghost_tongue2]

Current Talk '08 I / Re: Drunken Sailor Song
« on: June 26, 2008, 06:10:25 PM »
Would simply posting "THAT WAS BILL MALLOY'S FAVORITE SONG!" be spam, or would it be what everyone was thinking anyway?   [ghost_rolleyes]

Seriously, though. It they had said, "That was Bill Malloy's favorite drinking song," I could buy that quite easily. But his favorite song? The one he would have on repeat on his phonograph for hours as Quentin did with his theme? I know that, with a few exceptions, DS didn't license music, but... his favorite song?!?!

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Movie Cast Ideas
« on: June 24, 2008, 12:34:15 AM »
It's fine. I just find it a little offensive that many people seem to feel that the 12-25 year old audience only cares about special effects and can't grasp basic concepts like that properly. Don't worry about it, though.

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