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Messages - Cassandra Blair

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Current Talk '03 I / Re: Quentin and brotherly love
« on: January 24, 2003, 11:08:13 PM »
I miss the days when Ange fans were numerous and vocal; now it seems like nobody wants to talk about her anymore. :()

I'm here, Midnite - and am a big Angelique fan...quite willing to be more vocal. Haven't said too much about her 'cos she doesn't seem like the most popular character on the board. [lghy]  I love her to death, but isn't she just a rotten broad?

Seriously though, I am in agreement, she does always liven things up - but it's hard to figure out why they had to bring her in to this ep just to reinforce that she's keeping an eye on Barnabas...isn't she always?

It seems like they could've done more with Angelique in 1897.  I blame her for much of what went wrong.  She could've decided to help Barnabas much earlier in the proceedings, and other bad stuff besides Carl's death could've been avoided.

And yes, this certainly is Quentin at his lowest point.

Current Talk '03 I / Re: Julianka
« on: January 24, 2003, 07:20:52 PM »

No, you didn't miss Julianka - she hasn't been on yet.  I too was confused by what Magda said about the gypsy woman's daughter being dead, because I thought they had said Julianka WAS the daughter.  Sloppy writing? ::)

Julianka appears on episodes 794-797, which as far as I can tell should air on Tuesday, February 4th and Wednesday, February 5th.

Hope this helps!

Cassandra Blair

Current Talk '03 I / Re: A Fond Farewell to Miss Drummond
« on: January 24, 2003, 06:18:57 PM »
Rachel is an unfairly maligned character, and her death truly is one of the saddest moments of the many on Dark Shadows.  I agree that KLS did a wonderful job with the character, often subtly suggesting the horrors the girl must've experienced during her brief and tragic  life.  And considering what many believe she'd experienced at the hands of the Trasks, the fact that she could still care about children and wasn't a bitter, disillusioned basket case demonstrates that she was a lot stronger than she's often given credit for.

As others have said, Rachel may not have been particularly intelligent or talented (many of us are not); but she was loyal, loving and surprisingly brave.  After she was warned by Magda that she had an enemy at Collinwood that she needed to confront if she hoped to survive, Rachel wasn't afraid to seek that person out. She knew that strange things, bad things, were going on at the Collins estate, and she attempted to do something about it.  

Although the writers don't really make much reference to her after she's gone, I'd like to think Tim Shaw would never really have forgotten her gentle spirit.  Maybe when he passed from this plane of existence, Rachel's face would have been the first he saw on the other side. (Guess I've revealed myself as an incurable romantic - sigh). [smrtasg]

BTW, it's good to see you back posting on the boards, Vlad! [wavey]

Current Talk '03 I / Re: Carl and Pansy Faye
« on: January 23, 2003, 02:45:08 AM »
"that awful poet"

Was it "that awful poet?"  Thought I heard Judith mention some "tart" Carl brought home from Albany, or do I need a hearing aid? [undg]

Current Talk '03 I / Re: I Could Have Lived at "Collinwood" - Very OT
« on: January 22, 2003, 12:45:05 AM »
Yeah, it's weird, Midnite.  There IS a lot more to it than the 'Collinwood' front of the house, but curiously enough the house isn't that big - only has something like 20 rooms, IIRC. Think it was built around the same time as Seaview Terrace (1920's?), so I guess it's sorta the same thing on a much smaller scale - it's a knock-off of the Newport 'cottages.'

And I see they do weddings there.  Can you imagine the story title for some DS fanzine? "I got married in a designer knock-off gown at a Collinwood knock-off house!" [lghy]

I watched "Rosemary's Baby" when it aired on another channel recently.  I had forgotten how masterful it really is, I found I couldn't move out of my seat until the picture was finished.  And the setting of the Dakota apartment building in NYC was great - it has all the gothic beauty and creepiness of Collinwood!

Current Talk '03 I / Re: I Could Have Lived at "Collinwood" - Very OT
« on: January 21, 2003, 05:27:28 PM »
 Beautiful photo of that mansion BTW Cassandra. You grew up there - WOW!  Now how cool would it be to watch DS everyday in that great look-alike abode!

Just it case it wasn't clear - I didn't live in that house, although I certainly fantasized about it as a kid!  But I grew up about a mile from the mansion.  Never even realized that it looked like Collinwood until after I'd moved away from that town.  When I go back to visit now, I always have to do a drive-by!

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / Re: Today is Dom's birthday!
« on: January 21, 2003, 05:18:19 PM »
Happy Belated Birthday, Dom!  Hope it was the best ever!!!

Cassandra Blair

Current Talk '03 I / Re: When do YOU watch your Dark Shadows?
« on: January 18, 2003, 10:14:23 AM »
Ringo, I'm a huge fan of 'Buffy.'  I like 'Angel' too.  I try never to miss 'the Daily Show,' am addicted to reruns of 'Absolutely Fabulous,' and find myself drawn to 'Trading Spaces' and 'Changing Rooms' the way other people are drawn to car wrecks.  Also really like 'Jonathan Creek,' and other BBC America shows.  Am wild about 'the X-Files,' and consider David Duchovny to be the cat's pyjamas!

In addition to being a TV junkie, I've also got this thing for film, books and writing my own stories.  I don't sleep much. [lghy]

Current Talk '03 I / Re: I Could Have Lived at "Collinwood" - Very OT
« on: January 18, 2003, 01:52:29 AM »
Vlad, I also would love to see a pic of the house if you get the chance to post it! Sounds like you did the right thing by hesitating.  Scraping ice and snow off the car is quite the disagreeable task, esp. early in the morning.  I hated it so much it caused me to move south! And if you can't be sure your car is secure that wouldn't do much for your peace of mind - not to mention your wallet if anything were to happen to the car.  

There is a house in the town I grew up in called Ewing Manor.  It's open to the public and is owned by the local university.  I've often thought it resembled a smaller version of Collinwood/Seaview Terrace.  You can see it at:

But hey, keep your eyes open - just think - if something opens up in the big house maybe you can move there.  Wouldn't you rather be up at the big house with Liz, Roger, Julia etc. rather than down at the carriage house with the ghost of vampire Dirk Wilkins?  [lghy]

Current Talk '03 I / Re: I Could Have Lived at "Collinwood" - Very OT
« on: January 18, 2003, 01:45:45 AM »
Vlad, I also would love to see a pic of the house if you get the chance to post it! Sounds like you did the right thing by hesitating.  Scraping ice and snow off the car is quite the disagreeable task, esp. early in the morning.  I hated it so much it caused me to move south! And if you can't be sure your car is secure that wouldn't do much for your peace of mind - not to mention your wallet if anything were to happen to the car.  Keep your eyes open - just think - if something opens up in the big house you can move there.  Wouldn't you rather be up at the big house with Liz, Roger, Julia et al rather than at the carriage house with the ghost of vampire Dirk Wilkins?  [lghy]

Current Talk '03 I / Re: New Early Barnabas Trivia
« on: January 18, 2003, 01:32:08 AM »
Ringo, the portrait is PRICELESS!   Can you imagine how much different the whole show would've been with Bert Convy as Barnabas?  Who would they have gotten to play Dr. Julia Hoffman?  Brett Sommers or JoAnn Worley? [lghy] [lghy] [lghy]

Current Talk '03 I / Re: Magda Meets Topol
« on: January 17, 2003, 11:37:11 PM »
LOL, Patti, I LOVED this - it's so off the wall!  Whatever made you think of this?

Hope that all your birthday wishes come true, Luciaphil!

Have a great one!!!  [thumb]

-Cassandra Blair

Current Talk '03 I / Re: When do YOU watch your Dark Shadows?
« on: January 17, 2003, 04:41:49 PM »
Every now and then, I'll watch the first ep when I return home from work in the evening.  But usually I watch Dark Shadows in bed around 10pm.  It's like having a spooky bedtime story every night, and it certainly makes for some interesting dreams.  ;)

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