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Messages - Birdie

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Current Talk '02 II / Re: DS RETURNS JANUARY 2ND !!!!!
« on: January 02, 2003, 04:53:29 AM »
We don't have a digital camara either.  I am with you Carol I don't plan on replacing my favorite movies with DVD's until need be.  My sister did give me one of my favorites for my birthday yesterday, " The Quiet Man".  I love that flick and so does my hubby.   Mind you my birthday was in April.  lol.  I didn't even notice she had forgotten about it last year.  With the DVD player I have a feeling they are going to be an easy present for members in our family.  

Birdie--I will be up early tomorrow, drinking coffee watching DS.  Hurrah!

Current Talk '02 II / Re: It's a conspiranacy
« on: January 01, 2003, 05:10:19 AM »
I am trying to think of it as a positive thing.  It will forse me to get up and get my act together early in the morning on the days I don't work.  What a great way to start our day with a good doze of the Q-Man or the Barnster, Chris, Willie, who ever does it for you.

Birdie--who from now on will be an early riser.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: DS RETURNS JANUARY 2ND !!!!!
« on: January 01, 2003, 05:04:30 AM »
Hey, we finally got a DVD player also.  It is a rare thing in our house to be up to date.  We tend to lag behind all that stuff for at least 5 to l0 years.  People can't believe we still have a turntable on our stero in the family room.  

Now I am wondering how I could sneak the DS DVD's into the house.  My husband would think i went over the edge.   I am thinking about it though.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Hey!
« on: January 01, 2003, 04:54:10 AM »
Congratulations LAFB!  Oh freedom....I remember that is how I felt when I got my licence.  

Connie, I know what you are going through I have two that drive.  The oldest just went to a New Year's party.  He won't be coming home tonight.   At least he won't be on the road with the looneys.  

I don't think I will survive the next two getting there licence.   What was I thinking having four kids?  


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: New Year's Prayer
« on: January 01, 2003, 04:45:08 AM »
Josette,  what a beautiful New Years prayer!  May all of us here be so blessed and all our loved ones.  Thanks for posting it.


Happy Birthday!


A very Happy Birthday!


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: SNOWBOUND IN THE NORTHEAST!!!
« on: December 28, 2002, 07:30:53 PM »
We ended up with slightly more than 12 inches here.  Family came and went very fast Christmas Day.  We were suppose to get together in Newport today but I have one child down with the stomach bug and another just got wisdom teeth out.  Actually, he is doing fine just afraid to eat.  Not only have we been snow bound, but now the stomach bug.  Have any of you ever heard of cabin fever!  My husband keeps talking about moving south one of these years.  Not sure how I feel about it.  I hate humidity.  My hair is cury enough thank you.  Last summer was humid enough.  Anyway we now have a pool sitting out in the back yard waiting for the first warm enough day to use it.  It will be something to look forward to.  Also noticed Dark Shadows is listed at 8 in the morning in next weeks TV guide.

Birdie---Can I take the tree down now?

Merry Christmas!  Happy New Year to all.

Health, Happiness Peace--please god in the year ahead.

Birdie--oh ya, and don't forget to make sure sci-fi still broadcasts DS

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: SNOWBOUND IN THE NORTHEAST!!!
« on: December 24, 2002, 10:28:21 PM »
Annie,  here in central Ma. we are going to be hit by the snow storm also.  Sounds like we could get a foot of snow.  I am hoping my company makes it or we shall be eating left overs through out the weekend.  On the flip side I could have nine people unexpectedly staying over.  

Have a very Merry!


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Today's Shows  (!)
« on: December 23, 2002, 05:50:03 AM »
Connie, I have an eleven year old son also.  He would not want to hold my hand while walking in the mall.  Than again he doesn't like to go shopping unless it is for Cd's or movies.  Bring him to church and he hangs all over me.  It is called boredom.  I can't complain too much he will still kisses  me good-bye in front of his friends.   I was a saint today I took my older son and the almost fourteen year old to the mall, plus I picked up a present for my sister in law who didn't have time to go shopping.  Actually, it wasn't too bad, parking was the worst.  


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Christmas Time At Collinwood
« on: December 23, 2002, 05:35:00 AM »
Connie, we are forever in your debt.  You rock.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Question for the Gang
« on: December 18, 2002, 05:01:15 AM »
Been laughing ever since I heard the Roger Davis voice over.  Than we have Laura with her very private moment.  

Maybe I am just tired.  Why did I agree to go to a cookie swap and also bake cookies for work.  I think someone has my portrait and is making me do these strange things.  


Thank you Midnite for posting in such detail.  It sounded like a wonderful tribute.  


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Relatives that make fun of you
« on: December 14, 2002, 05:01:58 PM »
Hey, last night we went out to dinner and my husband actually said he enjoys watching DS sometimes.  I think I am still in shock.  I don't think it was the drinks we had only had one.  Wonder why he was buttering me up? ( I know what  the rest of you are thining he was hoping to get lucky'}  I think the man is hoping to keep me sane until DS is back and through the holiday season.  


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