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Messages - Heather

Caption This! - The Werewolf-Quentin's Ghost / Episode #0672
« on: June 24, 2005, 05:21:08 AM »

Caption This! - The Werewolf-Quentin's Ghost / Episode #0671
« on: June 24, 2005, 05:17:57 AM »

the old dear would have been called Master Baitor...

Precisely, dahling... ;)

Julia (remembering) --Mr. Allnut I never dreamed that any mere physical experience could be so stimulating.

Chortle...LOL  ;)

Quote from: Heather
Sorry hon, but you lost me a little here...

Whoops...scratch that, reverse it...  ;D  Sorry Patti, just realized you were referring to the collage pic.   :-[  Anyway, like I said, all those take place during the Tom Jennings story line.  Sorry folks - my brain's in burnout mode; need a vacation!

Tired wench,


In the books, from what *I* recall, Wonka was this little old gnome who had a very tricksterish flair and was more than a little dangerous--the sort of being that only a little boy could really love (think the Psammead in Five Children and It--hmmm, I'm sure Dahl was an E Nesbit fan...).

I've read the book're right on the money.

From the stills I have seen, the remake appears to be more an embroidery upon the Seventies film, rather than a revisiting of the Dahl texts. I've asked repeatedly whether the songs are included in the new flick, but nobody seems to know. It will really be a crashing bore without the songs...

Sigh...yeah, the songs and witty/silly sayings make that film, IMO. ;)

-Heather (love the original, but shall wait and see I guess...)

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Mrs Johnson's Wig
« on: June 20, 2005, 09:05:14 PM »
Now Rainey, darling, you really ought to know better than to sip tea while reading *my* posts!

Don't drink water either...goes everywhere! Steve, you crack me up... :-*

Where's the pic of Julia looking in the hand-held mirror from?

Sorry hon, but you lost me a little here...

The only pic I know of that I posted in the past that features Julia with a handheld mirror occurs at the end of the Tom Jennings storyline; she's looking at her reflection, thankful that the bite marks are gone. Hope that answers your question...

Anyway, Thanks for the feedback all. :-*

First, a disclaimer: Angel symbols do nothing for me.

Well this is the only angel picture I've done so far, so don't worry...

Having said that, I have to admit that the image of an angel smoking a cigarette is just appalling enough to be inspired.

 :-X   ^-^

What I can't fathom is the patience it takes to create the incredible detail in the jacket, the scarf and the wings.

It took an ungodly amount of time...between that and various other deadlines, I don't think I've pulled so many all-nighters in my life {dramatic gasp}.

I hope to hell you got a grade worthy of the effort!!! ;) But I wonder: has your instructor asked who your "muse" is? And if you told them, did they know who you were talking about? :D

As it turns out, I got 4 A's on that single illustration - whoo-hoo! {ignore my enthusiastic grin}

Anyway, the subject of *who is that* always comes up when i'm showing thumbnails, references, etc. It was actually a toss-up between a Briscoe-esque angel and a Grayson angel...grayson won. But, usually no one is quite sure who she is or who I'm talking about...and they usually have no clue as to who her characters are (weak chuckle). Which is one reason why i'd like to get a few copies of her movies in the library over here, and yet another reason why I'd LOVE to have a copy of the proposed Grayson book one day...then I can just say "well, here she is...yes, its a whole book devoted to Grayson Hall...very informative...and this is how you can purchase one...pass it on." {wink to J99}  There is at least one other fan of grayson up at the college here...a rare thing indeed.  :P

A man with three buttocks!
Heh...there's me throwing up some old-school Monty Python love.

Thanks Ian...I was wondering if anyone would mention that, casually in passing...  ;)

I always loved how throughout the show, Grayson as Julia Hoffman (regular time, of course) is exactly like that picture. Saintly, almost an angel, but she has her little dark side that she shows off every once in a while.

Yep, she could be quite the sly minx...I mean lady...when she wanted to be:

"On your feet or on your KNEES!"


Julia was a tough and smart cookie, but not perfect...and that hard shell seemed to fade a bit as her vulnerabilities and softer side peeked through. And all those things are what make her so darn special (sniffle.) ;)

Anyway - thanks for the feedback on the picture, guys...greatly appreciated.  :-* 

Nice article!  :)

Yes folks...more GraysonArt.   :P  >:D

I wish I could share this stuff never looks the same as it does in 'real life'. I have a love-hate relationship with the equipment available to me, can ya tell? ;)  Anyway, this was a final for a class...had to combine various elements and come up with an angel motif. Its supposed to be a combination of one of Julia's expressions and Pepe (Grayson's character from "Satan In High Heels.") Mixed media, 11x16, with some gold and silver accents that unfortunately don't really come across well on screen (including some interesting symbols on her scarf - sigh). Well, this is what I ended UP with...

Disclaimer: This is meant to be kinda satirical in nature, so no offense is meant to any faith or creed whatsoever (Believe me!) :-* Anyway, I kinda like the idea of a Graysoney angel, looking down on us with a mischievous gleam in her eye...

And this just a wallpaper collage/pic I did a couple months ago....kinda went along with a story I posted recently on another list:

( Which we'll all recall rightfully placed in the bottom 6 in the Julia Fashion Poll:

Yes MB, Let us NEVER forget THAT dress...LOL  ;D

And Mr. G:  LOL!  First laughs I had all day...thanks for the great captions *everyone*.  :-*

Caption This! - 1796_3 / Re: Episode #0665
« on: June 14, 2005, 11:47:47 PM »
Nancy: Grayson, did you bring the lyric sheets with you?
Grayson: Who needs 'em? Just follow with me: "LET'S ... DO .. THE TIME WARP TODAY-Y-Y!"

LMAO, Steve...

Caption This! - The Werewolf-Quentin's Ghost / Re: Episode #0677
« on: June 14, 2005, 07:44:27 AM »
LMAO, guys... :-*