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Messages - Gerard

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Adam's brain
« on: May 22, 2002, 06:26:25 PM »
If anyone says "schwarnschtuker" just once, I'll....I'll.....well, I don't know what I'll do.

Gerard (Who's Now going to Go For A Rollinzahay)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Adam's brain
« on: May 22, 2002, 12:58:15 PM »
I kept thinking the same thing, Deron!  When Adam went berserk, all I could picture was him with his hands around Julia's neck, she frantically making finger and hand gestures to Barnabas.

Barnabas:  "Sed-a....Sed-a....Sed-a-dirty-word!  He said a dirty word!  Oh!  Give him the sedative!  On the nosey!"


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Did anyone on DS ever have sex?
« on: May 22, 2002, 12:53:26 PM »
People on Dark Shadows having - gulp - sex?  Like we use to say about our parents:  they would never do anything like that!


Current Talk '02 I / Re: I Saw Mommie Kissing Tony Petersen!
« on: May 21, 2002, 06:09:47 PM »
How come Clarice Blackburn wasn't in parallel Time 1970?  It appears she may have played Hannah Stokes, as that actress (Paula Lawrence) is a lot like CB.

Had DS continued, I wonder if they would have recast Mrs. Johnson (and David for that matter)


Good question, Joey.  I think Clarice woulda been great as some character in 1970PT, but I would envision her as something even more than Auntie Hannah.  She shoulda been the complete opposite of her repressed, bun-so-tight-it'll-put-out-an-eye-if-it-ever-came-lose, Alice-in-perpetual-menopause housekeeper character.  Toss that wig, let her natural red hair flair out, put her in some Mary Richards sweaters and bell-bottom jeans, and let the good times roll!


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Diff'rent Dark Shadows Logo?
« on: May 21, 2002, 03:45:27 AM »
I remember other promo-logos showing the words "Dark Shadows" running across the screen, side by side, rather than one word on top the other.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Temptation with the FF button
« on: May 21, 2002, 02:38:20 AM »
I always thought the idea of a dream curse was a stroke of genius, but unfortunately, as others have pointed out, it didn't play out well.

A similar idea is in a 1950s movie called "Night of the Demon" or sometimes "Curse of the Demon".  It's based on a creepy short story by M.R. James called "Casting the Runes."  In the film, the powerful leader of a cult of devil worshippers, in order to protect himself from scrutiny, imposes a curse that's in actuality a death sentence on the men he feels pose a threat to him by having them accept a scrap of paper on which it's written.  The only way the recipient can save himself from the completion of the curse at a predetermined time is to pass the curse along in time-- assuming the paper on which the curse is written remains intact-- but the recipient must (again) accept it willingly.

Does anyone know of any other possible inspiration for the dream curse story?

I love that movie, Midnite!  AMC plays it every once in awhile.  It still creeps out to this day.  I remember reading that there was a real debate about whether or not to show the demon in full view at the end, or just glimpses of it.  The first time I saw it, I automatically figured it was the source of the dream curse plotline.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: I Saw Mommie Kissing Tony Petersen!
« on: May 21, 2002, 02:30:07 AM »
I wanted a Nehru jacket so bad back then I could just taste it.  However, my parents would not allow the "latest fashions", considering them to be "beatnik clothes" (later, they said "hippie clothes", when "hippie" was no longer in vogue; they were always kinda behind the times).  I couldn't get my first pair of wire-rim glasses until I was a junior in high school, in 1973.  That same year, I combed the part out of my hair.  You woulda thought the world had ended.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: am i a nerd?
« on: May 21, 2002, 02:19:27 AM »
Only people with a deep appreciation for subtlety, creativity and inventiveness can truly enjoy the depth of Dark Shadows.  It takes an incredible amount of maturity to understand the psychoanalytical nature of it.  And if your brother bugs you again, short-sheet his bed!


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Temptation with the FF button
« on: May 20, 2002, 09:08:47 PM »
Don't feel guilty, Deron.  I do a bit of FFing myself when I'm watching the tape.  This is my least favorite plot/storyline of the show.  I never cared for the Adam schtick, and the dream curse does start to get repetitive, although - fortunately - as it progresses the directors do a bit of their own FFing during it.  I'm just biding my time until Amy and Chris join the antics and a whole new plot begins.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Elizabeth's Standing in Town
« on: May 20, 2002, 09:00:12 PM »
And don't forget, Joey, she'll also eventually be getting a new hair-do, a whole lot sharper and more 60's than the beehive.  Unfortunately, she'll later spoil it by wearing those Baby Schnookums bows.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: FAVORITE SCENE????
« on: May 20, 2002, 06:56:51 PM »
For me, it's the scene in 1897 when Judith reads the will before her siblings:  Edward, Quentin and Carl, revealing who is the absolute heir to the entire Collins fortune.  It was so extremely well crafted, written and acted by all involved.

Judith:  "Keep it up, Quentin, and you'll end up with less than nothing."


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Right Off the Rack
« on: May 16, 2002, 06:13:51 PM »
I'm trying to remember where Johnny Blue was, Kuanyin.  Was it The Big Valley, or was it High Chapparel?  And I also loved Top Cat!  My mom use to buy me the Gold Key books with Top Cat stories, and I couldn't wait until the daily TV airing of his adventures.  My favorite part was the closing credits where he turned in, using that garbage can as his bedroom, setting the alarm clock, putting on those eye-shades and all that.

Now, does anybody else remember the first season of The Flintstones when it was in black and white?  Of course, we only had a b&w set, so we didn't know the difference.  But the end credits were slightly different.  As Fred pounded on the door screaming for Wilma to let him in, the scene panned back showing all of Bedrock, lights snapping on in the windows of the houses.  When it turned to color, that scene was no longer used.  On rare occasion, the Cartoon Network will run those old b&w episodes for nostalgia sake.


« on: May 13, 2002, 06:51:22 PM »
Psych 401.1  Child Psychology from the Perspective of the Child; Mr. David Collins; 3 credits

HomEc 202.1  Hair-Bun Arranging; Mrs. Sarah Johnson; 3 credits

Ec 405.1  Non-Traditional Economic Investing; Mr. Jason Maguire; 3 credits

PhysEd 102.1  Finger Wagging; Mrs. Sarah Johnson; 2 Continuing Education Units

HomEc 304.1  Home Shopping for the Agoraphobic; Mrs. Elizabeth Collins Stoddard; 3 credits

Agri 405.1  The Care and Breeding of Unicorns; Mr. Andreas Petofi; 3 credits

HoBusAd 303.1  Hospitality for Unexpected Guests; Mrs. Elizabeth Collins Stoddard; 3 credits

Psych 205.1  Personal Characteristics in Human Relationships; Miss Hallie Stokes; 3 credits (class cancelled)


Perform your heart out and hurry up and get back, Ringo!  It ain't the same without ya!


Current Talk '02 I / Re: The Dream Curse is here!
« on: May 11, 2002, 04:29:34 PM »
A dentist.  Opening that door and there's that torture chair.

I remember when I watched the dream-curse scenes when they first aired back in '68.  They scared the daylights out of me!  I would keep my hands over my face and peak through my fingers.
