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Messages - Gerard

I'm printing off each chapter and I'm gonna wait until all the chapters which have been completed are on-line and printed off before I read them.  I shall do so only then because such a joyous endeavor can only be done with a Skyy Blue martini (Skyy vodka with caracao poured sipped from a really neat art deco martini glass that I have).  Two chapters now printed off, waiting for number three, neatly stacked.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Dark Shadows makes you insane?
« on: June 01, 2002, 04:24:11 PM »
I would like to know if anyone else out there has done some strange things over the years because of watching the show.  Lets see, I have sat and recorded shows so that I could act the scenes with my children.  I even waited four weeks to grow Quentins sideburns.  I also sewed a ruffled edge on an old shirts sleeves for the costume.  We have had seances on stormy nights,parties with DS themes.  I keep a decanter of brandy even though I never drink it...well you get the idea.  My question is DOES ANYBODY ELSE DO THINGS LIKE THIS OR DO I NEED HELP OF SOME KIND?/

Yes, Hooked, everything you do is definitely activity that would require a check-in at Wyndcliffe, but don't worry - I'll help.  It'll just take me some time to get everything set up.  Let's see:  one voodoo doll; pair of black candles; herbs; amulets; Leviathan Book Volume I; amputated mummified hand.  With all this, I'll have ya fixed up in no time and you'll no longer have that bizarre obsession with "things Dark Shadows".  Now where did I put that scarab?


I'm going to print it off (already got it bookmarked) and then sit back with a nice vodka martini and enjoy.  We're suppose to get more thunderstorms here, so I'm going to get psyched for just the right mood!


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: "Angelique's Descent"
« on: May 30, 2002, 02:51:15 AM »

Just so's y'all know, I did not pay Jennifer anything for this endorsement.

((Hey Jennifer, you forgot to send me your mailing address for the check. Do you take Paypal?))


Well, we all know who's gonna get the part of Victoria Winters in the movie adaptation of Mark's book, don't we?  Mmm-hmm.

By the way, Mark, I have a copy of it as well, so the next time you're having some french fries from McDonalds, just remember who made that purchase possible!


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: "Angelique's Descent"
« on: May 29, 2002, 09:48:50 PM »
I really enjoyed the novel, especially the historical sweep of it.  What I found particularly interesting was how Lara Parker presented Angelique in situations beyond her control, compelling her to do the things she did, just as the 1795/96 flashback on the series made one far more sympathetic to Barnabas, as he was the victim of circumstances as well.  

As I read the novel, when I came upon those moments dramatizing possible escapes for Angelique, I actually hoped she would succeed, even though I knew full well she would fail (otherwise, she wouldn't have become what she was).


Today's episodes had some good, memorable bloopers, but the earring falling apart right off of poor Maggie's ear was, well, special.  The timing could not have been better, with Joe insisting she take them off when - poof! - one cooperates without Maggie's assistance.  I'm rather surprised that neither TLATKLS nor Mr. Crothers didn't do some ad-libbing when it happened (although Maggie did a belated version as she held and examined with loving eyes the broken bauble).  Some of the performers were rather good at that, especially Joan-oh-what's-the-name-of-that-city-in-Brazil-[snap-fingers-snap-fingers-then-point]-Belem-Bennett and Louis-a-hundred-miles-a-hundred-miles-it-felt-like-a-hundred-miles-Edmunds.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Scariest Character
« on: May 26, 2002, 10:13:08 PM »
When I was a wee little one (about eleven), the scariest thing for me back then was Jeremiah's ghost, walking around all bloody and bandaged with little bits of him hanging all over the place.  I remember the scene when he takes Angelique and dumps her in the grave, threatening to bury her alive...........I watched it through my fingers, my hands over my face.


That is one of my most favorite adaptations of Stoker's Dracula.  Here's an interesting trivia tidbit.  In America, the Hammer classic had the title "The Horror of Dracula", but in England, where it was made, it had the simple title of "Dracula".  That had to do with copyright laws, as the Stoker family still retains the rights to the title.  For some reason, "Dracula" could be used in England, but not in America.  That's why the Coppola version was called "Bram Stoker's Dracula".  Once again, it woud've violated copyright law to just call it "Dracula".  I think, but I'm not sure, that the reason why Lugosi's "Dracula" was able to get away with it was because Universal technically did a filmed version of the stage play (which had permission to use the title), not the novel (the same with the Frank Langella version).


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Lesser of 2 evils?
« on: May 26, 2002, 03:31:08 AM »
Gerard, you must have been a fascinating child!


Could I tell you stories!


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Lesser of 2 evils?
« on: May 25, 2002, 03:10:17 PM »
Ah, you know how fickle kids are.  One day they hate something, the next day they can't get enough of it.  When I was an urchin, I loathed Swanson frozen TV dinner chicken, and then it was all I would ever eat.  Same with David:  first he sees Barnabas as some monster living in a casket trying to murder him, and then he's his bestest, bestest friend in the world.  TV dinner chicken or vampires, to kids it's all the same.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Let's have a vote!
« on: May 25, 2002, 03:01:36 PM »
My top ten are:

1.  Hallie Stokes
2.  Hallie Stokes
3.  Hallie Stokes
4.  Hallie Stokes
5.  Hallie Stokes
6.  Hallie Stokes
7.  Hallie Stokes
8.  Hallie Stokes
9.  Hallie Stokes
10. Carrie Stokes


Current Talk '02 I / Re: O. T.....but maybe not.
« on: May 24, 2002, 09:31:49 PM »
I can't grow a dull garn thing.  I've been know to kill plastic plants.  I get all my greens from their natural habitat - the supermarket.  Same thing with any herbs - I get them in their natural casings......those little glass bottles.

And it's also been cold, cold, cold here in the midwest, too, with nothing but rain (we're getting it all while the rest of the country is screaming for it).  We had warm temps yesterday (Thursday), up to 78.  This morning, it was 30.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Adam's brain
« on: May 24, 2002, 01:16:10 AM »
I think Mark is asking us to put on our dirndl skirts and lederhosen and march on the castle with our torches and pitchforks.




Current Talk '02 I / Re: Adam's brain
« on: May 23, 2002, 08:33:53 PM »
Mercy. A riot is an ugly thing. And I think it's about time we had one.




Current Talk '02 I / Re: "Just Not Our Kind, Dear."
« on: May 23, 2002, 08:30:13 PM »
And I bet Adam even goes bowling.........on a league, no less!  No polo ponies for that lower class slob.
