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Messages - Nelson Collins

I was thinking "The Claw" from Toy Story.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: 1968
« on: February 21, 2007, 10:16:55 PM »
Footage was often shot earlier than the actual taping and then inserted at the proper time during taping.  :)
Interesting.  I guess that is the first time I really noticed it.  I mean it's pretty obvious that some exteriors were filmed  (Roger's car, etc.), but with things like the flames burning up Bathia Mapes appearing to the left of her before  quickly moving  to cover her, and most if not all of the Dream sequences ending on camera lingering on the something the dreamer sees to allow the actor run back to be their bedroom set in time to wake up screaming, I got the impression that just about everything was written, blocked and preformed so that everything was done in real time.

You say that it often happened?  Could you perhaps point to some other instances? :)

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Dark Shadows the Begining
« on: February 21, 2007, 10:05:23 PM »
Apologies, MB, 'twas not my intent to [deadhorse]

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Dark Shadows the Begining
« on: February 21, 2007, 08:51:23 PM »
Oh don't take what I said as a criticism. I know what it's like to not want to wait. But I think MPI is shooting themselves in the foot over this. If I ran a store and people wanted a particular item I would try to stock as many as I could and I would not try to deny anyone that product who was willing to pay for it just because they didn't belong to some nit club. They probably think the interest will be just as stong in a year as it is now, maybe it will be. In fact it probably will be. But this kind of thing just sets my teeth on edge.
Oh, no, I don't take it that way at all!  In fact, ITA that MPI is shooting itself in the foot, but who knows, perhaps their marketing arm thinks they will get more return on their investment.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: 1968
« on: February 21, 2007, 08:47:53 PM »
Blair to Hairy Johnson:

In one episode only, Amy and David said "Quentin" rather than "Que'in", which is how most Americans and a lot of Brits would say it, but it was a relief to have it stop... then they went back to it.   I used to do that, until I stopped and noticed it.
I agree but I can't help being enormously enamored of Amy at this time so whenever she says "Quen'in" I just wanna say, "awwww, how kayoooot!"

Why did Chris lose all caution about living away from people, and stop keeping on the move?  Was it all the guilt laid on him over not being there for Amy?

I think that was it, since Tom died there wasn't anyone left to take care of Amy, though ISTR Chris getting ready to bolt now that Amy was pretty well ensconced at Collinwood, then Ned showed up with invalid sister in tow and not long after away we go to 1897!!!!!

Current Talk '07 I / Re: 1968
« on: February 21, 2007, 08:41:07 PM »
SFX question: In episode 631, when Chris visits Blair to ask about his murdered brother, said brother Tom the vampire had in fact been reanimated (this time in a plaid flannel shirt rather than the far sexier blood red shirt he had on when he was sucking on Julia) and is standing outside the window of Blair's house.  How was this acheived?  Did the director have some video footage pre-recorded to dump in a the correct time?  Because ISTR in that scene, we see an exterior of Tom  coming up to the window, cut to Blair looking surprised, cut to an interior shot of Tom looking in the window, with blair and Chris talking offscreen, then a cut to a two shot of Blair and Chris on the set and Blair walking to the window.

The shots of the window (inside and out) look like they were recorded on an empty set and I remember the pacing was such that it was not possible for Don to run back and forth to play both parts! :)

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Dark Shadows the Begining
« on: February 21, 2007, 08:26:43 PM »
Brandon and Alondra, I am a cheapo and control freak too. but I had to balance that against have seen very very few of the pre-Barn eps and my teh sad fanboy in me won out! ;)

Current Talk '07 I / Re: The February 19th Episodes
« on: February 21, 2007, 08:23:02 PM »
Nope. I mean that in Ep #693 they actually set the drapes on fire in a duplicate set of Stokes' room and shot it as if the fire was in the same set as Thayer David was.
Ah, yes, I remember now.  I just watched that ep not too long ago.  I need to check that again.

Barnabas: I've told you before, Willie.  Indoor plumbing was not around when this house was originally built.  If you want to go, there's an outhouse in the garden....

Dave:  Okay, Sam, enough is enough.  Spit it out.

Josette, I am very sorry to dispute you, but there are sources that claim a very different orgin for the phrases "graveyard shift," "saved by the bell," and "dead ringer."

See for an alternate origin of "graveyard shift."

and for the origin of "dead ringer."  That article also mentions "saved by the bell" and has a link to an article that traces its origin to Boxing terminology.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: The February 19th Episodes
« on: February 21, 2007, 05:35:11 AM »
It never fails to astound me that whenever a fire was required in a scene on DS, a real fire was actually started in the studio (often on a duplicate set).

Do you mean a live fire on a blue screen set to be added to the action as required?

"There are many anecdotal references to people being declared dead by physicians and then coming back to life, sometimes days later in their own coffin, or when embalming procedures are just about to begin. Stories of people actually being buried alive (which must assume no embalming) led one inventor in the early 20th century to design an alarm system, with a bell and a cord that could be pulled from inside the coffin."

There have been documented cases where graves from centuries ago  have been exhumed and the lid of the coffin has been scratched at by the occupant who regain consciousness after having been buried in the ground.  Horrible.

I have a book by Charles Addams, called Dear Dead Days, not of his drawings, but of what is referred to as a collection of his inspirations, reprints of various articles, drawings and photographs that he has collected over the years.  One such drawing is the very invention you describe.

Burke became so bored by Vicki and Dr. Woodard's seemingly endless droning analysis of things that he drifted away and began to imagine that his hand was "THE CLAW! THE CLAW!"

Jason:  Why can't you treat me with RESPECT I would get from any STRANGER IN THE STREET!