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Messages - tripwire

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Current Talk '02 I / Re: Malpractice
« on: June 22, 2002, 01:16:49 AM »
and what about all these people that she had "pronounced" dead....lets see....barnabas and adam and carolyn(yes, there was perhaps extinuating circumstances) but with liz, it was malpractice to the max...even when liz tells all that everyone will think she is dead, the good doc "pronounces" and they toss her in that special coffin(good thing she was stubborn enough to want that type coffin) but, if you ever need a sedative, you know who to look for ;)

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / spoiler
« on: June 21, 2002, 07:36:57 AM »
well, i guess i am going to show my newbieness, but here goes ; reading a lot of the posts, i have come across a few that have this S P O I L E R  thing in messages, and i always wondered if spoiler was a cousin, or just what all that spoiler meant...ok, i responded to a message last night, and tonight in reading the other responses to that message, i seen mine, and i had that  S.P.O..I...L.E....R   thing in my message, and i know i didnt type it, so i was wondering if maybe someone would take the time to fill me in on this mystery  :-/... thanks in advance

Current Talk '02 I / Re: What a cheap shot
« on: June 20, 2002, 07:59:42 AM »







if you are looking for perfection, this is not the show for you   lol..... 8) me, thats all a part of the show, sure, some of them are ridiculous, but, when the show was airing, i was the first one off the bus getting to the tv..and it seems this show only gets better with age..and in this age of movies that have all special effects and very little substance, its a refreshing change,even with its glitches...hey, next week, that great scene, when nicholas turns angeliques hand into a skeleton hand, comes on :o....i am sure when i seen that the first time, i said "thats so fake"..but by that time, i was hooked, what with great plots and unintentional humor, it sure beat the rerun cartoons that was showing at the time

Current Talk '02 I / "just gives me the willies"
« on: June 14, 2002, 07:11:30 AM »
i think it is today that one of the classic bloopers comes up as willie is supposed to brick up the wall, as he is thinking to himself...unfortunately, this tape, # 58, was eaten by the vcr grr, but, in following the storyline, it has to be today...and someone commented about the flies in an earlier thread...trask did good with that fly attacking his barnabas did when he announces to willie that he was going to "do away with dr. hoffman" another time, when nicholas blair is looking out the window, thinking to himself about how cool he is, as all his plans are working out, "ima" comes to make a 8)

Current Talk '02 I / classic verbals
« on: April 25, 2002, 07:58:52 AM »
"its a sudden death, that i know, my father wrote to tell me my cousin, uncle jeremiah, was very disturbed!.
.. "tell her im im im im on my way"..... "a man who claims to be a cousin, barnabas cousins,,,barnabas collins"...."that night must go nothing wrong"...."dont feel bad amy, i dont like to feel my, i dont like to see my relatives".."i will be not sit here, accepting this"
"if were able to get that from her,is it necessary to kill her" ((loud flatulance sound))   "yes"    ;D   just a few to name

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Alexandra "Giggles" Moltke
« on: April 25, 2002, 07:20:20 AM »
and another one, was just on i believe...its where vicki daniel and naomi are in the study...and a pounding comes on the door, its forbes.well, i dont know what naomi was doing, but she was going this way and that, all freaked out, or pretending to be....well, as moltke watched this, again, a turn of the head and a smile.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Alexandra "Giggles" Moltke
« on: April 25, 2002, 07:15:43 AM »
i have another vicki giggle scene,,,,,ok  on tape, its tape 19, its where Barny is scaring david...david hauls butt down the steps, followed closely by liz...well, vicki and julia are in the drawing room, and here the commotion, and come out to the foyer,,,david remarks about the portrait of Barnabas...then he says to vicki "the eyes, the eyes, theyre blaring at me, glaring at me, staring right thru me". watch vicki turn her head, annd bust up, and even gets liz to laughing(well, smiling heavy) which for a dramatic scene wasnt called for..julia saves the day as she walks over to the portrait, getting the other 3 out of the scene.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Blooper Poll
« on: April 23, 2002, 11:56:55 PM »
now to a subject i find great  ;D...ok  for physical goofs, my handle, tripwire, came from the scene which madam finley has discovered  quentins room, and obviously trips badly on the wire that was meant to slam the door shut...she looks back down at it in an angry expression....too much.....there is also that scene where barnabas is talking with vickie about the music box, and how its affecting her, when all of a sudden the crew decides to build another ....oh me.....they played the scene well however.willie coming out of the secret room and cracking his head, had to have hurt...the light blowing out as king johnny and magda prepare to enter the secret many.its like asking what your favorite beatle song is.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: HOUSE CALL
« on: April 22, 2002, 08:10:52 PM »
lets sure as heck wouldnt be dr. hoffman......didnt she "pronounce" liz dead, even though liz had told everyone that she would seem dead, but still be alive, but tossed her in the coffin anyway....after one of the "experiments" didnt she declare carolyn dead?...and didnt she conclude both adam and barnabas were dead, when both were still alive, actually buried B alive? yes, nicholas may have had something to do with carolyn being revived, but still, thats not a good track record  :o

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Forgetful Barnabas
« on: April 21, 2002, 05:47:13 AM »
didnt barny get all upset at ben for not staking him, calling him a "traitor"...a few eposodes ago?  if he was really that serious about his final destruction, he could have always taken a stroll in the sun, and not had to put anyone thru what would surely be a traumatic experience for the doer.  

Current Talk '02 I / Re: If you lived at Collinwood . . .
« on: April 20, 2002, 05:33:09 AM »
lol  yes chris, that is true, i am sure it wouldnt have the normal things in it, such as leviathans trying to seduce you into their cause, a werewolf that tends to shrink when he transforms, a black shadow that chases folks, a warlock who has been given a second chance, a once evil witch that has turned into a good witch, kids that seem to grow up at alarming rates and such.... ;)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: ditzy millicent
« on: April 20, 2002, 03:12:23 AM »
nancy barrett is a fine actress, plays great as millicent, havent seen the 1995 version of her, but her pansy faye posession of 1897 was as good of a performance that i can recall on the show, has that english accent down.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: If you lived at Collinwood . . .
« on: April 20, 2002, 03:06:31 AM »
preferably somewhere in the west far away as i could from the loons that inhabit the regular part of the house   ;D.   that room where they entered pt would be cool, have to dump the pic of angelique of course, put some portraits of famous racehorses up, have a keg on tap at all times, up to date computer with the whole table and drawers for it, wide screen tv with every cable channel available, so i could watch the daily ds programs  lol   yeah, thats the ticket 8)

Current Talk '02 I / Another view of Trask
« on: April 20, 2002, 02:46:23 AM »
ok  if i may, will play devils advocate for trask...sure, he was overzealous, make up wearing, and cruel, but, he was called for to find a witch.. and there was a witch there........VW has no explanation for how she got there, seems to be able to predict the future, has a book of the collins family from the future, and finally admits that she is from 172 years in the future, and explains that she was transported to the past while they were having a seance...oh   and that she once "flew back from boston"...i was a little disappointed he didnt question angelique a little more, specially after her admitting she had a "vision" of someone at the new house...this while he was looking for a possible "coven" of, there was a witch, he got a conviction, just the wrong girl, but, under the circumstances, the obvious person was put on trial.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: TRASK MEMORIAL WALL
« on: April 20, 2002, 02:28:05 AM »
with apologies to ronnie raygun...."mr stokes, tear down this wall.pleeeeeeease"..

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