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Messages - joe integlia

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i was very young when darkness at blaisdon aired on abc. hearing the music and seeing the girl with long dark hair and thayer david walkin around with that lantern, i thought i was watching dark shadows! when i watched night stalker on abc movie of week, i was older and even before reading the credits, i knew this movie was made by the same people that made dark shadows! the same goes for when i saw burnt offerings in the theatre. even if it wasnt  the ds music playing in a horror/sci-fi movie theres something about robert coberts scores that just instantly reminded me of dark shadows!

Current Talk '06 II / Re: New Leather Store
« on: December 11, 2006, 11:33:59 PM »
barnabas must beat his willie at least once a day! lol

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Pre Barnabas On Dvd
« on: November 17, 2006, 10:36:24 AM »
nothing about the next convention was announced at the halloween party. i dont recall anything being announced at the ny festival either unless it was during the banquet. i didnt attend the banquet.

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Has TV Land Snubbed Us?
« on: November 14, 2006, 07:33:07 PM »
thats right, the only hd ds broadcast we could hope for would be of the films and maybe the 91 series?. since ds was shot on standard definition video, i dont see anyway it could be converted to hd video. it has something to do with the lines of resolution. ntsc only has 525 and pal 625. hd has like 1000 or more and so does film. so not only will there be no hd upgrades for ds but none for any other show shot on tape before hd came along.

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: vista theatre halloween party
« on: November 06, 2006, 06:43:38 AM »
added and updated pictures on vista website. dont forget to add me to buddy list on yahoo for possible webcast of the event.

i added photos of the event to my H.O.D.S. IS 30 website. heres the link directly to those photos u can view all 3 vista theatre D.S. events at

i finished editing my video footage of the event. it runs apx. 30minutes. i can combine this with previous videos from vista theatre, H.O.D.S and N.O.D.S. celebrations to make a 60minute vhs or dvd. anyone interested in a copy can email me for details. JTVIDEO@WEBTV.NET
I have another idea on how to share this video with everyone. i could show it on my webcam thru yahoo messenger! u would need to install yahoo mesenger on ur computer if u dont have it already at   it is free. u may or may not need a yahoo account and email address but that is free too. then u would need to add me to ur buddy list. my yahoo address is  do not add my webtv address and this will not work with webtv either. u do not have to have ur own webcam to view my webcam. then we will have to figure out a day and time when most people can view. for me weekends are best. i work from 4pm to 1230am pacific time, monday thru friday so those times wont work for me. so i will check later today to see how many of u added me to ur bud list and take it from there. it should be fun and maybe if this works out i could show other vintage convention footage that i have shot. i have footage dating from 1982!

heres a few of my pics

And HOW COME NOBODY has mentioned the TONS of orbs in all these posted pics? As a ghost hunter enthusiast, I am pleasantly surprised. There was especially A LOT of them in the background of one of the wide table shots that included Marcy Robin, as well as in one of the pics of the stars getting out of their limos.
what is that wierd circle in the left hand bottom corner of the david selby picture? is that an orb or the spotlight or just dust/dirt on the camera lens?

yes jim started working for dc in the early 90s. i have speculation of how he got to work for him. i cant prove it so i cant post it cause i know my comments will be removed. but in the late 80s many fans including myself got cease and desist letters from dcp lawyers. this was for selling tapes of the show and t-shirts with characters from the show on them and other fan created merchandise. remember there was no mpi created merchandise or video releases back then. so us fans were keeping ds alive.

[edited by mod]

nice pics. roger davis name was in an ad placed in the local L.A. WEEKLY newspaper that came out a week before the event. ive tried posting pictures here but it keeps saying upload folder full and make my files smaller but they are under 100 kb so i dunno.

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / vista theatre halloween party
« on: October 27, 2006, 09:56:16 AM »
attended the vista theatre event tonight. john karlen, jerry lacy, roger davis and chris pennock were no shows. barbara steele and karen black placed handprints in cement in front of the theatre. kathryn l. scott and lara parker were in costume but i dont think they were costumes from the show. the so called dark shadows music concert was a let down for me. the ad made it seem like we were going to see robert cobert conducting his orchestra but what we got was pre-recorded music with added live organ/piano music played to clips from the show! one of the hi-lites was david selby in full quentin costume and makeup reciting shadows of the night. im sure others will be posting reports and pictures. i got photos that i will post here or put on a website later. i videotaped most of it but was told to turn the camera off during the concert.

heres better pictures including marley in an upcoming movie called GRINDHOUSE.

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / MARLEY SHELTON ON SCREAM AWARDS
« on: October 11, 2006, 10:50:56 AM »
SPIKE TV showed the SCREAM AWARDS last nite. one of the hosts was MARLEY SHELTON who played victoria winters in the 2004 pilot. im not sure if spike tv plans to repeat it for those who missed it. it celebrates mostly current and gory films. no tributes to classic horror films and no mention of dan curtis in the R.I.P. segment. it was taped at the pantages theatre in hollywood on saturday night and i was there as a seat filler. i showed up in several audience shots during a tribute to quentin tarantino. cant miss me in the pumpkin shirt! sorry not the greatest pic but workin on better and one of marley.

and alexandras son is named ADAM! lol

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