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Messages - Gerard

Current Talk '02 II / Re: The Horror! The Wig Returns!
« on: August 02, 2002, 03:42:39 AM »
I'm one who prefered her "Hi!  I'm Julia!  Fly me!" do.  I winced the first time I saw her with shorn locks.  It's obvious she's growing them out again and by the time the Leviathian storyline comes around, they'll be long enough for her next coif.  As a matter of fact, they'll be long enough for the 1970PT that she'll be able to do them in two styles, one for Hoffman the Danversish housekeeper, one for Dr. Hoffman.  Of course, she had her full head for House of Dark Shadows and looked like total class.


Elizabeth, in her confused state brought on by the curse of Angelique, fell as easy prey to an aluminum siding salesman and was now having all of Collinwood covered in the miracle metal, so there was scaffolding along the outside wall (along with one of those signs by the front gates advertising the siding company) allowing Adam easy access to Vicki's window.

Well, it's possible, isn't it?


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Demented Montage
« on: August 01, 2002, 02:42:15 AM »
Connie, you simply MUST get a job taking pics for driver's licenses and passports!


Actually, I was glad to see FRANKENSTEIN - THE TRUE STORY because I haven't seen it since its first airing, and I remembered it as being pretty decent. I watched the first hour of it and recorded the rest, since, by then, my old bones were growing weary. Will probably watch the rest of it today. The part I did watch matches my memory exactly; looking forward to seeing more.

Still, it's annoying as hell that AMC runs an entirely different movie from what they advertise -- and even their promo 30 seconds before the start of the film was for the DC version. It makes it a bit difficult to trust their program schedule. They did the same thing a few months ago with GODZILLA VS. MOTHRA; instead of the superior 1964 version, they ran the newer, 1992 G VS. M. A bit easier to understand, given the titles, but still -- one would hope their programmers would do a spot of double-checking before they list something on their schedule.


The '64 "Godzilla vs. Mothra" was the very first Godzilla movie I saw, and from that moment I was hooked on the jolly green giant stomping away at plastic duplicates of Tokyo and other sundry Japanese metropolises.  When I saw the '64 film, however, it was then-named "Godzilla vs. the Thing".

I prefer my Godzilla as he was in those earlier films (Godzilla, King of the Monsters; Gigantis the Fire Monster; King Kong vs. Godzilla; Godzilla vs. Mothra) when he was evil.  I never cared much for him when he became a hero, saving Japanese children (with the help of his smoke-ring-blowing son Minya [aka Tadzilla]; where the heck was the Mrs.?) from other rubber-suited creatures of earth and sky.  The one positive thing about his 1990's resurrection was that they made him evil again.

I had the chance to see the original, first production, "Gojira" (Godzilla's name in Japanese), sans Perry Mason, with all the uncut scenes and subtitles at a film festival.  Even though the Raymond Burr Americanized version is truly eerie and powerful, it pales in comparison to the authentic thing, an around-three-hour epic.


I think it was an insidious plot concocted by AMC as part of the Enron Scandal and the Masonic involvement in trying to impose the New World Order.  Either that, or somebody at AMC just goofed.  Anyway, the NBC miniseries was a decent production in and of itself, but I didn't stay up to watch it regardless.  We'll just hafta keep our eyes peeled to see if AMC does air the DC version.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Carolyn, what's wrong with you?
« on: July 28, 2002, 03:09:39 AM »
Hey, Bob, I could even see Claude Rains filling in for Louis Edmonds as Roger!  He could swirl a brandy snifter with the best.

Gerard (Who Would Ask Miss June Lockhart to Fill In For Grayson Hall Should She Become Ill and Miss Bette Davis was Unable to Participate)

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Carolyn, what's wrong with you?
« on: July 27, 2002, 03:32:48 PM »
You're not yourself! I thought Diana Parker (is that right?) did a fine job with a totally thankless task. While you might be able to be blonde and learn your lines, it is hard to literally be someone else. Carolyn by now IS Nancy Barrett. It has always irritated me when a tv show replaces an actor as though they were interchangeable. The only time it worked for me was on Roseanne, and they made fun of it.


I always just pretend during that episode that Nancy Barrett, being the thespian trooper she is, decided to come to work regardless of that nasty flu which had waylaid her that day, and she just looked and sounded differently because of congestion and puffy eyes.  If Gene Kelly could sing in the rain while he suffered from a massive flu (with a temp that was over 102 and, when they finished shooting that scene, it had risen to a dangerous 104), splashing in all that studio water, so can our Nancy.

A coupla years back, I believe it was on this board but it might've been the newsgroup, we had some fun trying to imagine what it would've looked like if many of our stars became ill and had to be temporarily replaced (ala when Joan Crawford had to step in for her daughter Christina on "Secret Storm").  The best scenario - and one that would've produced the most fireworks - would've been if Joan Crawford had to stand in for Joan Bennett and Bette Davis had to fill in for Grayson Hall.  Someone called it the Nouveau Film Diva Smackdown.


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: The Reason There Have Been Access Problems
« on: July 27, 2002, 03:23:49 PM »
I had mentioned a buncha posts ago that I always save MB's fantastic montagues and now it seemed I know longer could - right clicking on them would not call up the command.  However, I just discovered (to my delight) that AOL for whatever reason won't do it, but Netscape will, so once again I'm able to continue with my MB Montague collecting!  What is it with AOL anyway?


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Joan Crawford's Bustier
« on: July 26, 2002, 02:49:31 PM »
Well, her bustier is better than any of that CRAP you use to wear!  Now, let's go out for some ice cream!  Strawberry!  Strawberry!


Current Talk '02 II / Re: NOW AND THEN
« on: July 26, 2002, 02:45:44 PM »
The one who could always bring up every emotion in me as a viewer - comedic; tragic; evoking fear - has been Willie.  Both then and now he does it.

But as a wee-widdo-kid when I first watched it, the one character that absolutely terrified me was the ghost of Jeremiah.  That Evenlyn-Ankers-chasing mummy all dolled up in bloody bandages with a smooshed-up face scared the bejeepers outta me.  I use to watch the show with my hands over my eyes whenever he made an appearance.


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: The Reason There Have Been Access Problems
« on: July 26, 2002, 02:41:18 PM »
Thanks, MB.  I only had a problem once trying to get on, but I just figured it was a temporary we're-experiencing-technical-difficulties....... so I didn't panic.  But I do miss not being able to save your wonderful montages anymore.  I have an entire disc containing nothing but them!  I guess sometimes good things don't last forever.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Reversed Credits - 7/23
« on: July 24, 2002, 12:20:45 PM »
My favorite credits-blooper is when some of them peeled away and fell off as they rolled.  I don't remember which episode it was on, but it appears on the Bloopers video.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: To COLORIZE or Not to COLORIZE?
« on: July 23, 2002, 03:42:47 AM »
Nope.  I'm no fan of colorization - it is the changing of art.  To me, it's no different that "updating" the Mona Lisa or the Sistine Chapel ceiling.  Would we give Leonardo's lady a Katie Couric hairdo?  Put a speedo on Adam?

The kineoscope episodes do constitute something different (the color episodes).  However, they are so grainy now, I doubt if colorization would help.  Possibly, they would look murkier.  Perhaps they (whomever "they" are) should look into computerized restoration of them, if that technology exists.


I'm actually on vacation right now, but getting the occasional chance to get on-line so I can make sure I don't miss Mark's posting of the chapters.

I am NOT reading each chapter (except for the first three) as Mark posts them.  So what am I doing?  I print them off without peeking and am keeping them altogether in a binder until we have received his entire work of art, and then I shall sit with either that Skyy Curacao martini or Stoli Vanil Black Russian (I haven't decided which yet) and enjoy it the way it was meant to be enjoyed until HarperCollins and Dan Curtis Productions had their hissy fits over who got what money and this fantastic novel did not end up between glossy illustrated covers.  Of course, that means I have to be careful about reading everyone's posts regarding it so I don't end up with any spoilers.


Games / Re: Groovin' tunes at Collinwood
« on: July 07, 2002, 08:38:46 PM »
Elizabeth:  They're Coming to Take Me Away

Carolyn:  Downtown (Petula Clark)

Roger:  Margaretaville

David:  I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus (the jolly, old elf replaced by Tony Peterson)

Julia:  Lies, Lies, Lies

Quentin:  Little Red Riding Hood

Mrs. Johnson:  She Works Hard for the Money

Cassandra:  Silver Threads Among the Gold

Nicholas:  It's Time to Get You a Woman, Leroy (change the last word to Adam"
