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Messages - Gerard

Current Talk '02 II / Re: History and Storylines
« on: October 19, 2002, 03:20:43 PM »
I have my degree in history and have taught history.  The way the Collins family history is constantly changed and distorted simply reminds me of some of the answers and ways of understanding given by my past pupils.  I guess it's universal.


I just wonder - if Ned Stuart and the Dell creatures are locked in a room together for an indeterminate amount of time, who's hair would go white first?


Happy, happy birthday, John!


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: unfavorable D.S. review
« on: October 18, 2002, 04:38:46 AM »

It's interesting the term "has-beens" isn't it? I've never really understood what the term meant.  If it refers to the fact that once time popular actors are not popular or don't work as actors anymore, that's a pretty limited and shallow view of the world.  Few people have a professional life that is consistently successful and most actors who do work in the business are never known at all ever to the general public.  Yet they will consider themselves very successful because they do work in their field or have at least had the experience in having some success in an enormously difficult and competitive field.  I think being able to work in one's chosen field at all is a great accomplishment, especially given the degree of difficulty in the arts.

Nobody is ever a "has been."  The talent is there and if that performer was able to touch even one person in a special way, it makes them forever memorable.


Well said, Nancy.  I always take the opportunity, if I find a DS performer/participant's website with the ability to send a message to congratulate them on their fine work, both past and present, and to tell them how grateful I am for making my youth so much more marvelous by enjoying all they did back then.


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: unfavorable D.S. review
« on: October 18, 2002, 03:38:01 AM »
The generalizations this gentleman made in his "review" are, of course, just that.  He basically pegged the performers as has-beens.  Several of them and others involved in DS went on to be either nominated for, or have won, Oscars, Emmys and Tonys.  

But one still wonders about the reason, since he was, at least before, a fan of the show.  Something obviously happened to him, and it seems that it occured at one of the fests (I've never been to one).  Undoubtedly, most who go have a wonderful time with the other fans, but I'm sure there are those occasional times when the one is picked by the thorn rather than experiencing the aroma of the rose.

We can all say from the intellect that one should not judge from one bad experience, and it's easy to say that, but when it happens, the emotions take over and that's understandable.  That's human nature.  And then there is a tendency to exaggerate the affair.  Sadly, for some, such a negative experience can not only turn one off from those who share the interest, but from the interest itself.  It becomes too painful, as the interest is now associated with those who did not behave in a more friendly or civilized manner.

We should maybe take that into account with regards to this gentleman.  Something did happen, and it hurt him to cause such a reaction.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: PHOENIX LINEAGE
« on: October 17, 2002, 08:41:17 PM »

   How would Laura know about Josette?  If Barnabas was supposed to be just a boy how could Josette be there? Barnabas met Josette in Martinique and she came to Collinsport for her wedding.  Angelique would have been there, too.  I am completely confused and I have seen this part of the story before.  

Shhhhhhh!  You're not s'pose to ask logical questions like that!  This is Dark Shadows!  Next thing you know, people'll start asking why Naomi's tombstone still says 1821 on it even though she cashed it in in 1796.


First Miss Cleo, now the Dell kid.  Gone.  Life's getting better every day.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: PHOENIX LINEAGE
« on: October 15, 2002, 08:55:05 PM »
I forgot something.  If there was any form of "genetic passage" through the line, then David shoulda been filled with that burning DNA.  Already, he would've possessed it from his father, Roger, who got it from his father, Jamison, who got it from his mother, Laura.  And since David's pure-bred phoenix great-grandmother was also his pure-bred phoenix mother, the guy shoulda already been able, to some degree, to be very popular at a bbq where those briquettes just won't ignite, no matter how much lighter fluid you splash on them.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: PHOENIX LINEAGE
« on: October 15, 2002, 08:50:41 PM »
I always wondered, too, if there was any "genetic residue" of the phoenix in the descendants of Laura's progeny (meaning through Jamison, as apparently, we don't know if Nora ever married and had her own little firebrands).  To their credit, Roger and David, and Elizabeth and Carolyn, all had firey personalities, but nothing else ever seemingly manifested.  The possibilities could've led to some more storylines.

As for the discrepencies to the plots following Laura's reintroduction in 1897 (as well as how she did relate to Jeremiah back in the eighteenth century), chalk it up to the usual Dark Shadows woopsies.  Time travel stories always created massive paradoxes and contradictions (for example.............BIT OF A SPOILER HERE..............since Barnabas was able to change history and prevent Quentin's bogeyman from haunting Collinwood in the present, when he returned to the present, there should've been no memory of it by anyone, but whatchyagonnado?).


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: Very sad news... not OT
« on: October 14, 2002, 03:55:44 PM »
What a terrible tragedy.  He will be forever missed, but always in our thoughts and memories.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: What's Willie been up to.
« on: October 11, 2002, 07:38:52 PM »
He's doing a Trading Spaces show with the new occupant of Nicholas Blair's house.  


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: **** VERY IMPORTANT **** Please Read
« on: October 11, 2002, 05:17:39 PM »
I am no longer able to access this site using Microsoft Internet Explorer on my Macintosh. It tells me I'm using the wrong URL and says "please use and update your bookmark" but that is the URL I'm using. I'm still able to access the site on my Windows PC. Strange

I'm getting the same thing when using Netscape (but it works fine with my Microsoft Internet Explorer, as well as AOL).  But I can't save MB's fantastic collages anymore!  Sigh!


Nicholas ended up working for the IRS.  Even Diabolos is now frightened of him.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Naomi Collins Died in 1821?
« on: September 29, 2002, 12:55:46 AM »
The American Colonies (and I think the American Republic for awhile, but I'm not sure), still used the old Julian Calendar in the eighteenth century.  It was behind the Gregorian Calendar - only by several days, less than two weeks, but I'm just pretending that it was a bit longer back then.  So that explains it.

It works, doesn't it?


Current Talk '02 II / Re: JOSHUA'S DILEMMA
« on: September 25, 2002, 11:17:49 PM »
I think Joshua believed he was being kind by putting his son to his final rest.  Unfortunately,  he may not have realized his son was not truly at peace.

That's the way I look at it.  There really wasn't any kinda handbook on what to do with your progeny when they become vampires, so he probably thought he was putting him to rest, with no magazines to read for almost the next 200 years.  Parenting must be an extremely difficult task.
