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Messages - Gerard

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Time Paradoxes--1795 & 1897!
« on: October 29, 2002, 04:41:03 AM »
Now, for 1897! Barnabas goes back to the past to save David...and completely changes the timeline. If that were the case, wouldn't Janet Findley still be living when he returned to 1969? And how about old Ezra? He'd be living, too, correct?

Let's hear your take on all this!

You are absolutely right.  If Barnabas had changed history, there never would've been a haunting of Collinwood in 1968/69.  Okay, for now, let's forget the whole thing about you-can't-change-history (e.g., if you went back to April 14, 1912 and convinced Captain Smith to do what was needed to avoid the iceberg, thus the Titanic would never've sunk, she would still've sunk, because since she didn't, you wouldn't know to go back to 4/14/12 to prevent her from striking the iceberg, blah-blah-blah).  Let's say that Barnabas

[spoiler]and Julia did change history and returned to their own time of 1969, discovering that no haunting ever took place, no one has memory of it since it never happened, but they remember the alternate time line because, through their time-travels, they are somehow "protected" from forgetting.

Now here comes another SPOILER.

The biggest paradox should've happened with the 1840/41 storyline because that is where history was REALLY changed.  In the unchanged history, Gabriel (and Edith) becomes the master of Collinwood, and the lineage passes through him (Gabriel/Edith; unknown children; Edward/Lara, siblings; Jamison/unknown-wife, Norah; Elizabeth and Roger).  BUT..........because Barnabas (and Julia and Eliot) change history, they change the lineage to pass through Quentin I and his son Tad, thus completely changing the progeny/descendents.  When Barnabas, Julia and Eliot returned to 1971, they should've found a completely different family living there.  By the way, if the series had continued, that would've made a fascinating storyline, somehow getting our three heroes to restore the original line.[/spoiler]


Current Talk '02 II / Re: The Secret
« on: October 29, 2002, 04:27:22 AM »
Jamison Collins (Roger and Elizabeth's father) may have known the Secret -- but died rather, er, unexpectedly before being able to transmit it to Liz ... (though he may have whispered it with his last breath to Betty Hanscomb!).

That's always been my theory.  Jamison simply croaked (massive heart attack; stroke; got hit by the milk truck) before he could blab.  Or maybe Edward got his lights turned out before he spilled the beans to Jamison.  And, don't forget, there's nothing to say that Grandmamamamamama didn't just suddenly assume room temperature before she laid it on Edward in the unchanged time-line.  After all, when she went to the great beyond, she was hardly dating material for Roman Polanski.  She was lucky if she made it from breakfast to lunch.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Dark Shadows Masterpiece Theatre
« on: October 29, 2002, 04:13:00 AM »
Loved Carl's haircut and jacket (very sixties).

And very Oscar Wildeish!


Current Talk '02 II / Re: OT - Curious - where are you?
« on: October 29, 2002, 04:06:06 AM »
Wisconsin (but have also lived in Nevada, Pennsylvania, California, Arizona and Alaska).


Current Talk '02 II / Re: OT Trivia question for original fans
« on: October 27, 2002, 03:11:47 AM »
Oh, for cyrin' out loud, I'm gonna be up all night trying to remember the name of that show!  It came on, I believe, Friday nights.  There was one episode in particular that scared the you-know-what outta me:  a woman was accidentally locked in a room (a library) with the ghost of an enraged and vengeful murderer.  Well, I will keep rackin' my brains trying to remember.


To our dearly beloved and talented Mysterious Benefactor:  when will we once again be able to copy your utterly fantastic montages and download them?  There have been several of your incredible works that I have not been able to add to my collection.  I have filled up an entire zip disc with your previous marvelous pieces of art.  I don't wanna miss a one!


Current Talk '02 II / Re: 1897 Collins family
« on: October 26, 2002, 03:26:45 AM »
Quentin's age was mentioned as being 27.  I'm gonna say that Carl is 24.  Why?  Ah, no particular reason.  I'll peg Edward as being 40.  I'm basing that on Jamison's age, figuring that Edward probably married no later than his mid-to-late twenties.  Judith?  I'll make her just over 40 by a few years.  Why such wide age differences?  At that time, it wasn't uncommon for married couples, especially of the upper hoidy-toidy class, to sleep in separate rooms.  And I always figured that all four siblings did have the same parents.  Grandmamamamamama is obviously in her eighties, at least half-way through.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Barnabas in 1897
« on: October 25, 2002, 02:11:19 AM »







Technically, history has still not been changed regarding Barnabas being in the coffin, since only his consciousness has been sent back, occupying his body which existed back then.  His physical body is still in 1969.  Of course, as the story progresses, his physical body is also shot back into time, "melding" with his body back then.  Most likely, if that would not have happened, once he resolved the situation (which creates another paradox anyway, but we won't go into that now), I would surmise that his consciousness would return to his 1969 physical body, while his body back then would find itself once more back in the coffin.  Now don't ask me exactly how.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Grandmama
« on: October 25, 2002, 01:53:59 AM »
I guess it was a blooper when she called him Edward instead of Quentin but many older people are forgetful--they will go through several names before they get it right.  

Even though it was an obvious blooper, it couldn't've been better timed, with Grandmamamamamama saying how easily she now confused all of them in her old age, thinking Edward was Carl and Carl was Quentin and Quentin was Judith.  Well, maybe not that.


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: OT:  Hey everyone...
« on: October 22, 2002, 02:41:02 PM »
Have a speedy recovery, Carol, and make sure your hubby spoils you rotten (break out those bon-bons and milk it to the max!).


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: unfavorable D.S. review
« on: October 20, 2002, 09:05:24 PM »
Help Anne is losing control wait till her Q-man starts
to talk then she'll be headed for WinCliff!!!

Anne!  Control yourself!  There are ladies (and gentlemen) here, who are now blushing!  Just teasing!  I know if I ever saw TLATKLS in person, I'd become a blabbering, heart-thumping-in-chest schoolboy madly in love, and then hit the floor in a dead faint.  Can you imagine, Anne, if you and I were in a room at the same time when the Q-Man and TLATKLS entered together?  We'd probably shatter the windows!


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: Today is Rhonda's Birthday!
« on: October 20, 2002, 04:39:07 AM »
Have a wonderful birthday, Rhonda!


I loved him on Cheers, especially with his constant bickering with Sam, and his tension-filled sheet-hitting with Carla.  Absolutely hysterical!  He will be missed.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: History and Storylines
« on: October 19, 2002, 03:20:43 PM »
I have my degree in history and have taught history.  The way the Collins family history is constantly changed and distorted simply reminds me of some of the answers and ways of understanding given by my past pupils.  I guess it's universal.


I just wonder - if Ned Stuart and the Dell creatures are locked in a room together for an indeterminate amount of time, who's hair would go white first?
