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Messages - Brandon Collins

Current Talk '07 II / Re: vicki's return from 1795
« on: October 21, 2007, 06:32:23 PM »
if she (viki) changed history by saving daniel, how come there was a collins family anyway, since, if daniel was killed that would have ended the family line.

Vicki saved Daniel? When? What am I forgetting here?

Current Talk '07 II / Re: What's the skinny on the HODS & NODS DVDs?
« on: October 21, 2007, 06:27:21 PM »
I believe that Darren shut his website down a while back due to lack of activity on the front of restoring NODS. He may be bringing up another site soon, I don't know.

As for the DVD releases, all I've heard is that the WB will be releasing them sometime next year.

I have to go to Borders sometime this week to return a book, so I'll look for it and peruse it while I'm there. Thanks for the heads up!

Current Talk '07 II / Re: HODS Revisited
« on: October 18, 2007, 03:21:23 AM »
MGM did say that they wanted cuts to be made, just like with NODS, to preserve running time. I'm unsure as to whether or not DC personally decided to cut the Barn/Julia relationship scenes, as Gothick suggested. The David hanging scene was cut due to poor testing results when the film was screened originally before release.

I agree that the cinematography was excellent, save for a few angles. One of my favorite shots in the entire film is when Barnabas and Maggie are walking during the daylight and we see them as shot from a high angle, in that beach tree, as they are walking underneath. I've always thought that shot was very inventive and beautiful.

Current Talk '07 II / Re: HODS Revisited
« on: October 17, 2007, 06:39:03 PM »
I consulted Darren Gross' passage in "The Dark Shadows Movie Book" for my paper and I believe even he said in what he wrote that because so much was chopped up from the beginning that it was hard for any new audiences who were not familiar with the material to distinguish between everyone. I remember reading something about how people may have even thought that Roger and Liz were husband and wife instead of brother and sister.

I think cutting the hanging-David gag scene really nixed the opportunity for people to get to know these characters and their respective roles at Collinwood, because if I remember correctly from reading the script, that scene did help out to distinguish people and their various statuses.

Hopefully the JD DS film will learn from past DS film mistakes. And maybe, if we're lucky enough that WB releases the two movies with all the cut material, we'll get to see how it was intended to be shown in the first place.

Current Talk '07 II / Re: HODS Revisited
« on: October 17, 2007, 02:49:00 AM »
Okay, so I realized that my first post was deleted when I tried to put those new graphics at the end, which, hey, not nice.

I'm taking a film class this semester, and I have a paper due tomorrow about "sound in film." One thing we have to do is watch the first five or ten minutes of a film with no sound. So I picked HODS. Watched the first ten with no sound, and I can't believe how fast it moves. I mean, all that exposition and all those character introductions in that short amount of time! Imagine some one who isn't familiar with the material trying to keep all those people straight! It would be impossible!

Watched it back with sound (another requirement of the paper) and I was amazed at how much the score slowed the film down. I mean, I know that the music is slow and moody, but it really slows the screen action down. Try it and see if you see the difference. Maybe it's just me.

Also, I noticed what might be a continuity error. Watch the scene when Daphne is walking down the driveway. We cut away to see Barnabas' feet walking through the woods. Here his coat is short, and his boots don't look period. Then, watch the scene where Maggie is locked in the room in the Old House and we see Barnabas' feet walking towards the camera out in the hall. Here his boots look period, and his coat is MUCH longer. Not sure about the boots being different because it could just be the lighting or the camera angle, but the coat definitely looks shorter in the former scene.

Current Talk '07 II / HODS Revisited
« on: October 17, 2007, 02:33:07 AM »
 [8_1_214]  [8_1_210] [devil2] [8_1_203]

Current Talk '07 II / Re: i'm doing 1840...finally
« on: October 17, 2007, 02:23:59 AM »
It wasn't Barnabas' fault that he fell in love with Roxanne. She pointed at HIM first!

...............sorry, couldn't resisit.

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Edith's Family Secret
« on: October 10, 2007, 04:20:17 AM »
lol Confusing, huh? Magnus' got it pegged. I'm afraid I probably wasn't using the correct terminology, but what he said pretty much gives what I said a little clarity.

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Edith's Family Secret
« on: October 09, 2007, 01:38:50 AM »
MB made an interesting point in another topic, the one titled "i'm doing 1840...finally". It's one of the more recent posts in the topic, his latest one anyone.

Basically, they're talking about how Edith is killed in 1840, which breaks the continuity of Edith being very old and alive in 1897, but because the writers were writing the series from the POV of Barnabas and his timeline--that Barnabas traveled to 1840 after 1897, and therefore it came AFTER 1897 in Barn's personal timeline--that this is perhaps why they made this mistake.

This made me think of an interesting point in that, since in the DS world, Barnabas traveled to 1897 first, where Edith was alive, then traveled to 1840, where Edith was younger and alive, then was killed, perhaps because of Barnabas traveling back to 1840 in the first place. It's all very confusing, I know, but the basic point of my idea is that in 1897 Barnabas scared Edith to death before she could tell anyone the secret, then when he went back to 1840, possibly causing Edith to be killed just because of his preseance, that this is why the secret was never told. Not only did Barnabas scare her in 1897, but he inadvertantly caused her death in 1840, thus preventing a future Edith from telling the secret in 1897.

Of course, this really relies on possible parallel times--for instance: Barnabas starts in the future of the parallel universe that has the 1840 events in it, and since Edith was killed when she was young in this time, the secret never got told to anyone. But when he traveled from this present day time to 1897, he went into the 1897 of the regular time band, where Edith never died at the hands of Gabriel, and Barnabas instead had to scare her to death and prevent her from telling his secret, in case he returned to the present of the regular time band.

Also, this would require the two time bands to be very closely related and running together concurrently.

Hopefully this came across more clearly than it seemed in my head. This crap really gets convoluted when you get into the stink of it.

Current Talk '07 II / Re: i'm doing 1840...finally
« on: October 07, 2007, 03:36:28 AM »
Don't know what to say about Edith being killed in 1840 and then having old Edith in 1897 just bursting to tell the family secret. Which would mean that Gabriel would've known it because Daniel would've told it to him in 1840, which obviously didn't happen because A) we didn't see it and B) Daniel HATED Gabriel a whole spankin' lot, and probably would've told it to Quentin instead.

I can't remember if Gabriel bites the bullet or not in 1840, but if he didn't, maybe he married another Edith?

I agree with what others have said about the ages of Gabriel's children. We were never given any hint as to how old or young they were, so they could've been anywhere from probably 6-25.

And in regards to Daniel being the last surviving member of the family in the late 18th or early 19th century, that's heavily debateable. Especially since the Collins family tree, found in the DS Almanac, shows that Isaac Collins, the first ancestor, had three unknown children. And then one of those unknown children had Joshua and Abigail, from which the rest of the tree branches out. So it's possibly that one of Joshua's uncles had children, thus resulting in Flora and Desmond appearing as cousins of the 1840 family.

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Edith's Family Secret
« on: October 07, 2007, 03:22:35 AM »

I have not progressed very far into 1897 - is this the story where at one point Barnabas' true nature is discovered and he is staked, then turns up alive, claiming the the "vampire" Barnabas was not the real one, thus averting any further vampiric suspicion?  If so, then surely would Edward not at some point mentioned this family secret?

Yes. That's basically what happens.

The family obligation was to mind the crypt, wasn't it, to keep BC chained up?    Once he's loose and then staked, the secret is obsolete.

Yes. but Joeytrom's statement was that if Barnabas had've never traveled back in time and basically scared Edith out of her mind, then she would've likely told Edward the secret.

What do you think of these scenario's that may have happened?:
- Edward wrote the secret off as nonsense and never mentioned it again.
- Edward went to the mausoleum to verify what Edith said and was too scared to ever mention it ever again to anyone.
- Edward believed what Edith said and did passed it to Jamison, who obviously didn't believe it as he didn't pass it to his wife or Elizabeth

I don't think that Edward would've just written off what Edith told him. He seemed very devoted to her, from what I can recall and he would've prided himself on knowing something that the others in the family didn't (by which I mean that he would've waved it in their faces, pompously). I also, therefore, don't think that he would've just went to the mausoleum to verify what she said, because to completely verify it he would've have to opent he coffin, thus releasing Barnabas. It's possible that he just saw Barn's coffin and was terrified after that, but I don't think that happened either.

In the original timeline, what probably happened is that either Edward, Jamison, or Jamison's wife died somewhere outside of Collinwood or Collinsport before they could tell the secret to the next of kin who needed to know it.  If this is really what happened, then it explains why the present day Collinses didn't know about Barnabas when he showed up claiming to be a "cousin from England," not to mention the way Joshua doctored the history only helped Barnabas' cause.

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Barnabas in 1897
« on: October 03, 2007, 04:30:29 AM »
Barnabas certainly was much more of an "activist" rather than a "passivisit" in 1897.

One thing that keeps me coming back to topics like this is that time is so convoluted and paradoxical that it continuously remains interesting. I mean, if you look at the natural timeline of things: 1795-1840-1897-1960s-1995, it seems all jumbled up. But, if you look at if from the perspective of the audience, and thus, the characters, it tends to make much more sense even though it shouldn't-- 1960s, 1795, 1960s, 1897, 1995, 1960s, 1840.

I think it's fairly safe to say that Vicki isn't responsible for the convolutions that happened, as she was only replacing Phyllis Wick, who we can assume went through all the same things.

But, lets just forget the character's personal timelines for a second. Start with 1840. All that stuff that's happened, Barnabas is interfereing yet again. Julia, Stokes, and Angelique all pop up, all characters from another time. Mucking up of the timeline seems to be the in thing. So, what if all these people popping up is what caused Quentin in 1897 to be so conniving and evil, thus leading to his ghost haunting Collinwood in the 60s? Maybe in the original 1840, Angelique didn't visit Barnabas' grave at all. Maybe she did, and was assured that he was still there, so she left, without becoming involved in the events at Collinwood.

And it's completely possible that Barnabas traveling back in time caused the Leviathans to show up. They saw he was perpetually trapped in 1897, with no apparent way out, and decided to take advantage of it, using their last ounce of power to bring him forth, make him their earth-bound leader, and bring them back to power.

There's a million different ways this could go, and THAT'S what makes it interesting to talk about.

Maybe someone can email MPI and tell them to make a "PEN" replica, to make it's appearance at the next festival! I bet it would be a sellout!

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Halloween Theme(s)
« on: October 01, 2007, 04:25:44 AM »
Love the new theme. Won't change it. EVER.