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Messages - joe integlia

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Polls Archive / Re: Last day of DS
« on: April 02, 2007, 09:24:11 AM »
i did watch the last episode on april 2nd, 1971 but i stopped watching years earlier except for a few sparactic episodes because i got a paper route after school sometime in late 1969. never would have known it was ending if a friend didnt tell me. i picked up my papers and brought them home that day instead of delivering them immediately like i should have. i was wrapping the papers with rubber bands while watching the final episode. i remember being totally confused wondering why barnabas wasnt being called barnabas and angelique wasnt angelique and why were they kissing! then the last few minutes, melanie who i thought was still carolyn was brought in with bites on her neck. finally, i thought to myself, the ds i remember, only to realize that in a few minutes it would all be over and how are they going to wrap all this up in 1 minute? then the narration explaining it all and then it was over. then the phone started ringing. customers calling wondering where their newspapers were. thats what i remember about that day. then a few years later in fall 1975 to discover its return(at least in the philadelphia area) in reruns for a year at least. 

another vintage dark shadows convention video now on youtube. from 1983, the manhattan shadows convention. i did mini- interviews with addison powell and the late joel crothers. it was joels only ds convention appearance. jonathan frid moderated a technical panel and some technicians shared their behind the scenes stories. frid also described his feelings about his 1st performances as barnabas. unfortunately the sound is low and the picture is poor quality much do to the sun coming in a huge window creating a back light problem for my rinky dink 8mm film camera. didnt they realize there was a vampire in the house?

wasnt the movie TOMMY released in quadrophonic sound? how does it differ from surround sound of today. i never had the pleasure of experiencing any movie in quad.

dr. shock. wow. i loved him and watched every show while growing up in philadelphia! actually his show was where i first saw some of the classic horror films like dracula and frankenstein. then i would watch dark shadows and see similiar stories being told! about 10years later i tried getting a job at the station that was broadcasting dr.shock just to work on that show or be in the same location. it wasnt meant to be. then sadly dr. shock passed away in 1980 or 81. nancy, do you have the lovely tribute program  that wphl did on dr. shock shortly after his death?

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Re: DS Actors Nude
« on: March 24, 2007, 06:53:49 PM »
wasnt grayson hall topless in that movie with stacy keach? i think it was called "the road". maybe i was just hoping for a topless scene cause shes so hot. lol You also left out terry crawford topless shot in the movie with deniro that i also cant remember the name of.

i never heard of dvd-r only lasting 2 years and i doubt its true. they said the same thing about vhs tapes back in the 80s. i still have my 1st vhs tape i ever recorded back in 1980! i play it once in a while just to see if its held up and it plays perfectly everytime. also have an off the air recording of devils daughter from the 80s and its good quality. i missed the sci-fi broadcast. my vhs copy of devils daughter also still plays perfectly.

yes. karlen also anounced that his show cagney and lacy was cancelled. he was unaware of the huge writing campaign underway that saved the show! too bad a writing campaign couldnt save his 1st tv series!

i added more vintage d.s. video to youtube. this one is from 1983! before the festivals there were shadowcons. i attended my first one in 1983. met LP,KLS,JK,+RR for the 1st time and JF was there too. back then there were no big crowds no mile long autograph lines. you will see how we all could just go up to a star and get an autograph. the only organized signing was for JF and still the line was nothing like they are today. so take a look and leave some comments please.

happy birthday dennis. it was a pleasure and a joy to give him a ride home that night.

thanks for posting the link midnite. yes all the infos on the last page of the website or email me for info. JAYTEEVIDEO@YAHOO.COM

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Re: jonathan frid on youtube
« on: March 10, 2007, 03:50:01 AM »
i only edited a few minutes out. mostly the barnabas look alike contest. the winner looked nothing like barnabas but he had the cane and the ring and the cape. back in those days i had a super 8 sound movie camera and a roll of sound film lasted only 4minutes and cost like 10 bucks. so i only had 2 rolls of film. i didnt take any shots of the crowd cause it was too dark in the crowd. as far as i know david jay may have been anounced as a guest at a festival in later years but didnt show up. i could be wrong about that. i will post again when i upload more footage. zacherley was conversing with frid in the press room and i believe he introduced frid onstage but i missed filming his intro.

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / jonathan frid on youtube
« on: March 08, 2007, 04:21:06 AM »
i uploaded footage i shot 25 years ago of jonathan frid. it was at an event in 1982 at the magique disco in nyc. it was to promote the syndication of ds on wnbc tv4. jonathan describes his favorite blooper and girls from the crowd are heard yelling out "BITE MY NECK"! Please view and make comments on youtube or here or both. you can do a search for jonathan frid at or my page/channel is at

(Moderator Note: discussion about a posting problem has been split off to "Re: Automatically Inserting BBC Code Problem" on the Testing board.)

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Marie Wallace visits Dark Shadows Forums
« on: February 27, 2007, 11:42:11 AM »
how exciting to have a cast member visit here. hope u will post/visit often. i met u way back in the early 80s at a now defunct event called manhattan shadows. i have attended many festivals on both coasts.

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Re: ShadowGram Update #164
« on: February 03, 2007, 07:40:43 PM »
a fan has already been banned for his behavior. i agree with david. nancy, i dont think the situation with that fan that yelled at kls was handled very well. he was up there screaming at her for a good few minutes before anything was done and he was not kicked out and caused another incident the next day with david selby and he still continues to attend festivals. yet 20years ago an attendee was banned for his rudeness and other matters but didnt cause the kind of disruption like what occurred at the festival a few years ago.

[edited by mod.]

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / d.s. websites i created
« on: February 02, 2007, 09:14:08 AM »
i will soon be giving up the primitive method of accessing the internet, otherwise known as webtv or msn tv. the websites i created with webtv will be removed. the new addy for the 2005 festival is now at and the h.o.d.s./n.o.d.s is 30/halloween party site is currently being reconstructed to mirror the webtv site and is located at
my original site wont be affected as it was created by tim choate still located at
please visit the festpic site and sign the guestbook and sign the petition to bring ds to soapnet that david nahmod started. i added link to it on last page. my new email is

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