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Messages - Brandon Collins

Polls Archive / Re: Dark Shadows biggest LOSERS (present time storyline)
« on: January 07, 2008, 07:26:31 PM »
This was a tough poll for me because there are so many things to factor in. Many of the characters that existed in the DS universe had a problem to contend with, whether it was self inflicted or caused by someone else. So my votes went to:

Vicki Winters: Because damn, if she didn't get stupid as time went on. It seems that her loss of intelligence could've stemmed from the various things she had to go through at Collinwood, such as that threateningly insane charge of hers, the persistant refusal of her questions about the reasons for which she was hired and about her lineage. And, oh yea, perhaps the biggest thing that ever happened to her intelligence was the arrival of that very OLD man who somehow seemed to captivate everyone. Plus, ya know, she went through all that drama with going back in time, being tried and hanged as a witch, then losing her love, finding him, and finally, being pushed off a cliff.

Maggie Evans: Because, as everyone knows, she was once a tough-talking sass who told it like it was, and then some. Her demise seemed to come as soon as the very OLD man mentioned earlier came into town, and after Vicki disappeared to Barnabas-knows-where, Maggie was offered the position which would nail the final hinge on her coffin--governess at Collinwood. Where, she would subsequently be frightened by Mr. Juggins, become the always tread upon lady (since the spot was vacated by Vicki) and oh yea, her Pop's was killed by the ex-scorned lover of the man who was interested in her.

Angelique: Because she caused so much shit in her quest for a certain very OLD man, yet recieved so much shit in her quest for a certain very OLD man. 'Nuff said.

Jason McGuire: An unlikely choice, yes, but a reasonable one. For months he tormented Liz with the thought of her husband, Paul Stoddard, being dead, when, in fact, he wasn't. Jason extorted Liz and made various advances at her, attempting to get her to marry him, all so that he could get her money and the Collins estate for himself. But, when a certain very OLD man arrived, Jason was quickly snuffed out. And, let's face it, he didn't achieve his ultimate goal. And as many of us know, not achieveing a goal which you have been working so hard towards for so long, can be quite depressing and make one feel like a loser. Plus, to be so twisted, sick, demented, wrong, and abusive, you have to know that his life previous to Collinwood was a big shit hole.

Is there any word about when "Tell Me You Love Me" will start airing the second season?

"Return to Collinwood" may be offered through MPI, I'm not 100 percent sure though. I picked up my copy at the festival in 2006 when I went, and I belive they had some for sale there last year, so MPI may offer it on their website.

Calendar Events / Announcements '08 I / Podcasts
« on: January 05, 2008, 06:11:13 AM »
So I was tooling around on iTunes today after class, and what do I find but Dark Shadow stuff? Yes, they have Bob Cobert's music on there and everything. And someone even had started a DS podcast, which, sadly, had only 3 episodes, one of which was pretty decent, made by someone called "Miller" who called himself "Barnabas" when hosting the show. Does anybody know this person, or is he perhaps on this forum? I'm interested to see if there are plans to continue this shindig.

Thought about starting one myself, but will have to wait until our new internet gets put in. That's right! No more dial up! FINALLY! haha

what's the difference? I mean i'm a bit confused. i want the entire story NOT just part of it. ya know?

I'm not exactly sure what type of answer you're looking for, but I'll take a whack at it.

As the others have mentioned, the CDs that are produced by Big Finish are not a "continuation" of the show, after the last episode, per se, but they are supposed to be considered canon, or so I was led to believe. I mean, everyone can take or leave whether or not they are, but I think they work well with the series. These CD episodes are supposed to take place somewhere between the last episode of the show, and "Return to Collinwood" which is supposed to be a continuation of the show, set in 2003 or 2004, with the residents of Collinwood older. "Return to Collinwood" was NOT produced by Big Finish, it was instead written and produced by Jamison Selby, son of David Selby, and includes many of the original actors in their original roles and new roles.

Anywho, each CD put out by Big Finish contains 3 episodes. So, after a total of 4 discs, which comprise the first season, you have 12 complete episodes that time in at about 20-25 minutes, the length of the original show episodes minus commercials. The first season, or the first 4 discs, had a minute overarching storyline, but were largely stand alone episodes, with each disc starting a storyline at the beginning of the disc, then wrapping that story up at the end of the disc. There are subtle clues throughout the first 3 discs which hints at what's coming on the 4th disc, the last three episodes.

So, in summary, the first 12 episodes, contained on 4 separated CDs, are basically stand alone stories on each disc with a small overarching theme. The second season, which I'm going to guess is going to be comprised of 4 discs as well, equalling 12 episodes once again, has been said to have a more intertwined story that continues from disc to disc, instead of being so stand alone-ish.

If you want to think about it this way: The first 4 discs released were the first season. And just like a television show, the season had stand alone episodes with an overall theme, but that theme was wrapped up at the end of the season, but still left small questions for a cliff hanger. So, now you're stuck waiting all summer (or winter as the case may be) for the second season to start, so that the series will continue and you can get the answers you want.

Basically--the discs are released every few months when the new season is ready to be shipped out, so there will be some waiting inbetween the discs. But now that the entire first season is released, you can order all 4 discs at the same time, and get all the story for that first set in one sitting.

Hopefully I haven't confused you entirely and haven't repeated myself too much. I've been up since early, so my brain isn't what it once was. :D

Current Talk '07 II / Re: quentin,david and amy
« on: December 29, 2007, 12:11:41 AM »
Spoiler: In 1967, Vicki's trip through time changed nothing, thereby creating no circular paradox. In 1968, some characters recall what occurred at Collinwood before Barnabas altered Quentin's history, so Barnabas' earlier motivation to visit 1897 remains reasonably intact. In a later storyline, however, Gerard's haunting was apparently totally averted, so there would have been no need for Barnabas, Julia and Stokes to visit 1840 in the changed timeline, and therefore Gerard's ghost would be free to wreak havoc as it did originally...

Under this logic, Barnabas and Julia would have to continually go back in time to avert the haunting caused by Gerard, so they'd be replaying the same loop over and over. Can you just imagine?

Barnabas: This really is getting old. 
Julia: I shouldn't have unpacked from the last time.

And since Quentin came to the present,  can we then assume that the events that happened to him in the past would've still happened but at the point of his death he instead was thrown forward through time to the present day, thus averting his ghost ever haunting Collinwood in the first place, except for the original time we saw it happen?

I've said it before and I'll say it again: paradoxes are confusing.

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Dark Shadows Vol. 1: The Beginings
« on: December 29, 2007, 12:03:31 AM »
The commentaries that you're thinking of are probably in the form of the interviews at the end of discs 2-4. Because of the introduction by AMI on the first disc, the interview at the end was left off. So check out those interviews for the commentaries that you're thinking of.

If you're thinking of commentaries in the sense of a commentary today, where the person watches the program and then talks about it, which you hear while watching the episode or movie, I don't think those exist on any DS DVD.

Current Talk '07 II / Re: quentin,david and amy
« on: December 26, 2007, 03:03:36 PM »
The only person that reacted to Quentin was Amy, and her reaction (being very frightened of him) tells us that she certainly remembers Quentin's ghost haunting Collinwood. So it's also not a stretch to think that David remembers as well, and I believe that Liz might mention it at one point or another.

IIRC, Quentin came to present time during the Leviathan storyline, and he had to go through all that mess with Amanda being Olivia Corey and Julia had to investigate, blah blah blah, we find out that it's Quentin and all that jazz. I don't think he started living at Collinwood until have 70PT.

I agree. That would be a great step up for the future Collinwood in any incarnation that Dark Shadows could return in. And it really wouldn't take much to fix it up either. Just some face lift type of stuff and with computers they could do wonders to it.

Current Talk '07 II / Re: vicki's return from 1795
« on: October 25, 2007, 05:12:43 PM »
Then of course, they repeated that theme over and over.

Just thought of this--Maybe DC's personal life theme, or motto, was "Stick with what works!" Even if that meant doing everything the same. LOL

Games / Re: Live by OUR Rules -START the LIST!
« on: October 25, 2007, 05:09:38 PM »
56. If you go insane, you must relocate to the tower room or the dungeon, tease your hair so that it is so large that it fills the space around you, constantly try to escape, kill, and confuse people, and call little stuffed dolls your "babies."


Games / Re: Live by OUR Rules -START the LIST!
« on: October 25, 2007, 03:21:28 AM »
53. When burying something in the woods, be sure that it stays buried.

Current Talk '07 II / Re: "have we met somewhere before?"
« on: October 23, 2007, 01:21:59 AM »
I agree with arashi. The only reason Julia and Barnabas recognized Gerard, Daphne, and Roxanne was because they had seen the ghosts of the two former in the present, and Roxanne was recognized by Barnabas because she was his love interest at the time.

What's funny about this is that Barnabas and Julia recognize Angelique, no matter what time she is in. With the exception of Cassandra, whom I believe Barnabas suspected was Angelique from the get go, Angelique seemed to be the only one that they recognized in every time period she was in.

Games / Re: Live by OUR Rules -START the LIST!
« on: October 22, 2007, 03:56:13 PM »
44. Be aware that the entire town shares only a few sets of sheets. The most popular of these, the blue sheets, has a long waiting list, so get your number today!

45. When you purchase a new bust, place it in the most absurd place you can think of--such as the bannister on the landing.

46. There is no such thing as "studio workers." When something falls unexplainably, or a vacant cough is heard, that is simply a "ghost" and nothing more.

47. Pay no attention to the man (various people) behind the curtain!

Current Talk '07 II / Re: vicki's return from 1795
« on: October 22, 2007, 03:40:20 PM »
Thanks to Nelson for jogging my memory re: Daniel's near demise.

And it's my guess that if that happened in the original timeline that perhaps Ms. Wicke stopped Noah from killing Daniel, just like Vicki did when Vicki too Phylliis' place in the past. I believe the entire point of the storyline, other than revealing how Barnabas became a vampire, was to have Vicki just take Phyllis' place and go through the motions, like Nelson said.